Design and Construction of LNG Storage Tanks

Book Description

Weltweit wird die Nutzung von Erdgas als Primärenergieträger noch über Jahrzehnte unverzichtbar bleiben. Dies gilt sowohl für Industrie- und Schwellenländer als auch für Entwicklungsländer. Bedingt durch die geringen Verunreinigungen gilt Erdgas unter den fossilen Brennstoffen als ein klimaschonender, da CO2-Emissionen armer, aber auch als ein bezahlbarer Energieträger. Um den Transport über weite Strecken wie auch über Ozeane zu ermöglichen - und damit eine wirtschaftliche und politische Alternative zu Pipelines zu erzeugen - wird das Gas unter erheblicher Volumenreduktion verflüssigt und mit Schiffen transportiert. An den Export- und Importhäfen sind Flüssiggastanks zur temporären Lagerung und zur weiteren Nutzung erforderlich. Die Tendenz zu kleineren Verflüssigungs- bzw. Verdampfungsanlagen mit den zugehörigen Lagertanks für die Nutzung als Schiffstreibstoff hat neue Marktteilnehmer hervorgebracht, die oftmals noch nicht über die erforderliche Erfahrung und technische Kompetenz verfügen. Der Verweis auf alle vorhandenen Normen reicht nicht aus, um widerspruchsfreie und dem Stand der Technik entsprechende Vorgaben und Anforderungen zu definieren. Durch die Umstellung auf europäische Normung wurden die Überarbeitung und Anpassung der vorhandenen nationalen Normen auf einen europäischen Standard unumgänglich. Komitees und Normenausschüsse auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene haben die Arbeit aufgenommen, um die Normenreihe EN 14620 zu aktualisieren und zu ergänzen. Aber auch in den USA werden die entsprechenden Vorschriften aktualisiert. Die Überarbeitung der 2011 erstmals erschienenen amerikanischen Vorschrift des American Concrete Institute ACI 376 "Requirements for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures for the Containment of Refrigerated Liquefied Gases" wird im Frühjahr 2019 abgeschlossen und die Vorschrift mit detaillierten Angaben zu Planung und Ausführung im Herbst veröffentlicht. Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik hinsichtlich Planung und Ausführung von Flüssigerdgastanks (LNG-Tanks). Da die Thematik sehr umfangreich und vielschichtig ist, wird hier eine Einführung in die einzelnen Bereiche gegeben, wie zum Beispiel Anforderungen und Auslegung im Betriebszustand, thermische Auslegung, Flüssigkeits- und Gasdruckprüfung, Untersuchung des Baugrunds und zulässige Setzungen, Berechnung und Modellierung der Betonstruktur sowie die besonderen Einwirkungen aus Feuer, Explosion und Impact. Auch die dynamische Berechnung mit der Theorie der schwappenden Flüssigkeit wird dargestellt.

Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design

Book Description

"Steam Reforming, Operating Experience to Storage Tank Measurement, Optical Method"

Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas

Book Description

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a commercially attractive phase of the commodity that facilitates the efficient handling and transportation of natural gas around the world. The LNG industry, using technologies proven over decades of development, continues to expand its markets, diversify its supply chains and increase its share of the global natural gas trade. The Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas is a timely book as the industry is currently developing new large sources of supply and the technologies have evolved in recent years to enable offshore infrastructure to develop and handle resources in more remote and harsher environments. It is the only book of its kind, covering the many aspects of the LNG supply chain from liquefaction to regasification by addressing the LNG industries' fundamentals and markets, as well as detailed engineering and design principles. A unique, well-documented, and forward-thinking work, this reference book provides an ideal platform for scientists, engineers, and other professionals involved in the LNG industry to gain a better understanding of the key basic and advanced topics relevant to LNG projects in operation and/or in planning and development. - Highlights the developments in the natural gas liquefaction industries and the challenges in meeting environmental regulations - Provides guidelines in utilizing the full potential of LNG assets - Offers advices on LNG plant design and operation based on proven practices and design experience - Emphasizes technology selection and innovation with focus on a "fit-for-purpose design - Updates code and regulation, safety, and security requirements for LNG applications

Plant Engineer's Reference Book

Book Description

* Useful to engineers in any industry * Extensive references provided throughout * Comprehensive range of topics covered * Written with practical situations in mind A plant engineer is responsible for a wide range of industrial activities, and may workin any industry. The breadth of knowledge required by such professionals is so wide that previous books addressing plant engineering have either been limited to certain subjects or cursory in their treatment of topics. The Plant Engineer's Reference Bookis the first volume to offer complete coverage of subjects of interest to the plant engineer. This reference work provides a primary source of information for the plant engineer. Subjects include selection of a suitable site for a factory and provisionof basic facilities (including boilers, electrical systems, water, HVAC systems, pumping systems and floors and finishes). Detailed chapters deal with basic issues such as lubrication, corrosion, energy conservation, maintenance and materials handling aswell as environmental considerations, insurance matters and financial concerns. The authors chosen to contribute to the book are experts in their various fields. The Editor has experience of a wide range of operations in the UK, other Europeancountries, the USA, and elsewhere in the world. Produced with the backing of the Institution of Plant Engineers, this work is the primary source of information for plant engineers in any industry worldwide.

Plant Engineer's Handbook

Book Description

Plant engineers are responsible for a wide range of industrial activities, and may work in any industry. This means that breadth of knowledge required by such professionals is so wide that previous books addressing plant engineering have either been limited to only certain subjects or cursory in their treatment of topics. The Plant Engineering Handbook offers comprehensive coverage of an enormous range of subjects which are of vital interest to the plant engineer and anyone connected with industrial operations or maintenance.This handbook is packed with indispensable information, from defining just what a Plant Engineer actually does, through selection of a suitable site for a factory and provision of basic facilities (including boilers, electrical systems, water, HVAC systems, pumping systems and floors and finishes) to issues such as lubrication, corrosion, energy conservation, maintenance and materials handling as well as environmental considerations, insurance matters and financial concerns. One of the major features of this volume is its comprehensive treatment of the maintenance management function; in addition to chapters which outline the operation of the various plant equipment there is specialist advice on how to get the most out of that equipment and its operators. This will enable the reader to reap the rewards of more efficient operations, more effective employee contributions and in turn more profitable performance from the plant and the business to which it contributes.The Editor, Keith Mobley and the team of expert contributors, have practiced at the highest levels in leading corporations across the USA, Europe and the rest of the world. Produced in association with Plant Engineering magazine, this book will be a source of information for plant engineers in any industry worldwide.* A Flagship reference work for the Plant Engineering series* Provides comprehensive coverage on an enormous range of subjects vital to plant and industrial engineer* Includes an international perspective including dual units and regulations

Process Plant Layout

Book Description

Process Plant Layout, Second Edition, explains the methodologies used by professional designers to layout process equipment and pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding environmental features in a safe, economical way. It is supported with tables of separation distances, rules of thumb, and codes of practice and standards. The book includes more than seventy-five case studies on what can go wrong when layout is not properly considered. Sean Moran has thoroughly rewritten and re-illustrated this book to reflect advances in technology and best practices, for example, changes in how designers balance layout density with cost, operability, and safety considerations. The content covers the 'why' underlying process design company guidelines, providing a firm foundation for career growth for process design engineers. It is ideal for process plant designers in contracting, consultancy, and for operating companies at all stages of their careers, and is also of importance for operations and maintenance staff involved with a new build, guiding them through plot plan reviews. - Based on interviews with over 200 professional process plant designers - Explains multiple plant layout methodologies used by professional process engineers, piping engineers, and process architects - Includes advice on how to choose and use the latest CAD tools for plant layout - Ensures that all methodologies integrate to comply with worldwide risk management legislation

Protective Systems Against Hazards

Book Description

The enormous growth in scale and complexity of modern industrial facilities, and the associated increase in consumption of energy and raw materials, has put the environment under pressure in terms of depletion of basic resources and safety. Large-scale industrial accidents and severe pollution of the biosphere, as well as detailed analyses of hazard scenarios, have revealed the need for reconsidering currently used safety concepts. Among the many aspects involved in such a process of reconsideration, the protection of the environment is one of the important issues. This report is the first of an intended series of three reports on structural protective systems against hazards. This first report deals with the nature and extent of the problem. Currently used safety concepts are briefly mentioned and evaluated. A survey of hazards and hazard scenarios further illustrates the weak points in traditional solutions. This evaluation reveals that the adoption of concrete structures can substantially enhance the safety of people and of the environment. Some examples of concrete protective structures are presented, showing the potentialities of concrete structures for reliable protection. The material for this report has been brought together by a small group of experts from the chemical and the building industry, consultants, authorities and the academic world. The input of individual members consisted of active participation in meetings of the working group and corresponding membership. The working group was part of the former FIP Commission 8 Concrete Storage Vessel Systems. After the merger of FIP and CEB in May 1998, the work has been and will continue in the framework of fib Commission 3 Environmental Aspects of Design and Construction.

Civil Engineering and Energy-Environment Vol 1

Book Description

Civil Engineering and Energy-Environment focuses on the research of civil engineering, environment resources and energy materials. This proceedings gathers the most cutting-edge research and achievements, aiming to provide scholars and engineers with preferable research direction and engineering solution as reference. Subjects in this proceedings include: - Engineering Structure - Environmental Protection Materials - Architectural Environment ·Environment Resources - Energy Storage - Building Electrical Engineering The works of this proceedings will promote development of civil engineering and environment engineering. Thereby, promote scientific information interchange between scholars from top universities, research centers and high-tech enterprises working all around the world.