Recycling the Past or Researching History?

Book Description

Recycling the Past or Researching History? brings together an international group of Baptist scholars who explore various issues in Baptist historiography and myths. Contributors examine and re-examine areas of Baptist life and thought about which either little is known or the received wisdom is in need of revision. Historiographical studies include the date Oxford Baptists joined the Abingdon Association, the death of the Fifth Monarchist John Pendarves, eighteenth-century Calvinistic Baptists and the political realm, confessional identity and denominational institutions, Baptist community, ecclesiology, the priesthood of all believers, soteriology, Baptist spirituality, Strict and Reformed Baptists, the role of women among British Baptists, while various myths challenged include the nature of high-Calvinism in eighteenth-century England, baptismal anti-sacramentalism, episcopacy, and Baptists and change. The common theme tying these studies together is that research into Baptist history should deal with the primary sources and not, as has too often been the case, rely uncritically on the scholarship of previous generations.

The Priesthood of All Believers and the Missio Dei

Book Description

The priesthood of all believers is a pillar undergirding Protestant ecclesiology. Yet the doctrine has often been used to serve diverse agendas. This book examines the doctrine's canonical, catholic, and contextual dimensions. It first identifies the priesthood of all believers as a canonical doctrine based upon the royal priesthood of Christ and closely related to the believer's eschatological temple-service and offering of spiritual sacrifices (chapters 1-3). It secondly describes its catholic development by examining three paradigmatic shifts, shifts especially associated with Christendom (chapters 4-6) and a suppression of the doctrine's missional component. Finally, the book argues that a Christian doctrine of the priesthood of all believers should be developed with a Christocentric-Trinitarian understanding of the missio Dei. This suggests there are especially appropriate ways for the royal priesthood to relate to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. A canonically and catholically informed priesthood of all believers leads contextually to particular ecclesial practices. These seven practices are 1) Baptism as public ordination to the royal priesthood; 2) Prayer; 3) Lectio Divina; 4) Ministry; 5) Church Discipline; 6) Proclamation; and 7) the Lord's Supper as the renewal of the royal priesthood.

Baptist Identities

Book Description

The authors of the papers published here come from a dozen different countries and represent different expressions of Baptist life. The papers were delivered at the third International Conference on Baptist Studies, held at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague in July 2003, with the theme Baptist Identities. Those who gave presentations explored what factors have contributed to the nature of Baptist distinctiveness in different countries and at different times. In some cases the authors have written about their own contexts, using specific case studies that relate to particular periods, whereas in other cases they range more widely, covering several countries and/or longer periods of time. Topics examined in this volume include theological education, women in leadership, issues of ethnicity, Baptist identity and national consciousness, and creeds. The regional scope of the Baptist stories that are analyzed includes Africa, Asia, Australia, Eastern and Western Europe, and North America. At a time when there is considerable discussion throughout the world Baptist community about the nature of Baptist identity, this collection of papers by significant historians of Baptist life is an important contribution.

The European Baptist Federation

Book Description

A criticism often leveled at Baptists is that they have no theology of ecclesial reality beyond the local. In this book Keith Jones describes the history and current reality of the European Baptist Federation (EBF), which brings together over fifty national Baptist groups in Europe and the Middle East and seeks to demonstrate that there is an ecclesial reality within the organization, expressed in its communal life, mission activity, working on theological education, in relationship to other Christian world communions and in its decision making processes. The role of the pivotal figure of the General Secretary of the EBF is examined with particular reference to two significant figures. The relationship of European Baptists during the cold war era is explored, as is the relationship to two key mission agencies from the USA who have done much work in Europe. This represents ground-breaking work in terms of an examination of how Baptists in Europe work together trans-nationally.

T&T Clark Companion to Nonconformity

Book Description

Protestant Nonconformity, the umbrella term for Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists and Unitarians, belongs specifically to the religious history of England and Wales. Initially the result of both unwillingness to submit to the State's interference in Christian life and a dissatisfaction with the progress of reform in the English Church, Nonconformity has been primarily motivated by theological concern, ecclesial polity, devotion and the nurture of godliness among the members of the church. Alongside such churchly interests, Nonconformity has also made a profound contribution to debates about the role of the State, to family life and education, culture in general, trade and industry, the development of philanthropy and charity, and the development of pacifism. In this volume, for the first time, Nonconformity and the breadth of its activity come under the expert scrutiny of a host of recognised scholars. The result is a detailed and fascinating account of a movement in church history that, while currently in decline, has made an indelible mark on social, political, economic and religious life of the two nations.

Calvinism, Communion and the Baptists

Book Description

This book is concerned with English Calvinistic Baptist churches from the later 1600s until the early 1800s, arguing that there was then no connection between restricted communion and hyper- or high Calvinism. A minimal definition of restricted communion would be the reception at the Baptist communion of those alone who had been immersed in water upon a profession of faith. A sketch of English Calvinistic Baptists in the years preceding and following the 1689 Act of Toleration stresses that they were a denomination other than that of the General Baptists, and that most Baptists, irrespective of party lines, were de facto Strict Baptists. Historical arguments for and against restricted communion will demonstrate that during that period there was no definitive link between the Particular Baptists' communion discipline and their interpretations of Calvinism. Attention is given to John Gill's and Andrew Fuller's interpretations of the relation between the atonement and evangelism.

Solid and Hazardous Waste Research Needs

Book Description

Israel's Past in Present Research

Book Description

The debate over history, history-writing, and the scientific study of history is reaching an apex in the late twentieth century and shows no signs of abating in the near future. The literature on the topic is prodigious. The time is thus ripe for an anthology of essays of the sort that Professor Long has collected, essays that trace the history of the issues that have fed into the debate. The classic and contemporary essays presented here provide an overview and introduction to the topic, bringing together the most essential of these in a handy compilation. The book is organized in six sections: (1) The State of Old Testament Historiography (2) Ancient Near Eastern Historiography (3) Ancient Israelite Historiography (4) Method in the Study of Ancient Israelite Historiography (5) The Historical Impulse in the Old Testament (6) The Future of Israel’s Past Long’s goal is to provide a context for Israelite history-writing within the milieu of the ancient Near East, expose the methodologies and assumptions of various approaches and perspectives on historiography, and provide access to essays that examine the contribution of the Hebrew Scriptures themselves to the origins of history-writing. The final essay, by Long, points the way to future research and topics that will move the discussion forward into the next millennium. Professor V. Philips Long teaches Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis.

Working with the Past: Towards an Archaeology of Recycling

Book Description

This book invites archaeologists to approach the significant process of recycling within the archaeological record at two different levels: of artefacts and of landscape.

Waste and Want

Book Description

Originally published: New York: Metropolitan Books, 1999.