Regulation of Energy in International Trade Law

Book Description

Starting from the premise that a multilateral legal framework is the surest way to achieve predictability and transparency under conditions of increasing reliance on internationally traded energy, the essays gathered in this book treat the many complex interlocking issues raised by examining that desideratum in the light of current reality. Concentrating on the application of WTO agreements to energy trade - as well as energy-related issues addressed in the current WTO negotiations - the authors offer in-depth discussion and analysis of such issues as the following: the effectiveness of existing WTO agreements in addressing issues pertinent to energy trade how restrictive practices of energy endowed countries can be tackled under existing international trade rules; existing frameworks for investment in highly capital-intensive energy infrastructure projects;and conditions for access to pipelines and transmission grids; regulation of energy services; bioenergy development and trade; energy issues addressed in the WTO accession negotiations of energy endowed countries; international instruments of resolution of energy-related disputes.

Energy in International Trade Law

Book Description

A study of energy regulation in international trade law against the backdrop of energy markets that have undergone radical change.

Energy in International Trade Law

Book Description

Against the backdrop of energy markets that have radically changed in recent decades, this book offers an in-depth study of energy regulation in international trade law. The author seeks to clarify what we define as 'energy' in the context of the applicable international trade rules, and gives the reader a thorough analysis of the concepts, history and law of the various legal frameworks underpinning international energy trade. In addition, several case studies address the ongoing quest for energy security and show how the existing rules relate to some of the vast challenges that energy markets face today, notably the decentralisation and decarbonisation of energy markets.

International Trade in Sustainable Electricity

Book Description

This book explores the regulatory challenges posed by the changing landscape of electricity trade to the multilateral trading system.

International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change

Book Description

What can trade regulation contribute towards ameliorating the GHG emissions and reducing their concentrations in the atmosphere? This collection of essays analyses options for climate-change mitigation through the lens of the trade lawyer. By examining international law, and in particular the relevant WTO agreements, the authors address the areas of potential conflict between international trade law and international law on climate mitigation and, where possible, suggest ways to strengthen mutual supportiveness between the two regimes. They do so taking into account the drivers of human-induced climate change in energy markets and of consumption.

International Trade in Sustainable Electricity

Book Description

Cross-border trade in electricity is rapidly expanding as a result of technical innovations, economic and geopolitical developments, and the ongoing decarbonisation of the electricity sector in response to climate change. The expansion of electricity networks and the integration of increasing shares of renewable energy (RE) electricity into the grid have made long-distance electricity flows both feasible and desirable. Drawing on the work of experts in trade and energy law and policy, and offering novel, multidisciplinary perspectives on the rapidly evolving landscape shaping international trade in electricity, this book examines the most important challenges - technical, economic, legal and policy-related - posed by long-distance and sustainable electricity trade. The book explores the regulatory implications of the policy instruments aimed at supporting RE electricity and considers how best to promote greater overall coherence in international electricity governance.

Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development

Book Description

This book seeks to answer the questions: how do the rules of international treaties on trade and investment apply to the new laws and policies relating to energy-related trade, and do the rules of the multilateral system contribute to or detract from sustainable development? An emerging set of new problems in the law of international trade is how to reconcile the rules of the multilateral trading system with shortages of certain natural resources and the necessity to develop renewable energy resources. The chapters in this book provide a comprehensive analysis of the international trade issues presented by national trade laws and policies with regard to natural resources and energy. This book is about the extent to which we are interpreting existing rules to cover emerging problems and how the rules of the multilateral trading system can be adapted to achieve sustainable development in natural resources and energy. The book begins with a survey of selected national laws relating to recent restrictions on the export of natural resources, both resources used to produce energy as well as natural resources essential for industrial production. After examining the range of such laws in selected important countries, we turn to the application of the rules of the multilateral trading system to such export restrictions. We discuss the major rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as well as the natural resources rules in selected regional preferential free trade agreements. While there is not a comprehensive global legal regime on competition law, we believe it is also important to examine how selected national competition laws impact export restrictions on natural resources. This book will be a major contribution to the international dialogue on international economic law issues with respect to trade in natural resources and energy.

Energy in International Trade Law from GATT to TTIP

Book Description

This thesis takes a dynamic approach to the treatment of energy in international trade law. It traces the development of energy rules from the inception of the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations today. The thesis is divided in two main parts: (I) Regulation and (II) Challenges. The first part of the thesis discusses the controversies surrounding the coverage of energy in the GATT/WTO forum. It continues by providing an overview of WTO Agreements relevant for the treatment of energy. Finally, this part of the thesis looks at the crystallization of new rules in energy trade: what developments do we observe in WTO accession commitments and, beyond the WTO, in preferential trade agreements? In the second part, the thesis focuses on three major challenges in WTO law with respect to energy. It starts off with a comparative study of the WTO and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), scrutinizing their overlap and potential conflict. Then, using law and economics methodology, the thesis takes a closer look at restrictive practices in energy trade, such as those maintained by Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Third, this part discusses the 'subsidies paradox' in WTO law through which fossil fuel subsidies arguably escape the disciplines of the WTO. Subsidies for clean energy and renewables, on the other hand, are an easy target for WTO dispute settlement proceedings. By way of conclusion, the thesis considers policy options for enhanced energy governance. It, amongst others, discusses possible future scenarios and the role of the WTO and Energy Charter Treaty therein.

Energy Law and Regulation in Brazil

Book Description

The book presents contributions from Brazilian experts on the regulation of different energy sources. Focusing on describing and discussing the fundamental issues related to the legal regulation of each of the sources that compose Brazil's energy matrix, it also analyzes economic and strategic aspects and identifies the main current problems related to the exploration for and production of each energy source. The book offers a clear and detailed overview of energy law and regulation for policymakers, foreign investors and legal professionals dealing with energy projects in Brazil.

World Trade Law and the Emergence of International Electricity Markets

Book Description

The expansion of cross-border power transmission infrastructures and the regional integration of electricity markets are accelerating on several continents. The internationalization of trade in electric energy is embedded in an even greater transformation: the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies and the race to net zero emissions. Against this backdrop, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the regulatory framework that governs the established and newly emerging electricity trading relations. Taking the technical and economic foundations as a starting point and thoroughly examining current developments on four continents, the book provides a global perspective on the state of the art in electricity market integration. in doing so, it focuses on the most relevant issues including transit of electricity, quantitative restrictions, market foreclosure and anti-competitive practices employed by the actors on electricity markets. In turn, the book carefully analyzes the regulatory framework provided by the WTO Agreements, the Energy Charter Treaty and other relevant preferential trade agreements. In its closing section, it moves beyond the applicable legal architecture to make concrete proposals on the future design of global trade rules specifically tailored to the electricity sector, which could provide a more reliable and transparent framework for the multilateral regulation of electricity trade.