Relaciones socioeducativas

Book Description

Las personas aprendemos, nos socializamos y nos educamos a través de las relaciones interpersonales que mantenemos con los otros en el marco de unos determinados contextos socioculturales, físicos y virtuales. ¿Cómo pueden hacer frente los profesionales de lo social y lo cultural a la incerteza e imprevisibilidad de dichas relaciones? Este libro analiza los principales elementos que intervienen en la relación socioeducativa, se cuestiona algunas de las ideas tradicionales sobre la acción e intervención socioeducativas y genera nuevos enfoques y perspectivas sobre la acción de los profesionales. Unos enfoques que les ayudarán a descubrir los límites y las oportunidades que caracterizan sus quehaceres profesionales, pero que, sobre todo, les proporcionarán nuevas herramientas teóricas y metodológicas para afrontar una tarea tan compleja como la de acompañar a las personas en las situaciones y problemáticas de su vida cotidiana.

Pedagogías de lo social

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Pedagogía de la elección

Book Description

Un pedagogo o educador es un conector; un mediador que ayuda y acompañaa las personas y comunidades en sus procesos de articulación de prácticasy realidades. La tarea del educador es la de acompañar y ayudar al otro a ser.Pero, siempre es el otro quien ha de ser; quien ha de elegir qu ién quiereser y qué quiere y puede hacer en el marco de sus particulares circunstancias.La elección no es sino una forma de acción que lleva la firma de l sujetoy, por eso mismo, siempre retorna al sujeto. Si la elección e s lo que másinequívocamente constituye a una persona concreta y las personas noshacemos en la vida, cualquier pedagogía, ya sea individual o social, es antesque nada una pedagogía de la elección y una pedagogía de la vida y para la vida.

Working with Young People

Book Description

"It is common to refer to the dynamism and vitality of young people as a source of change, creation, and innovation, but they are often also considered a problem that we do not know how to respond to. Young people can make adults feel uncomfortable because they are neither children who can be told what to do nor adults to be treated as equals. From the perspective of adults, their status is socially and culturally ambiguous"--

Educación social y escuela

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Reflecting Visions

Book Description

This book contains 14 papers: "Indigenous Peoples and Adult Education: A Growing Challenge" (Rodolfo Stavenhagen); "Indigenous Peoples: Progress in the International Recognition of Human Rights and the Role of Education" (Julian Burger); "Adult Learning in the Context of Indigenous Societies" (Linda King); "Linguistic Rights and the Role of Indigenous Languages in Adult Education" (Utta von Gleich); "Youth and Adult Education and Literacy for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia" (Teresa Valiente Catter); "The Educational Reality of the Indigenous Peoples of the Mesoamerican Region" (Vilma Duque); "Multiculturalism and Adult Education: The Case of Chile" (Francisco Vergara E.); "Anangu Teacher Education: An Integrated Adult Education Programme" (Mary Ann Bin-Sallik, Nan Smibert); "Inuit Experiences in Education and Training Projects" (Kevin Knight); "Adult Education among Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador" (Pedro Humberto Ushina S.); "Indigenous Reflections on Education: The Mixes and Triquis of Mexico: Our Experience in Popular Education" (Sofia Robles Hernandez); "A Personal Critique of Adult Education" (Fausto Sandoval Cruz); "Capacity Building: Lessons from the Literacy Campaign of the Assembly of the Guarani People of Bolivia" (Luis Enrique Lopez); "Development, Power and Identity: The Challenge of Indigenous Education" (Nicholas Faraclas); "The Saami Experience: Changing Structures for Learning" (Jan Henry Keskitalo); and "Tiaki Nga Taonga o Nga Tupuna: Valuing the Treasures. Towards a Global Framework for Indigenous People" (Nora Rameka, Michael Law). Appended are the Huaxyacac (Oaxaca) Declaration on Adult Education for Indigenous Peoples and a note on the book's contributors. (MN)

Transformative Intercultural Global Education

Book Description

In this tumultuous world, characterized by unprecedented migratory movements, societal evolution intersects with an increasing diversity that presents profound challenges. The global landscape is marked by 33 armed conflicts in 2022 alone, resulting in forced displacement and an exceeding count of 100 million displaced individuals worldwide. The traditional understanding of migration as a response to individualized prosecution has expanded to encompass "survival migration," incorporating environmental change and livelihood collapse. This paradigm shift necessitates a reevaluation of human rights and a compelling call for transformative global and intercultural education to address the vulnerabilities, inequities, and discrimination faced by displaced and native youth. Transformative Intercultural Global Education is a project aimed at shedding light on educational inequalities stemming from race, migration, forced displacement, and cultural factors. Through innovative empirical results, theoretical frameworks, and educational practices, this book seeks to contribute to quality education and, subsequently, a more sustainable society. The objective is to provide educators with proposals that strengthen educational policies and programs aligned with global citizenship, fostering sensitivity, critical thinking, and commitment towards respectful and tolerant coexistence. The research outcomes are designed to encourage actions that promote equity, social justice, and the sustainable development of a global society.