The Money Laundering Enforcement Scam, Form #05.044

Book Description

Proves that Money Laundering statutes are being abused by corrupted government as a means to compel financial institutions to become the equivalent of federal employment recruiters against their business associates. For reasons why NONE of our materials may legally be censored and violate NO Google policies, see:

Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081

Book Description

Use this as an attachment to a pleading to prove that you are a "nonresident alien' in order to have standing to sue.

Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020

Book Description

Describes and defends the Non-Resident Non-Person Position that is the foundation of this website.

Why You are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006

Book Description

For use in obtaining a passport, for job applications, and to attach to court pleadings in which you are declaring yourself to be a "non-resident non-person" and Constitutional but not Statutory citizen.

Third Rail Government Issues, Form #08.032

Book Description

Subjects that the government or those in government positively refuse to talk about and why.

"U.S. Person" Position, Form #05.053

Book Description

Describes statutory exemptions from income tax withholding and reporting for those domiciled on federal territory or representing offices that are domiciled there

Challenging Jurisdiction Workbook, Form #09.082

Book Description

Use this form as evidence useful in challenging CIVIL enforcement jurisdiction in court.

Proof that Involuntary Income Taxes on Your Labor are Slavery, Form #05.055

Book Description

Evidence useful in court to prove that income taxes on your labor are slavery and may not be included in either your "income" or your "gross income"..

The REAL Social Compact, Form #08.030

Book Description

The way things actually work in the legal field, rather than how they are euphemistically described by politicians.