The Balkans and Caucasus

Book Description

The overall character of the Black Sea region has been defined over time in various ways. For specialists in economy and trade, it has represented a region at the crossroads of the trade routes between Europe and Asia; for political scientists and historians, it has been a space of confrontation between the great terrestrial and naval powers; for the scholars attentive to its cultural dimensions, it has been a contact zone, a space of interaction between different peoples, religions and cultures. These attempts at a definition all revolve around an essential (and ambivalent) feature of the Black Sea as a factor of connection, a bridge, and at the same time a border, a dividing line between Europe and Asia, between the Baltic and the Mediterranean region. In this fluctuation between the two, the predominance of one over the other (“bridge” or “border”) has depended on a number of factors, first among them the distribution of power relations in the region. This volume, which originated in a symposium hosted by the New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, brings together contributions coming from scholars within the Black Sea region and outside it, in an attempt to look at the Balkans and Caucasus from a comparative and multi-disciplinary perspective, highlighting their differences, as well as their common features. The overarching question this volume and the papers included in it address – and leave open – is to what extent we are dealing with a coherent zone, whose past, present and future can legitimately be considered as being traversed by meaningful interrelations, suggesting a shared destiny.

A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity

Book Description

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership was formed in 1995 in Barcelona. In this volume, concepts of democracy, civil society, human rights and dialogue among civilizations in the Mediterranean region are addressed in the context of the new Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Mediterranean Region

Book Description

This book highlights the various cultures and religions of Mediterranean countries, and discusses issues related to managing diversity and minority rights, and the role of intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It centers on the interconnectedness between culture, politics, religion, gender, race, migration, and language. To promote a fruitful exchange, the volume considers approaches that integrate social, economic, cultural, religious and political dimensions, and surveys the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of multiculturalism. The contributions gathered here also debate issues relating to history, modernity, cultural specificities of the region, and their role in the consolidation of peace, democracy, social justice, and development. The book uses an analytic framework coupled with a synthetic method, while providing a roadmap to achieve a better management of pluralism in the Mediterranean area, which will help different populations to live together in harmony and to continue their battle for broadmindedness, acceptance, and coexistence.

Young Minds Rethinking the Mediterranean

Book Description

Throughout history, much has been written on why wars and crises occur and why human beings kill each other or are often so ready to do so. While some blame human nature, state structures or the anarchic order within the international system, others hold prejudices and the "othering" or dehumanizing of those different from us as being responsible. The region in which we live has particularly suffered a great deal from these violent processes. Nationalist ideologies, most of which were defined in opposition to one another, alienated "others," abstracted them from their humanity, and made them subject to various kinds of tyranny. Turks, Bulgarians, Greeks and many others had their share in this process of mutual alienation. Across the Euro-Mediterranean region throughout history immigrations have been imposed, publics extorted, crises fomented, and interventions and wars suffered through. The study in your hands sheds light on the processes of "othering" and alienation in large part responsible for this troubled history. It serves as a tool through which the past and the future can be understood. And it examines prejudice, the largest obstacle facing Turkey on its path to EU membership, while touching on various issues such as minority rights, the notion of culture, the role of symbols and other visual images in politics, the narration of culture within the capitalist order and its political outcomes, and finally the EU's Mediterranean politics.


Book Description

This book is written at a time when our own field of adult education is under assault from a variety of capitalist and neoconservative forces pressuring us... to turn away from the causes of criticality, lifelong learning, and education for freedom. Rather than succumb to these pressures, we have hope that our long term goals of education for life and living can and will be accomplished alongside professional and vocational education. This book offers new insight into what is a very dark moment of our human civilization. From the preface by Dr Carlos Alberto Torres, Professor, GSEIS, Director, Paulo Freire Institute, University of California at Los Angeles The book offers decidedly critical and international perspectives on various aspects of adult education, especially on state, citizenship and neoliberal policies. Critical in both content and method, it is at the same time the part of the collective work needed to advance the Belém call to action by furthering awareness and capacity in the field of adult education. Dr Katarina Popovic, Professor,Universität Duisburg-Essen, University of Belgrade & DBB International, In the midst of diminishing resources and growing inequalities, English and Mayo provide an incisive and much needed critique of adult education in ways that highlight not only its historical and philosophical roots but also its major significance to the practice of democracy. In a direct challenge to the neoliberal accountability craze, Learning with Adults offers a rigorous political reading of the field—one that systematically challenges oppressive educational policies and practices, while affirming an emancipatory vision of civic engagement. Truly an informative treatise that sheds new light on the education of adults. Dr Antonia Darder Professor & Leavey Presidential Endowed Chair in Education Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles Leona English and Peter Mayo challenge hegemonic assumptions and ideas, while offering a constructive alternative based on the principle of working with learners and not just for them. Their analysis is accessible enough for newcomers to the field, while the authors’ wide-ranging coverage and radical approach provide refreshing and challenging messages for the most experienced adult educator. Up-to-date, genuinely international and passionately committed, Learning with Adults is a great book. Dr John Field, Professor,University of Stirling Cover design by Annemarie Mayo

Learning and Social Difference

Book Description

Exploring how global changes affect education today, in the classroom and in local, national, and international contexts, this book explores the future of education's capacity for effectiveness in multicultural and multilingual contexts. The chapters deal with lifelong learning (a critique), immigration, antiracist education, parental involvement in schools, national curricula, Paulo Freire's legacy, insights from the work of Lorenzo Milani and the School of Barbiana, and Gramsci's writings on the school. There are both theoretical and empirically grounded chapters in this volume.

Politics of Indignation

Book Description

This work focuses on contemporary issues within the context of neoliberalism and colonial legacies, while exploring decolonizing spaces.