Recent Run II Electroweak and QCD Results from

Book Description

The D0 Detector is a hermetic, multipurpose detector residing at one interaction region designated for p[bar p] collisions at 2 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. Both the detector and accelerator have undergone major upgrades to increase the luminosity and handle higher interaction rates. This paper presents recent results from Run II data which explore QCD and electroweak physics at the energy frontier. The dijet mass cross section and a search for Z' in dielectron decays are presented, and these are already approaching sensitivities seen in Run I. Additionally, the first measurement of the[sigma][sub Z]* BR(Z[yields][mu][mu]) is given for the new collision energy.

Recent Run II Electroweak and QCD Results from

Book Description

The D0 Detector is a hermetic, multipurpose detector residing at one interaction region designated for p{bar p} collisions at 2 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. Both the detector and accelerator have undergone major upgrades to increase the luminosity and handle higher interaction rates. This paper presents recent results from Run II data which explore QCD and electroweak physics at the energy frontier. The dijet mass cross section and a search for Z' in dielectron decays are presented, and these are already approaching sensitivities seen in Run I. Additionally, the first measurement of the {sigma}{sub Z} * BR(Z {yields} {mu}{mu}) is given for the new collision energy.

De regionibus Novae Romae

Book Description

Bien manger pour moins de 1 ou 2 euros par personne, c'est le pari de ce livre auquel ont participé des bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge française. Le résultat : un ouvrage simple et futé pour se régaler en mangeant équilibré et en économisant argent et énergie. Vous y trouverez : 109 plats savoureux à prix record. Des entrées aux desserts, ce livre vous propose une grande variété de recettes originales ou classiques, mais toutes délicieuses. Tagliatelles au coulis de courgettes, Aumônières au poulet, Timbale de lieu noir... tentant n'est-ce pas ? et pour 1 euro seulement par personne ! Tartare de thon et d'avocat, Champignons farcis, Moussaka aux courgettes... pour moins de 2 euros. Des astuces pour varier les plaisirs : Tours de main, antigaspi, trucs de présentation... : tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour réussir à coup sûr tous vos plats, même la première fois ! Sans oublier les conseils faciles à suivre pour manger équilibré, savoir où, quoi, comment acheter et obtenir le meilleur et le moins cher, ainsi que des menus de saison. De magnifiques photos : Source d'inspiration inépuisable pour décorer et présenter toutes vos réalisations. Et en plus... En achetant ce livre, vous faites une bonne action : pour chaque livre vendu, 1 euro est reversé à la Croix-Rouge.

Fundamental Interactions - Proceedings Of The 20th Lake Louise Winter Institute

Book Description

This proceedings volume contains pedagogical lectures on theoretical and experimental particle physics, cosmology and atomic trap physics. It also includes additional contributions that provide up-to-date information on new experimental results from accelerators, underground laboratories, and nuclear astrophysics. This combination of pedagogical talks and topical short talks provides comprehensive information to researchers in the fields of particle physics, cosmology and atomic trap physics.

High Energy Physics - Proceedings Of The 25th International Conference (In 2 Volumes)

Book Description

This proceedings contains the talks delivered at the plenary and parallel sessions. Topics covered include e⁺e⁻ Physics at Z0, String Theory and Theory of Extended Objects, High Energy pp Physics, Non-Accelerator Particle Physics, Conformal Field Theory, e⁺e⁻ Physics below Z⁰, Structure Functions and Deep Inelastic Scattering, Neutrino Physics, Recent Developments in 2-Dimensional Gravity, Lattice Gauge Theory and Computer Simulations, CP Violation , Accelerator Physics, Cosmology and Particle Physics, Interface Between Particle and Condensed Matter Physics, Detector R&D, and Astroparticle Physics.

Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics

Book Description

This book covers a wide range of problems in elementary particle production physics OCo particle fluctuations and correlations, diffractive processes, soft and hard processes in quantum chromodynamics, heavy ion collisions, etc. Of the utmost importance are inclusion-theoretical papers devoted to the problems associated with high and even very high multiplicity particle production, making proposals for experiments at existing and forthcoming colliders of elementary particles."

Qcd And Multiparticle Production - Proceedings Of The Xxix International Symposium On Multiparticle Dynamics

Book Description

This volume concentrates on three main areas of current research in high energy physics: (1) multiparticle and diffractive production in perturbative and nonperturbative QCD, (2) confinement-deconfinement mechanism and the RHIC physics, and (3) interface between high-energy collisions and cosmic-ray/astro-physics. The specific topics covered include: QCD at high energies, diffractive production, and small-x physics, multiparticle production and systematics: correlations and fluctuations, hadronic final states in e+e-, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions, relativistic heavy ion collisions, interface between high-energy collisions and cosmic-ray physics, and recent development in deconfinement.

Precision Electroweak Physics at Electron-Positron Colliders

Book Description

This book reviews recent contributions of electron positron colliders to the precision test of the electroweak Standard Model. It includes a short summary of the measurements at the Z resonance and gives an overview of the electroweak processes above the Z. Subsequently, measurements of the W mass at LEP are discussed in detail. Late chapters offer an outlook on electroweak physics at the future LHC. Also features many illustrations and tables.

Deep Inelastic Scattering

Book Description

These proceedings present the most up-to-date status of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) physics. Topics such as structure function measurements and phenomenology, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) studies in DIS and photoproduction, spin physics and diffractive interactions are reviewed in detail, with emphasis on those studies that push the test of QCD and the Standard Model to the limits of their present range of validity, towards both the very high and the very low four-momentum transfers in leptonproton scattering.