Regional Development Agencies and the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill: Report, together with formal minutes

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The Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill proposes substantial changes to the way that economic development policies are delivered. The four main proposals relating to economic development are: merging the existing regional economic and spatial strategies into a single integrated regional strategy, with local authorities and regional development agencies (RDAs) being jointly responsible for its drafting and agreement; giving local authorities the duty to undertake an economic assessment of their areas; devolving funding to local authorities to enable them, rather than RDAs, to deliver economic development policies; and encouraging collaboration between local authorities in delivering these policies. The Committee notes the strong support for a level of governance between central government and local authorities for the delivery of economic development policies and business support. The Committee would have liked more evidence about the effectiveness of RDAs and it is surprised the Government has proceeded with plans to restructure the way regional policy is made before the review of RDAs the Government has commissioned from PricewaterhouseCoopers is available. The Committee expresses concern over some proposals contained in the Bill: most importantly, there needs to be a proper balance between RDAs' business focus and the role of councillors in representing the views of their constituents. The proposals in the Bill about the relationship between RDAs and local authorities place too much weight on the views of RDAs and business interests, particularly during the drafting and agreement of the single integrated regional strategy. The role of local authorities - and of the communities they represent - must be strengthened. Many of the provisions of the Bill need clarifying.

Sessional returns

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On cover and title page: House, committees of the whole House, general committees and select committees

The work of Yorkshire Forward

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This report focuses on the work of Yorkshire Forward, its use of resources (forecast to be around £360 million in 2009-10) and how the regional strategies it has developed benefit the region's population of over 5 million, especially in the current economic climate. Yorkshire Forward has led the development of three Regional Economic Strategies (RESs). Although developed by Yorkshire Forward it is felt that it is important that the RES is owned by the region and Yorkshire Forward is commended for its consultative and collaborative approach. It is important that full account is taken of the region's diversity and it will need to be ensured that this is reflected in the new Integrated Regional Strategy, but this should not mean that sub-regional concerns are put ahead of a balanced approach to the interests of the region as a whole and should not detract from Yorkshire Forward's original core economic focus. The Committee is also concerned about the impact of budget cuts and a reduction in funding on the work of Yorkshire Forward and they recommend that Yorkshire Forward's budget not be decreased further

OECD Rural Policy Reviews: England, United Kingdom 2011

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This book reviews governance structures and decentralisation; delivering public services; economic development; and the importance of improving connectivity in rural areas of the UK.

The new Local Enterprise Partnerships

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This report indicates broad support for the creation of Local Enterprise Partnerships as a way of addressing local growth. In particular the potential of LEPs to offer a greater focus on local economic needs, and build on the affinity between business, local government and other partners at a local level is recognised. Whilst it is right that LEPs should compete at certain levels it is equally important for them to collaborate, particularly with the Regional Development Agencies, where it makes economic sense. Local Enterprise Partnerships are being introduced quickly and at a time of greatly constrained public funding. There is concern that in the short term LEPs will need know how and powers and in some cases financial resources to make a positive difference. Government will need to be willing to devolve power to LEPs and in certain cases be willing to support LEPs at inception. If LEPs are to be a success, the Department's transition team will need to focus in three areas: retain RDA know-how, realising the full potential of RDA assets, and leveraging potential EU funding

East Midlands Development Agency and the regional economic strategy

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East Midlands Development Agency and the regional economic Strategy : First report of Session 2008-09

Industry and Innovation in the North East of England

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In this report, from the North East Regional Committee (HCP 169, session 2009-10, ISBN 9780215542731), renewable industries could lead a recovery in the North East's manufacturing industry. The Committee states that the region is well placed to benefit from the growing global market for green technologies, but warns that British innovation and ideas could be lost as other countries benefit from quicker commercial development and implementation. World-class renewable energy companies in the North East - such as the New and Renewable Energy Centre (NaREC) at Blyth, the North East Process Industries Cluster (NEPIC) on Teesside, and NETPark, the North East Technology park in County Durham - could put the region at the forefront of the Government's efforts to turn the UK into a low-carbon economy. The Committee warns though, that the UK's cumbersome and slow planning process poses a significant risk to long-term development in the North East as businesses from countries like China seek quicker, guaranteed sites elsewhere in Europe. The report also states that the Government should explore incentives to encourage local development of renewable and clean energy. Also, underinvestment in transport links is proving detrimental to investment in the region.

The Creation of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Departmental Annual Report 2008-09

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The new Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS) was formed in June 2009 by the merger of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS). This report looks back on the last departmental report of the old Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and considers the progress made in moving forward the new Department. The Committee welcomes the creation of the new Department which brings under one roof the business and further and higher education sectors. The Committee believes this could deliver significant potential benefits. The report examines the merger process, the delivery agencies, public service agreements and departmental strategic objectives, and future departmental reports and resource accounts. The report also focuses on the Automotive Assistance Scheme, designed primarily to support investment in low carbon plant and research and development. It welcomes the lowering of the limit of the Scheme from £5 million to £1 million, in line with its recommendation made in July, but is deeply concerned that not a single loan or loan guarantee has been made under the programme. The Committee calls on the Government to expedite its negotiations, and prove to the Committee and the automotive industry that the Scheme can provide tangible benefits to companies in the sector.


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Digital Britain is a vital part of public policy which will define the United Kingdom's telecommunications networks for years to come, and so there must be a full-time Minister dedicated to the issue. This report supports a swift roll-out of Next Generation Access (NGA) networks across the country.