Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Book Description

Based on the book by the same title, the Reclaiming Youth at Risk video workshop takes viewers inside two schools and two residential treatment centers that have experienced great success in creating environments that allow young people to transfrom crisis into opportunity and failure into success.

Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Book Description

Empower your alienated students to cultivate a deep sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. This fully updated edition of Reclaiming Youth at Risk by Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg, and Steve Van Bockern merges Native American knowledge and Western science to create a unique alternative for reaching disconnected or troubled youth. Rely on the book's new neuroscience research, insights, and examples to help you establish positive relationships, foster social learning and emotional development, and inspire every young person to thrive and overcome. Drive positive youth development with the updated Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Study the four hazards that dominate the lives of youth at risk: relational trauma, failure as futility, powerlessness, and loss of purpose. Learn how cultivating the Circle of Courage values of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity can combat the four hazards. Explore a unique strength-based approach for reclaiming discouraged or alienated youth. Understand how to create a safe, brain-friendly learning environment and break the conflict cycle. Read personal accounts of individuals who have transformed student trauma into student resilience in schools through trauma-informed practice. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Enduring Truths Chapter 2: The Circle of Courage Chapter 3: Seeds of Discouragement Chapter 4: Bonds of Trust Chapter 5: Strength for Learning Chapter 6: Pathways to Responsibility Chapter 7: Lives With Purpose Chapter 8: From Surviving to Thriving References and Resources

Kids who Outwit Adults

Book Description

In Kids Who Outwit Adults, the authors disclose the "private logic" behind kids' troubled and defiant acts. Weaving together an effective, rewarding approach based on successful and proven resilience models, insights from their years of experience, and youths' own heart wrenching accounts, the authors illuminate the internal strengths and external supports kids need in order to break out of negative behavior patterns ...

They Still Pick Me Up when I Fall

Book Description

Rauner demonstrates a direct connection between caring in face-to-face interactions and caring organizations and a caring society, arguing that such a connection is central to our teaching of and expectations for youth. She also posits caring as a way to conceptualize social justice and recognize the connection between public and private morality. Each chapter opens with an overview of a youth-serving organization and includes at least one case study.

The Resilience Revolution

Book Description

Focuses on giving at-rick youth the most important factor in their success: a positive adult connection.

No Disposable Kids

Book Description

Forever Young

Book Description

Celebrate and Rediscover the Restorative Power of Childhood It's easy to sometimes feel that our lives have become dull and stagnant. Now, in Forever Young, psychologist William Crain invites us to consider how six great individuals were able to call upon the powers of childhood to restore their spirits and nurture their creativity. Explore the remarkable biographies of Henry David Thoreau, Albert Einstein, Charlotte Brontë, Howard Thurman, Jane Goodall and Rachel Carson, and discover how each one revived childhood qualities such as a sense of wonder, playfulness and a feeling for nature, and in the process overcame personal roadblocks and expanded our understanding of the world. Following these inspiring stories, Crain also offers practical suggestions for how we too can reclaim the spirit and strengths of childhood to help us uncover meaning and purpose in our own lives.

Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Book Description

A balance of wisdom drawn from Native American philosophies and Western psychology, this book offers a unique perspective for connecting with troubled students. It challenges educators to see youth at risk through new eyes and offers compelling, concrete alternatives for reclaiming them.

They Do Remember

Book Description

Take control of your life and move into a healthy and happy relationship. Move from trauma to understanding and healing. We do not get over it, but we can get through it.

Positive Peer culture

Book Description