Relation Between Laboratory and Space Plasmas

Book Description

This book contains the lectures presented at the International Workshop on Relation between Laboratory and Space Plasmas held at Gakushi-Kaikan (University Alumni Association) Kanda in Tokyo, Japan on 14 - 15 April, 1980. Its aim was to bring together laboratory, fusion and space plasma physicists and to highlight the communality of basic plasma phenomena, similarities and differences observed in the laboratory and in space, thus exchanging information tnd views on new ideas to link both areas. Although similar type of conferences were held in Europe and recently in the States, this is the first time we have had in Japan for such an international meeting, which may be regarded as an extended version of our national Workshop held twice at the Institute of Plasma Physics of Japan (IPPJ) in 1976 and in 1977 (IPPJ Research Report No. 286 and No. 365). The Workshop consisted of seven regular sessions and one special session with approximately ninety participants from allover the world. Thirty-six papers, invited and contributed, were presented, nine from U. S. A., three from U. S. S. R., two of each from Germany, France, India, one of each from Sweden, Canada, Belgium and fifteen from Japan. The topics covered were: (1) The Critical Velocity (2) Beam Plasma Discharges and Interactions (3) Double Layers and Shocks (4) Instabilities in the Equatorial and Auroral Electrojets (5) Turbulent and Anomalous Plasmas (6) Plasma Irregularities (7) Solar Plasma Phenomena (8) Active Experiments in Space Plasmas and Their Simulation in the Laboratory.

Plasma Physics

Book Description

The enlarged new edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic processes in plasmas and demonstrates that the same fundamental concepts describe cold gas-discharge plasmas, space plasmas, and hot fusion plasmas. Starting from particle drifts in magnetic fields, the principles of magnetic confinement fusion are explained and compared with laser fusion. Collective processes are discussed in terms of plasma waves and instabilities. The concepts of plasma description by magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic theory, and particle simulation are stepwise introduced. Space charge effects in sheath regions, double layers and plasma diodes are given the necessary attention. The novel fundamental mechanisms of dusty plasmas are explored and integrated into the framework of conventional plasmas. The book concludes with a concise description of modern plasma discharges. Written by an internationally renowned researcher in experimental plasma physics, the text keeps the mathematical apparatus simple and emphasizes the underlying concepts. The guidelines of plasma physics are illustrated by a host of practical examples, preferentially from plasma diagnostics. There, Langmuir probe methods, laser interferometry, ionospheric sounding, Faraday rotation, and diagnostics of dusty plasmas are discussed. Though primarily addressing students in plasma physics, the book is easily accessible for researchers in neighboring disciplines, such as space science, astrophysics, material science, applied physics, and electrical engineering. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and contains substantially enlarged chapters on plasma diagnostics, dusty plasmas and plasma discharges. Probe techniques have been rearranged into basic theory and a host of practical examples for probe techniques in dc, rf, and space plasmas. New topics in dusty plasmas, such as plasma crystals, Yukawa balls, phase transitions and attractive forces have been adopted. The chapter on plasma discharges now contains a new section on conventional and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. The recently discovered electrical asymmetry effect in capacitive rf-discharges is described. The text is based on an introductory course to plasma physics and advanced courses in plasma diagnostics, dusty plasmas, and plasma waves, which the author has taught at Kiel University for three decades. The pedagogical approach combines detailed explanations, a large number of illustrative figures, short summaries of the basics at the end of each chapter, and a selection of problems with detailed solutions.

Introduction to Plasma Physics

Book Description

Introducing the principles and applications of plasma physics, this new edition is ideal as an advanced undergraduate or graduate-level text.

An Introduction to Plasma Physics and Its Space Applications, Volume 1

Book Description

The growing number of scientific and technological applications of plasma physics in the field of Aerospace Engineering requires that graduate students and professionals understand their principles. This introductory book is the expanded version of class notes of lectures I taught for several years to students of Aerospace Engineering and Physics. It is intended as a reading guide, addressed to students and non-specialists to tackle later with more advanced texts. To make the subject more accessible the book does not follow the usual organization of standard textbooks in this field and is divided in two parts. The first introduces the basic kinetic theory (molecular collisions, mean free path, etc.) of neutral gases in equilibrium in connection to the undergraduate physics courses. The basic properties of ionized gases and plasmas (Debye length, plasma frequencies, etc.) are addressed in relation to their equilibrium states and the collisional processes at the microscopic level. The physical description of short and long-range (Coulomb) collisions and the more relevant collisions (elementary processes) between electrons' ions and neutral atoms or molecules are discussed. The second part introduces the physical description of plasmas as a statistical system of interacting particles introducing advanced concepts of kinetic theory, (non-equilibrium distribution functions, Boltzmann collision operator, etc). The fluid transport equations for plasmas of electron ions and neutral atoms and the hydrodynamic models of interest in space science and plasma technology are derived. The plasma production in the laboratory in the context of the physics of electric breakdown is also discussed. Finally, among the myriad of aerospace applications of plasma physics, the low pressure microwave electron multipactor breakdown and plasma thrusters for space propulsion are presented in two separate chapters.

Introduction to Plasma Physics

Book Description

Advanced undergraduate/beginning graduate text on space and laboratory plasma physics.

Characterizing Space Plasmas

Book Description

This didactic book uses a data-driven approach to connect measurements made by plasma instruments to the real world. This approach makes full use of the instruments’ capability and examines the data at the most detailed level an experiment can provide. Students using this approach will learn what instruments can measure, and working with real-world data will pave their way to models consistent with these observations. While conceived as a teaching tool, the book contains a considerable amount of new information. It emphasizes recent results, such as particle measurements made from the Cluster ion experiment, explores the consequences of new discoveries, and evaluates new trends or techniques in the field. At the same time, the author ensures that the physical concepts used to interpret the data are general and widely applicable. The topics included help readers understand basic problems fundamental to space plasma physics. Some are appearing for the first time in a space physics textbook. Others present different perspectives and interpretations of old problems and models that were previously considered incontestable. This book is essential reading for graduate students in space plasma physics, and a useful reference for the broader astrophysics community.

Space Physics and Aeronomy, Magnetospheres in the Solar System

Book Description

Überblick über den aktuellen Wissensstand und künftige Forschungsrichtungen in der Magnetosphärenphysik In den sechs Jahrzehnten seit der Einführung des Begriffs ?Magnetosphäre? sind über den magnetisierten Raum, der jeden Körper in unserem Sonnensystem umgibt, viele Theorien entstanden und viele Erkenntnisse gewonnen worden. Jede Magnetosphäre ist einzigartig und verhält sich doch entsprechend den universellen physikalischen Vorgängen. Der Band ?Magnetospheres in the Solar System? enthält Beiträge von Experten für Experimentalphysik, theoretische Physik und numerische Modellierung, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Magnetosphären vermitteln, von der winzigen Magnetosphäre des Merkur bis zu den gewaltigen planetarischen Magnetosphären von Jupiter und Saturn. Das Werk bietet insbesondere: * Einen kompakten Überblick über die Geschichte der Magnetosphäre, ihre Grundsätze und Gleichungen * Eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Prozesse in der Magnetospährenphysik * Instrumente und Techniken zur Untersuchung von Prozessen in der Magnetosphäre * Eine besondere Schwerpunktsetzung auf die Magnetosphäre der Erde und ihre Dynamik * Eine Darstellung der planetaren Magnetfelder und Magnetosphären im gesamten Sonnensystem * Eine Definition der künftigen Forschungsrichtungen in der Magnetosphärenphysik Die Amerikanische Geophysikalische Vereinigung fördert die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der Erde und des Weltraums zum Wohle der Menschheit. In ihren Publikationen werden wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse veröffentlicht, die Forschern, Studenten und Fachkräften zur Verfügung stehen.

Fusion Energy Update

Book Description

Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas

Book Description

This monograph is the first book exclusively devoted to Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas with extended Electrodynamics and Gravito-Electrodynamics with Electric Mirrors. The book incorporates novel concepts of Electro Cusp-Reconnection and Generalized Critical Ionization Velocities as well as modern concepts of Self-Organization and Chaos. Therefore, the book is special and quite different from the previous edition in the field of plasma physics in terms of scope, object, and approach. The scope of the present work is much broader and much more general with space and laboratory applications, including collisional neutral and partially ionized gases in electric and space-charge fields, thereby accompanying electrical charging, electrification, discharge, ionization and recombination. The book will serve as a text book, text-related or reference book for graduate students, post graduates, and scientists in geo-astro, space, and laboratory plasma physics, electromagnetics and fluid dynamics. In addition, it will be useful for researchers outside the plasma community who wish to obtain new physical insights, aspects, and points of view.