Property and Contract

Book Description

This book explores a range of comparative issues in, and in the relationship between, property law and contract law in English and Spanish law. It also draws on other jurisdictions. The purpose is to give readers access to discussions of these areas of private law that are not easily accessible elsewhere. It goes further, however, than simply setting out similarities and differences: it provides an insightful analysis of key points of interest in the comparison of the legal systems discussed.

Sustainable Territorial Management

Book Description

This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Sustainable Territorial Management" that was published in Environments

Capturing Value Increase in Urban Redevelopment

Book Description

Everyone would agree that urban development, especially when involving the building of residential areas, should be accompanied by sufficient and good public infrastructure and facilities. We all want neighbourhoods with the necessary roads, green areas, social facilities, affordable housing and public spaces of high quality. At the same time, nowadays, governments are facing severe cuts in public expenditure. So who is going to pay for all that quality? In the Netherlands and in many other countries, achieving these public goals has become a problem, especially in the regeneration of deteriorated inner-city sites. This book offers insight in how the economic value increase that arises from urban development can serve to finance the quality we want, without the need for public subsidies. The findings and recommendations made in this book focus on Western Europe, mainly on successful and alternatively less successful recent experiences in Spain, England and the Netherlands. Public bodies can use the recommendations to create the necessary conditions to improve the involvement of property developers and landowners in the financing of infrastructure and facilities. Property developers and landowners can find formulas for private-public partnership that can lead to lower development costs and risks, allowing them to pay for good infrastructure and facilities while maintaining profitability. Scholars will find here the theoretical backgrounds for this relevant topic. The author has both an academic and a professional background in the practice of urban development.

Carbon Footprints of Manufacturing and Transportation Industries

Book Description

This book presents carbon footprint calculation and mitigation in the manufacturing and transportation sectors. Warning effects of global warming from every sector is of phenomenal importance at this moment and sector wise assessment and remediation are the key factors to mitigate the vulnerable green house gas emissions. This volume with its six chapters deals with the carbon footprint of manufacturing and transportation sectors.

Book Description

Ley de Suelo

Book Description

Se ofrece en esta edición el Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2008, de 20 de junio, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Suelo (Boletín Oficial del Estado n.o 154, de 26 de junio de 2008), actualizado con las modificaciones introducidas por la Ley 2/2008, de 23 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2009; por el Real Decreto-ley 6/2010, de 9 de abril, de medidas para el impulso de la recuperación económica y el empleo, y por el Real Decreto-ley 8/2011, de 1 de julio, de medidas de apoyo a los deudores hipotecarios, de control del gasto público y cancelación de deudas con empresas y autónomos contraídas por las entidades locales, de fomento de la actividad empresarial e impulso de la rehabilitación y de simplificación administrativa. Se incorpora por el reciente Reglamento de Valoraciones de la Ley de Suelo, aprobado por el Real Decreto 1.492/2011, de 24 de octubre. Tanto la Ley como el Reglamento están acompañados de notas a pie de página con correspondencias, información complementaria, texto de los artículos de otras disposiciones mencionadas, referencias internas... Se incluye también una tabla de correspondencias entre los artículos del Texto Refundido de la Ley de Suelo de 2008, Ley de Suelo de 2007 y Texto Refundido de la Ley sobre Régimen del Suelo y Ordenación Urbana de 1992, estos dos últimos ya derogados pero a cuyo articulado hacen referencia otras disposiciones de nuestro ordenamiento. Finalmente, los índices sistemático y analítico de materias facilitan la rápida consulta del contenido del articulado reproducido.


Book Description

As the growth of the worlds population requires the continued search for residential space, the urbanization of natural lands is an inevitable process, but that process does not have to be one that is accomplished without regard for environmental quality. This book presents the unique perspective of naturbanization, the urbanization of protected a