Reflections of Duality

Book Description

My name is Mayan Aries. I am a middle aged woman who began a spiritual transformation, of sorts, back in 2011. I was trapped in the 3rd dimensional world of judgement and labels. I had turned into a robot, conforming to societys expectations, appearing normal and fine, while living my life in silent numbness. I had lost track of my life. I lost touch with my creative side and had closed my heart to the world around me. Working long hours in my home office, alone, I began a unique awakening to memories of my past life roots of being an ancient Mayan warrior. I had begun to experience strange communications with native ancestors from the past, in the form of day dreams and night terrors. I was experiencing them for months, waking up in cold sweats, and sometimes covered in bruises. I was hearing the echoes of their voices sometimes while listening to certain music. It drew me into studying native history, the animals, trees, and mother earth in general. I was compelled to search for missing meaning in my life. I also felt extremely concerned for the future of our planet and felt that somehow I needed to try to do something to aid positive change.

Too Simple for Words

Book Description

Are you interested in exploring who you really are? The answers are to be found in self-inquiry, the discovery of Reality that non-dual teachings offer. No prior knowledge of Eastern religion or spiritual practices is needed, as this book uses simple everyday language to investigate these issues through reflections, dialogues and poems.


Book Description

Duality is prevalent in nature and humanity, yet all too often our differences are viewed as negative traits. As a means to explore the depths of the human spirit, the author compiled a series of poems, essays, original artwork, and images. She highlights that although we view life through different lenses, we may have more in common than we realize. We're all on a personal journey, paved by our choices, and colored with emotion. Duality considers such journeys from the perspectives of not just the author, but unnamed imagined characters in various stages of life. In Duality, you'll experience the anticipation of a new life and the reluctant farewell of a mature one, the naïve ramblings of an adolescent and the bittersweet musings of an elder, the devastating sting of heartbreak and the intoxicating magic of love, the hollowness of desperation and the empowerment that comes with hope.

Reflections of Dual Diagnosis

Book Description

The sequel to "Faces of Dual Diagnosis" With Foreword by Joseph Eliezer In "Reflections of Dual Diagnosis: A Canadian Perspective", the follow-up to his 2011 book, "Faces of Dual Diagnosis", Dr. Robert Pereira reflects on his own life path, discusses treatment approaches and offers case studies. An estimated 90,000 Canadians are affected by both mental health problems and addictions - a condition referred to as "dual diagnosis" or DD. Although the impacts on society are considerable - on our health system's resources; on our legal and social welfare programs; on employers, friends, neighbours and family; and on the individual him or herself - remarkably little has been written about this widespread problem in the popular media. There is also inadequate awareness and training within the health, legal and social welfare systems. The author, Robert B. Pereira, MD, has a diploma in Addiction Medicine from the American Board of Addiction Medicine, and is accredited by the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Pereira practices medicine in Surrey and downtown Vancouver, specializing in the treatment of DD clients. I Am That I Am I Am That - Always I Am That is I Am I Am becomes I Am That I Am was before I Am That I Am That then became I Am Therefore, I Am is Always -- That -- Robert B. Pereira

On the Road to Enlightened Duality

Book Description

While traveling the road on pilgrimage, or following American Baul Master, Khepa Lee Lozowick (1943-2010), in his daunting travel schedule, author Mary Angelon Young crafted a collection of essays that explore and evoke the many moods of “Enlightened Duality,” one of Lozowick’s core teachings in the path of Western Bauls. This dynamic spiritual principle suggests that the spiritual seeker can combine an integrated awareness of the nondual (“all is One”) with a lively, conscious relationship to the duality or play of opposites that is the constant fare of everyday life. Unlike those strictly nondual perspectives that relegate the human experience to an illusion of the mind, Lozowick asserted that, while nondual unity is the foundation of what is, simultaneously, life is real. These original essays cover such universal themes as Impermanence, Beauty and Transformation, and comprise one wayfarer’s reflections, reveries and research. Some are flavored with academic spice, but most are predominantly experiential, presenting a kaleidoscopic journey that unfolds much like a large, multifaceted jewel looked at from many different directions. Each essay has its own integrity and stands on its own authority. Yet, taken as a whole, they form a useful map of the tantric path, charting its depths through daily events, travel, relationships, creativity and work⎯all continuous, integrated aspects of the transformational path. The teaching of enlightened duality can be found in many guises within the world’s great traditions, including Sufi, Vajrayana Buddhist, and both bhakti and tantric Hindu paths. It is a universal theme, and yet the treatment here runs true to the theistic underpinnings of the lineage from which it comes: Khepa Lee Lozowick, Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar and Swami Ramdas. From this view, the highest aim of spiritual practice is to integrate mystical experience and insights of nonduality into ordinary life. This book provides a genuine feast of practical wisdom for the hungry seeker who yearns for a path through life that is both transformational and yet honoring of the innate dignity and potential of the human incarnation. The author has travelled extensively in India and Europe; has studied the Sanskrit, Hindu and Buddhist traditions; and has written published an extensive treatise on the Baul Path, The Baul Tradition. (Hohm Press, 2014)

Always Being, Always Becoming

Book Description

What is special about this book? Jean Klein said that non-duality is not a philosophy but simply the truth. But if non-dual truth is beyond the mind, what good are "reflections" on it? Why is the "path of knowledge" (of "jnana" or "gnosis") more promising than just meditation? The reason is that it is difficult to let go of a mind that still believes it can give meaningful answers to questions like "Who am I?" or "What is real?" When, however, through understanding and direct investigation, the mind's skewed, limiting ideas have been seen through, when we stop believing in anything the mind has created, including our identity, it immediately becomes natural for us to live in Openness and Not-Knowing. Then we are available for Grace, for Realization. This book approaches spiritual awakening from two directions. Expounding non-dual core teachings and providing some philosophical, psychological and religious context for them, it also uses direct pointing to help you become aware of any mind-movement away from reality. Overview of contents: Part 1 is designed to help you enter a state of natural meditation, using non-dual pointers and answering basic questions about ego identity, reality and the nature of thought. Part 2 discusses psychological and emotional aspects of spiritual awakening. Part 3 provides some helpful philosophical context for non-duality. Part 4 relates non-dual teachings to near-death experiences, religion and mysticism.

Even More Words

Book Description

In his third collection of thoughts and poems, Graham Stew invites you to join him in an exploration of your true nature. The illusion of being a separate person is challenged through reflections on the non-dual nature of reality. Simple language is used to point towards our true Self, through examining false beliefs and assumptions. When the individual is seen through, a sense of ease and relaxation arises, and Life simply unfolds.


Book Description

Reflections of the One Life

Book Description

Reflections on the One Life is a book of daily expressions or pointers to spiritual awakening—one pointer for each day of the year. The clarity is astounding. This demystifies spiritual awakening, strips it of all fundamentalism, and presents it in a clear and easy-to-read way. This is about the timeless presence that you already are. Each pointer peels away beliefs, positions, and ideas about spirituality, including the idea that you exist as a separate self, only to reveal—in the end—that nothing is excluded. Its central message is that there is only One Life appearing in a myriad of forms. You are that One Life. This is when the distinctions between absolute and relative, form and formlessness, timelessness and time, no self and self, One and many, and all other boundaries collapse into a great and loving mystery that Scott calls 'This’.