Religious Enthusiasm and the Great Awakening

Book Description

"Examines the causes and results of a great revival which attacked Old World traditions as out of place in eighteenth-century America. According to the revivalists, if the New World were to fulfill its promise as a land where God worked intimately with a chosen people, then stifling, time-worn practices must be reshaped into appropriate instruments for a vital, experimental religion. Eighteenth-century Americans were well aware of religious enthusiasm by the time of the Great Awakening in the 1740s. The churches, based on Old World institutions and customs, had played a central role in their colonial life. The proponents of the Awakening provoked a debate which not only had far-reaching effects but split most American colonists into two camps over its fundamental issue. Was the Revival a genuine outpouring of the spirit of God or was it rather a first-rate example of hot-headed enthusiasm traditionally considered false and presumptuous? Advocates of the Awakening were impatient with the confines of theology and church discipline and sought a more direct, intense, and personal relationship with God. Its leaders recognized the increasing influence of Enlightenment thought and the serious decline in religious practice in the Colonies. They urged a more active, personal, and emotional part in the spread of God's grace and warned of the consequences if religious complacency and disinterest continued to increase. In describing the sharp contention that took place during the Great Awakening and after, Professor Lovejoy has explored a major conflict in early American history whose legacy endures today. To many, the Awakening posed a threat to both religion and to the political and social stability of American society. Was the Great Awakening a burst of enthusiasm to be exposed and condemned as evil, or was it the beginning of a new religious spirit and technique that the New World experience demanded?"--Jacket.

The Great Awakening

Book Description

The Great Awakening refers to a number of periods of religious revival in American Christian history. Historians and theologians identify three or four waves of increased religious enthusiasm occurring between the early 18th century and the late 20th century. Each of these "Great Awakenings" was characterized by widespread revivals led by evangelical Protestant ministers, a sharp increase of interest in religion, a profound sense of conviction and redemption on the part of those affected, an increase in evangelical church membership, and the formation of new religious movements and denominations.This volume is the history of the religious revival in America in the mid to late 18th century and remains second to none in its definitive treatment of one of the most important and remarkable eras in the history of the Christian church in modern times.

Religious Enthusiasm in the New World

Book Description

In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England and America, established society branded as "enthusiasts" those unconventional but religiously devout extremists who stepped across orthodox lines and claimed an intimate, emotional relationship with God. John of Leyden, Anne Hutchinson, William Penn, and George Whitefield all shared the label "enthusiast." This book is a study of the enthusiasts who migrated to the American colonies as well as those who emergedthere--from Pilgrim Fathers to pietistic Moravians, from the martyr-bound Quakers to heaven-bent revivalists of the 1740s. This study of the role of religious enthusiasm in early America tells us much about English attitudes toward religion in the New World and about the vital part it played in the lives of the colonists. Both friends and enemies of enthusiasm revealed in their arguments and actions their own conceptions of the America they inhabited. Was religion in America to be an extension of Old World institutions or truly a product of the New World? Would enthusiasm undermine civilized institutions, not only established churches, but government, social structure, morality, and the economy as well? Calling enthusiasts first heretics, then subversives and conspirators, conventional society sought ways to suppress or banish them. By 1776 enthusiasm had spilled over into politics and added a radical dimension to the revolutionary struggle. This timely exploration of the effect of radical religion on the course of early American history provides essential historical perspective to the current interest in popular religion.

Inventing the "Great Awakening"

Book Description

This book is a history of an astounding transatlantic phenomenon, a popular evangelical revival known in America as the first Great Awakening (1735-1745). Beginning in the mid-1730s, supporters and opponents of the revival commented on the extraordinary nature of what one observer called the "great ado," with its extemporaneous outdoor preaching, newspaper publicity, and rallies of up to 20,000 participants. Frank Lambert, biographer of Great Awakening leader George Whitefield, offers an overview of this important episode and proposes a new explanation of its origins. The Great Awakening, however dramatic, was nevertheless unnamed until after its occurrence, and its leaders created no doctrine nor organizational structure that would result in a historical record. That lack of documentation has allowed recent scholars to suggest that the movement was "invented" by nineteenth-century historians. Some specialists even think that it was wholly constructed by succeeding generations, who retroactively linked sporadic happenings to fabricate an alleged historic development. Challenging these interpretations, Lambert nevertheless demonstrates that the Great Awakening was invented--not by historians but by eighteenth-century evangelicals who were skillful and enthusiastic religious promoters. Reporting a dramatic meeting in one location in order to encourage gatherings in other places, these men used commercial strategies and newly popular print media to build a revival--one that they also believed to be an "extraordinary work of God." They saw a special meaning in contemporary events, looking for a transatlantic pattern of revival and finding a motive for spiritual rebirth in what they viewed as a moral decline in colonial America and abroad. By examining the texts that these preachers skillfully put together, Lambert shows how they told and retold their revival account to themselves, their followers, and their opponents. His inquiries depict revivals as cultural productions and yield fresh understandings of how believers "spread the word" with whatever technical and social methods seem the most effective.

The Great Awakening

Book Description

Most twentieth-century Americans fail to appreciate the power of Christian conversion that characterized the eighteenth-century revivals, especially the Great Awakening of the 1740s. The common disdain in this secular age for impassioned religious emotion and language is merely symptomatic of the shift in values that has shunted revivals to the sidelines. The very magnitude of the previous revivals is one indication of their importance. Between 1740 and 1745 literally thousands were converted. From New England to the southern colonies, people of all ages and all ranks of society underwent the New Birth. Virtually every New England congregation was touched. It is safe to say that most of the colonists in the 1740s, if not converted themselves, knew someone who was, or at least heard revival preaching. The Awakening was a critical event in the intellectual and ecclesiastical life of the colonies. The colonists' view of the world placed much importance on conversion. Particularly, Calvinist theology viewed the bestowal of divine grace as the most crucial occurrence in human life. Besides assuring admission to God's presence in the hereafter, divine grace prepared a person for a fullness of life on earth. In the 1740s the colonists, in overwhelming numbers, laid claim to the divine power which their theology offered them. Many experienced the moral transformatoin as promised. In the Awakening the clergy's pleas of half a century came to dramatic fulfillment. Not everyone agreed that God was working in the Awakening. Many believed preachers to be demagogues, stirring up animal spirits. The revival was looked on as an emotional orgy that needlessly disturbed the churches and frustrated the true work of God. But from 1740 to 1745 no other subject received more attention in books and pamphlets. Through the stirring rhetoric of the sermons, theological treatises, and correspondence presented in this collection, readers can vicariously participate in the ecstasy as well as in the rage generated by America's first national revival.

The Great Awakening

Book Description

The Great Awakening: Documents Illustrating the Crisis and Its Consequences

Book Description

Of the Spirit / Jonathan Dickinson -- The government of the church of Christ / John Thomson -- A particular consideration of "the Querists" / Samuel Blair -- "The Querists," a short reply to Mr. Whitefield's letter -- The wonderful wandering Spirit -- Christ triumphing, and Satan raging / Samuel Finley -- Remarks upon a Protestation / Gilbert Tennent -- A display of God's special grace / Jonathan Dickinson -- Spiritual travels / Nathan Cole --. - Account of the revival at Lyme / Jonathan Parsons -- Gilbert Tennent's powerful preaching in Boston -- Account of the revival at Lyme / Jonathan Parsons -- A song of praise / James Davenport -- The distinguishing marks of a work of the Spirit / Jonathan Edwards -- The spirits of the present day tried / David McGregore -- Enthusi.

The Great Awakening

Book Description

In the mid-eighteenth century, Americans experienced an outbreak of religious revivals that shook colonial society. This book provides a definitive view of these revivals, now known as the First Great Awakening, and their dramatic effects on American culture. Historian Thomas S. Kidd tells the absorbing story of early American evangelical Christianity through the lives of seminal figures like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield as well as many previously unknown preachers, prophets, and penitents.The Great Awakening helped create the evangelical movement, which heavily emphasized the individual’s experience of salvation and the Holy Spirit’s work in revivals. By giving many evangelicals radical notions of the spiritual equality of all people, the revivals helped breed the democratic style that would come to characterize the American republic. Kidd carefully separates the positions of moderate supporters of the revivals from those of radical supporters, and he delineates the objections of those who completely deplored the revivals and their wildly egalitarian consequences. The battles among these three camps, the author shows, transformed colonial America and ultimately defined the nature of the evangelical movement.

The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 4

Book Description

Interpreting the Great Awakening of the 18th century was in large part the work of Jonathan Edwards, whose writings on the subject defined the revival tradition in America. This text demonstrates how Edwards defended the evangelical experience against overheated zealous and rationalistic critics.

The Great Awakening in New England

Book Description

A study of the religious upheaval that swept through New England in the 1740s, looking at the changing attitudes toward religion that preceded the Great Awakening, and discussing events and people, including itinerant preacher George Whitefield, credited with precipitating the revival.