Reconciliation by Incarnation

Book Description

The central theme of this book is the reconciliation of God and man, that is, of God with man as well as of man with God. In subordination to the main theme, I have very briefly sketched, first, the cosmology which in my judgment lies behind the Scriptures and the faith of the Christian church; and second, some features of the incarnation of the Divine Word by means of which the foundation of the reconciliation of God and man was laid. - Preface.

The Doctrine of Reconciliation

Book Description

Arthur W. Pink (1890-1953) launched his yearly publication, Studies in the Scriptures in 1921. These continued until his death, altogether 33 volumes of 288 pp. each. Most of Pink's books are taken from these yearly books (written monthly in 24 page format). This title is one of the many taken from eight of those monthly magazines. Readers will find thorough consideration of all the facets of this Biblical Doctrine of Reconciliation. Pink covers: Its Arrangement; Its Need, Its Effectuation; Its Meaning; Its Scope; and Its Reception. There are Scriptures galore cited. Undoubtedly the reader will grow rich in knowledge and in the grace of Christ. The pages are full, with probably 400 words to a page, so buyers will get their moneys worth. As an example of what a master workman like Pink does, note that he cites Romans 12:1, 2: [This verse] ''supplies an interpretation of the rites of the Law and of the reasonable part of the O. T. order of things. Thus, he who would make a covenant with God is required to give up himself wholly unto God with a sincere and firm resolution unto a new life of obedience to Him. If there is any reservation the covenant is marred in the making of it: ''Their heart was not right with Him, neither were they steadfast in His covenant'' (Ps. 78:37). Goodwin's Reconciliation by the Blood of Christ is a sermon he preached on Colossians 1:20, in which He describes the seeming impossibility of reconciling totally depraved men to a holy God. Who is sufficient for such a task? He proves that only Christ Jesus had the fitness to fill this role of perfect obedience to the Law, together with an acceptable sacrifice to propitiate the wrath of God toward men.

Belgic Confession

Book Description

Being Reconciled

Book Description

Both a critique of post-Kantian modernity and a new theology that engages with issues of language, culture, time, politics and historicity, 'Being Reconciled' insists on the dependency of all human production and understanding on a God who is infinite inboth utterance and capacity.

God Becoming Human

Book Description

The incarnation--the act of God assuming mortal flesh through Jesus Christ--reveals God's radical love for a world marked by the rebellion of the created against their creator. God becomes human to create life and restore the disrupted divine-human relationship. This doctrine is thus the theme of the Christian faith par excellence. However, the incarnation does not begin with its ultimate realization in Jesus Christ; that single event is preceded by a long history of a God who continually reunites with his people to lead them from death to life, from bondage to freedom. God Becoming Human pursues the astonishing arc of the incarnation, chronicling the varying ways Scripture recounts the divide between God and the creatures of his likeness as well as the diverse expressions the text gives regarding the desire for reconciliation. As the expectations of an existing intermediary that can somehow bridge this gap between God and humans dwindle throughout the Old Testament, hope is increasingly placed on new forms of closeness to God. The closeness made possible by Jesus Christ receives a wide range of interpretations by New Testament witnesses and is continued by a rich chorus that culminates in the early church with the theology of the incarnation. Reinhard Feldmeier and Hermann Spieckermann invite readers to see that the doctrine of the incarnation, the pinnacle of the scriptural saga of redemption, reveals that God's ultimate purpose in dealing with creation was to become human. As narrated in the story of the fall, if paradise was lost because humanity wanted to emulate God, the one reconciled with God through Christ is now given the opportunity--and challenge--to become a child of God. In accordance with the One who descended from the heavenly throne, one must precisely lower oneself and thus fully embrace one's created humanness. It is through the flesh that the created and their creator are joined; there is no other path to unity.

Christ and Reconciliation

Book Description

In Christ and Reconciliation Veli-Matti Karkkainen develops a constructive Christology and theology of salvation in dialogue with the best of Christian tradition, with contemporary theology in its global and contextual diversity, and with other major living faiths. Karkkainen's Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World is a five-volume project that aims to develop a new approach to and method of doing Christian theology in our pluralistic world at the beginning of the third millennium. Topics such as diversity, inclusivity, violence, power, cultural hybridity, and justice are part of the constructive theological discussion along with classical topics such as the messianic consciousness, incarnation, atonement, and the person of Christ. With the metaphor of hospitality serving as the framework for his discussion, Karkkainen engages Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism in sympathetic and critical mutual dialogue while remaining robustly Christian in his convictions. Never before has a full-scale doctrinal theology been attempted in such a wide and deep dialogical mode.

Reconciling All Things

Book Description

Conflict resolution and peacemaking are not enough. What makes real reconciliation possible? Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice work from their experiences in Uganda and Mississippi to recover distinctively Christian practices that will help the church be both a sign and an agent of God's reconciling love in the fragmented world of the twenty-first century.


Book Description

This first of two volumes comprises Thomas F. Torrance's lectures delivered to students in Christian Dogmatics on Christology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952 to 1978. In eight chapters these expertly edited lectures focus on the meaning and significance of the incarnation and the person of Christ.