Record of Proceedings Before the Joint Committee of the New Jersey Legislature Constituted Under Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, Entitled "A Concurrent Resolution Creating a Joint Legislative Committee to Ascertain the Sentiment of the People of the State as to the Various Proposals and Recommendations for Change in the New Jersey Constitution Made by the Commission on Revision of the New Jersey Constitution and to Report Thereon to the Legislature," Adopted June 15, 1942 ..

Book Description

Record of Proceedings Before the Joint Committee of the New Jersey Legislature Constituted Under Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, Entitled "A Concurrent Resolution Creating a Joint Legislative Committee to Ascertain the Sentiment of the People of the State as to the Various Proposals and Recommendations for Change in the New Jersey Constitution Made by the Commission on Revision of the New Jersey Constitution and to Report Thereon to the Legislature," Adopted June 15, 1942

Book Description

Record of Proceedings Before the Joint Committee of the New Jersey Legislature Constituted Under Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, Entitled "A Concurrent Resolution Creating a Joint Legislative Committee to Ascertain the Sentiment of the People of the State as to the Various Proposals and Recommendations for Change in the New Jersey Constitution Made by the Commission on Revision of the New Jersey Constitution and to Report Thereon to the Legislature," Adopted June 15, 1942 ...

Book Description

Record of Proceedings Before the Joint Committee of the New Jersey Legislature Constituted Under Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19, Entitled "A Concurrent Resolution Creating a Joint Legislative Committee to Ascertain the Sentiment of the People of the State as to the Various Proposals and Recommendations for Change in the New Jersey Constitution Made by the Commission on Revision of the New Jersey Constitution and to Report Thereon to the Legislature," Adopted June 15, 1942 ...

Book Description


Book Description