Réécriture Des Mythes

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Definir de facon univalente la notion de mythe et celle d'utopie semble en soi une entreprise tout a fait utopique. Par ailleurs, jumeler les deux notions, celle du mythe et celle d'utopie, releve d'un processus de reflexion qui peut facilement etre a double tranchant: le mythe, construction par excellende de l'imaginaire humain, ne se situe-t-il pas ailleurs que dans un non-lieu? et l'utopie, quant a elle, ne fait-elle pas echo au mythe, a la fois s'en inspirant, le niant et le transformant? Redondance possible, et aussi, parfois, refus des deux domaines a admettre leur interdependance, cheninement parallele surtout et creation commune de ce qui, en fin de compte, s'avere mythe transforme, utopie revistee. Toutefois, mythes et utopies quels que soient la position choisie, le point de vue defendu, semblent faire bon menage, a en juger par ce projet, mavec dix-neuf textes couvrant principalement la litterature contemporaine des femmes, mais puisant parfois aux uvres anterieures qui ont deja prepare le terrain, en offrant des visions d'existences idylliques ne serait-ce que litteraires."

Popular Culture

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Jeanne Hyvrard, Wounded Witness

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Critical responses to Jeanne Hyvrard have generally categorised her as a writer of 'écriture féminine' and/or autobiography, due to salient features of her oeuvre such as the use of first-person narrative, a cyclic writing style, and the quest for a 'female' language. Within these broader considerations, however, a recurrent motif throughout Hyvrard's writing is that of the body, specifically the female body, represented as suffering from different forms of physical/mental illness and emotional/social malaise. It is this primordial aspect of Hyvrard's work, on which surprisingly little critical analysis has been written, that this monograph explores. It has been demonstrated that Hyvrard's works can be studied as a unity as well as individually, given that all of her texts form part of her wider theory. While this theory is often referred to in abstract terms as 'pensée ronde', 'pensée globale' or 'pensée-femme', this study shows that it can be more specifically highlighted as a theory of dis(-)ease (i.e. the intertwining of physical malady and social malaise, medical terms and metaphor), and, particularly, as a social theory of the dis(-)eased female body.

Greek Mythology

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Argues that the meaning of Greek myths can only be studied according to their artistic forms of expression. Using myths such as those of Persephone, Bellerophon, Helen and Teiresias, Claude Calame surveys Greek mythology as a category inseparable from the literature in which so much of it is found.

Christine de Pizan

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From Ritual to Romance and Beyond

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Writing and Translating for Children

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This volume features a variety of essays on writing for children, ranging from studies of classic authors to an analysis of the role of pictures in children's books, to an examination of comics and theatre for the young.


Book Description

Volumul de față a prins contur cu mai mulți ani în urmă, la ceas aniversar, ca recunoaștere a confraților, omagiu adus de discipoli, dar al prietenilor închinat clasicistei Florica Bechet.

Labor Imperfectus

Book Description

Unfinishedness and incompleteness are a central feature of ancient Greek and Roman literature that has often been taken for granted but not deeply examined; many texts have been transmitted to us incomplete. How and to what extent has this feature of many texts influenced their aesthetic perception and interpretation, and how does it still influence them today? Also, how do various editorial arrangements of fragmentary texts influence the reconstruction of closure? These important questions offer the opportunity to bring together specialists working on Greek and Roman texts across various genres: epic, tragedy, poetry, mythographic texts, rhetorical texts, philosophical treatises, and the novel. Reading a text by focusing on its current unfinishedness or incompleteness, or the textual signs suggesting an unfinished or incomplete state, the contributors examine the relations between author, reader and text as underscored by the verbal, generic and aesthetic features of each work. This edited volume brings together a broad spectrum of approaches to ancient and modern texts and aims to reach out to a broad scholarly community consisting not only of Classicists but also scholars of other literature and aesthetics.