Red Saxony

Book Description

'Red Saxony' reappraises Germany's prospects for democratic governance from the mid-19th century to the collapse of the Second Reich, asking: how was Germany governed in the era of Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II? How did fear of revolution push liberal and conservative parties together? How did Germany's leaders see their nation's future?

Nazism in Central Germany

Book Description

This study fills a large gap as most texts on Nazism in German society around 1933 concentrate on the country's western parts. This book deals with the problems caused by the constitutional monarchy, democracy, and dictatorship.

The Red Kingdom of Saxony

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The Red Kingdom of Saxony

Book Description

The Red Kingdom of Saxony

Book Description

The old saw, "Gennany is the heart of Europe, Saxony the heart of Germany," Treitschke derided as that "favorite, self congratulatory phrase" parroted by reactionary Saxons. His ridicule is understandable. He was born a Saxon, yet adored Prussia, which forced his native kingdom into the Kaiserreich. Historians of this century, also loyal in a sense to the German Empire, have dismissed internal affairs of the federal states as parochial. Thus Saxony, though wracked by political agitation more severe than in any other German state during the last two decades of the Wilhelmian era, has been generally looked upon as peripheral to the great national issues of the day. Solid as Treitschke's grounds may in his time have been for scoffing at the anachronism of Saxon particularism, recent history has shown that Saxony was after all the heart of Gennany in more than the geographic sense. It was by far the most Lutheran region of Gennany and was often called the "model land" of Liberalism, a way of life not to be confused with liberal democracy in the M usterliindle, Baden, or in the Kingdom of Wiirttemberg. In Land Sachsen the small independent entre preneur did not vanish from the scene during the industrial boom of 1871-g0 as he did in Rhineland-Westphalia.

The Red Kingdom of Saxony

Book Description

The old saw, "Gennany is the heart of Europe, Saxony the heart of Germany," Treitschke derided as that "favorite, self congratulatory phrase" parroted by reactionary Saxons. His ridicule is understandable. He was born a Saxon, yet adored Prussia, which forced his native kingdom into the Kaiserreich. Historians of this century, also loyal in a sense to the German Empire, have dismissed internal affairs of the federal states as parochial. Thus Saxony, though wracked by political agitation more severe than in any other German state during the last two decades of the Wilhelmian era, has been generally looked upon as peripheral to the great national issues of the day. Solid as Treitschke's grounds may in his time have been for scoffing at the anachronism of Saxon particularism, recent history has shown that Saxony was after all the heart of Gennany in more than the geographic sense. It was by far the most Lutheran region of Gennany and was often called the "model land" of Liberalism, a way of life not to be confused with liberal democracy in the M usterliindle, Baden, or in the Kingdom of Wiirttemberg. In Land Sachsen the small independent entre preneur did not vanish from the scene during the industrial boom of 1871-g0 as he did in Rhineland-Westphalia.

Nazism in Central Germany

Book Description

Most studies on the spread of Nazism in German society before and after 1933 concentrate on the country's western parts. As a result, so the author claims, our overall picture of the situation has been distorted since the eastern areas contained a substantial portion of the population. Neglecting them means that all generalizations about the Nazi period require further testing. This first comprehensive study of Saxony therefore fills a large gap, also in light of the fact that Saxony was one of the most industrialized German regions. It deals with problems of continuity and change in German society during three distinct phases: constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, and dictatorship. The author shows convincingly that it was deep-rooted local traditions that determined the success or failure of Nazism among the local population.

Lumber World Review

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