Reflections of a Discerning Christian

Book Description

Have you ever wondered...? Ø What hinders the scripture from working in us in spite of the plenteous preaching programs? Ø What can we learn from unprecedented calamities like the current pandemic? Ø How should we face the increasing fake news and false narratives? Every born-again Christian will seriously consider such prevailing developments which are affecting the Churches worldwide. In Reflections of a Discerning Christian, Nelson Thomas deals with thirty different issues which the believers face everywhere. The topics include Biblical Dress Code, Rituals versus Reality, Digital Discipline, Persecution and Christians, Try Tears, and many more. Reflections of a Discerning Christian will stimulate the thoughtful reader to be passionate and concerned about the things of God in these perilous days. This book is useful for personal reading as well as for group studies and discussion.

Reflections of a Discerning Christian

Book Description

Have you ever wondered…? Ø What hinders the scripture from working in us in spite of the plenteous preaching programs? Ø What can we learn from unprecedented calamities like the current pandemic? Ø How should we face the increasing fake news and false narratives? Every born-again Christian will seriously consider such prevailing developments which are affecting the Churches worldwide. In Reflections of a Discerning Christian, Nelson Thomas deals with thirty different issues which the believers face everywhere. The topics include Biblical Dress Code, Rituals versus Reality, Digital Discipline, Persecution and Christians, Try Tears, and many more. Reflections of a Discerning Christian will stimulate the thoughtful reader to be passionate and concerned about the things of God in these perilous days. This book is useful for personal reading as well as for group studies and discussion.

The Way of Discernment Participant's Book

Book Description

There is an increasing sense of uncertainty in the world. The Way of Discernment offers participants a way to discover God's will in their lives both as individuals and as a community of God. Whether experienced as a simple desire to follow God's way, a deep longing, or a satisfaction when we find a fulfilling path, discernment beckons believers. This 10-week study focuses on the ancient spiritual discipline of discernment for the individual, congregations, or larger bodies of the church. It follows the familiar Companions in Christ format of a weekly reading, daily exercises, and a weekly 2-hour small-group meeting. More of a journey in discernment than a how-to guide, this study for groups gently leads to the prayerful path of a richer, wiser life both for individuals and the larger church. Also available is a Leader's Guide with clear suggestions for the structure of meetings, leadership suggestions, and specific entering and guided prayers.

Pursuing God's Will Together

Book Description

Church boards and other Christian leadership teams have long relied on models adapted from the business world. Ruth Haley Barton, president of the Transforming Center, helps teams transition to a much more fitting model—the spiritual community that practices discernment together.

Called by God to Serve

Book Description

Lutheran Voices provides quality, accessible books by Lutheran authors that inform, teach, inspire, and renew. Grounded in Lutheran theology and practice, the books cover a wide range of subjects and themes of interest to members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the wider Christian community. Church councils and leadership groups will discover ten helpful devotional reflections and discussion starters for a three-year cycle, focusing on the task of serving from a biblical and theological perspective. Insights from family systems theory provide a framework for the reflections. Through discussion of theory and by encountering and responding to real-life situations, participants will ponder aspects of what they are called to do together.

Faithful Listening

Book Description

Mueller remedies the difficulty of discernment with a textured overview of this practical charism of the Spirit: how, when, where, and why to discern, examining models of good discernment from scripture and history with particular attention to Ignatian rules for discerning.

Discerning God's Will Together

Book Description

Bible study, research, and fieldwork merge in this book of practical principles for decision making by spiritual discernment. The step-by-step approach can be used to help any size group learn a new way to make decisions--a way that is interactive, spiritual, and rooted in faith practices and community. Small groups, committees, church boards, church leaders at all levels, and seminary professors will find this book valuable. This is a revised and updated version of the book, originally published in 1997. This new version inclused revised and updated material, as well as a new introduction by Charles Olsen.

A Guide to Spiritual Discernment

Book Description

Using the format of the bestselling A Guide to Prayer for All God's People, this book offers a simple, classic structure for flexible, balanced daily prayer. Included in each day's practice are an opening prayer, a hymn of praise, a Scripture reading, reflection, and readings on spiritual discernment from a wide variety of writers.

Discerning the Spirits

Book Description

Christian worship in North America has undergone great change in recent years. But change always brings uncertainty -- at times even division -- about what constitutes "authentic worship." This important book reviews a wide variety of current perspectives and offers a fresh outlook on the contemporary practice of Christian worship. In order to provide the widest, most insightful discussion on present-day worship practices yet assembled, the authors gathered a team of church musicians, ministers, worship leaders, and educators from eight church traditions. Discerning the Spirits is the fruit of their work. Shaped by the wisdom of men and women like Marva Dawn, Justo Gonzalez, C. Michael Hawn, and John Witvliet, this book broadens today's "worship wars" into a bigger, richer discussion that moves from arguments over musical tastes to good thinking about the overall purpose of worship in relation to church life and God himself. Sidebar articles and quotes are meant to draw readers and study groups into dialogue on these issues. Whether one plays a leadership role in church worship or is simply grappling with questions about it, Discerning the Spirits is a must-read.

Spiritual Reflections for the Saint and Sinner

Book Description

Shadows and Realities constitute the great contrast between earth and heaven, time and eternity. "What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue!" was an exclamation once uttered upon the floor of the British Senate by Burke, one of England's most eloquent statesmen, not less true than solemn and sublime. But the revelations of the Bible have come to displace these human, these earthly shadows, with divine and heavenly REALITIES. The Bible is trueeternity is real. "We have not followed cunningly devised fables" in yielding our unquestioning belief to the great and precious truths of the Gospel. Experience has proved them real, has demonstrated them divine. We have tried the world, and it has wounded usthe creature, and it has disappointed usthe teaching of men, and it has bewildered usour own hearts, and they have proved "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." We turn to the "glorious Gospel of the blessed God," and we find it, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, light in darkness, joy in sorrow, counsel in perplexity, strength in weakness, and hope in despair. It tells us of Jesus, the loving One, the mighty One, the sympathizing One, the faithful One, the saving One; and concentrating our whole soul in childlike faith upon Him, we prove the Gospel divine, God's Word trueall it threatens, and all it promises, REAL. The following pages will, we trust, in a humble way, lead the reader into a closer acquaintance with a few of these Divine Realities. With them many who take up this volume, may be already familiar. Those who have welcomed them before, as they have eagerly looked for a word of counsel and comfort at the opening of a new year, may not regret to meet them again in another and more permanent form. To those to whom they will be new, this will explain the particular and appropriate bearing of each chapter upon this reflective and impressive period of time. But, believing that they contain instructive and saving, sanctifying and consolatory truths, suitable for the history of every-day life, and that they have already had the seal of the Divine blessing, the author commends them with confidence, in their enlarged form, to the prayerful perusal of the Christian Church, and to the continued favor of the Triune God.