Religion Index One

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Religion Index One

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A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1970-1995

Book Description

This volume contains a bibliography of the research on the Dead Sea Scrolls published during the last 25 years. All entries are alphabetically listed, provided with an identification number, and systematically classified by topics and key words as well as by manuscripts numbers and title of the compositions.

Religion Index Two

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Fifty Years of Philosophy of Religion: A Select Bibliography (1955-2005)

Book Description

The bibliography lists about 10.000 titles of monographs, collections and articles in the field of the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology that appeared between 1955 and 2005. The majority of them are in the English language but publications in German, Dutch and French are listed as well. Though it is not claimed to be exhaustive, the bibliography offers a fairly representative survey of scholarly work on the main topics of interest. *** Publications have been systematically classified according to eleven main categories: Introductions, Surveys and Historical Issues (Part I), Religious Language (Part II), Religious Experience (Part III), Religious Epistemology (Part IV) , Theism (Part V), Hermeneutics (Part VI), Religion and Science (Part VII), Religion and Aesthetics (Part VIII), Religion and Morality (Part IX), Religious Pluralism (Part X) and Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Part XI). Part III has been subdivided into Religious Experience and Mystical Experience, Part VII into The Concept of God, (arguments for) The Existence of God, The Problem of Evil and Atheism, and Part VII into General and Historical Issues, Theological Issues and (implications of) Modern Physics, Cosmology and Biology. *** The bibliography will particularly be useful to scholars, teachers and students in the philosophy of religion, philosophical theology and systematic theology as well as to those who are interested, professionally or otherwise, in the results of academic scholarship in those fields.

Counting Religion in Britain, 1970-2020

Book Description

Counting Religion in Britain, 1970-2020, the fourth volume in the author's chronological history of British secularization, sheds significant new light on the nature, scale, and timing of religious change in Britain during the past half-century, with particular reference to quantitative sources. Adopting a key performance indicators approach, twenty-one facets of personal religious belonging, behaving, and believing are examined, offering a much wider range of lenses through which the health of religion can be viewed and appraised than most contemporary scholarship. Summative analysis of these indicators, by means of a secularization dashboard, leads to a reaffirmation of the validity of secularization (in its descriptive sense) as the dominant narrative and direction of travel since 1970, while acknowledging that it is an incomplete process and without endorsing all aspects of the paradigmatic expression of secularization as a by-product of modernization.

World in Figures

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Understanding Political Change

Book Description

The central concern of Understanding Political Change is to explore the social and political sources of electoral change in Britain. From the Labour successes of the 1960s through the reemergence of the Liberals as a national force in 1974 and the rise and fall of the SDP to the potential emergence of the Green Party in the 1990s, Dr Heath and his collaborators chart the continually changing mould of British politics. Questions of the greater volatility of a more sophisticated electorate, of new cleavages in society replacing those based on social class, of the Conservative government's deliberate and inadvertent interventions to shape the emerging social structure, and of the influence which the political parties have been able to exert on public attitudes are all addressed with reference to data from the election surveys carried out after each general election since 1964.