New Testament Conjectural Emendation in the Nineteenth Century: Jan Hendrik Holwerda as a Pioneer of Method

Book Description

In New Testament Conjectural Emendation in the Nineteenth Century Bart L.F. Kamphuis investigates the life and work of Jan Hendrik Holwerda (1805-1886), who should be seen as the father of the Dutch Movement of Conjectural Criticism. Through a close study of his correspondence, Kamphuis reconstructs Holwerda’s remarkable scholarly biography. He then positions his text-critical theory against the views of Lachmann, Tischendorf and Tregelles. Finally, Holwerda’s corpus of New Testament conjectures is analysed by means of a newly proposed classification, while specific conjectures are discussed in the context of the history of scholarship on the passages concerned. This study not only significantly contributes to our understanding of the history of New Testament textual criticism, but also shows that several of Holwerda’s conjectures have lasting relevance.

No Longer Written

Book Description

This is an important time for textual criticism of the New Testament. A fundamental re-evaluation is underway of both the purpose of the discipline and the nature of the manuscripts upon which it relies. The place of the controversial method of conjectural emendation is a debate that encompasses both of these issues. In this study, Ryan Wettlaufer explores the theory and practice of the method and then, using the Epistle of James as a case study, argues that conjectural emendation is an important tool that can be used to restore readings which were once found in the original text but now are No Longer Written.

Unseen Variants

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The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

This is a PDF based on the contents of a web site I’ve been working on for decades. I do not believe I will ever entirely finish it. But I wanted to make it available. Textual criticism is the process of recovering an ancient document from late and corrupt manuscript copies; New Testament Textual Criticism consists of trying to figure out what the New Testament originally said before scribes messed it up. Dedicated to Dr. Sally Amundson and Dr. Carol Elizabeth Anway and Lily. This version, from July 20, 2013, will probably be the last; the file is almost too large to edit.

A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, 2 Volumes

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Scrivener was a master of textual criticism. This fourth edition, completed by Edward Miller, records 3,791 manuscripts. A classic, essential for understanding the history of textual criticism.

The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research

Book Description

The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis provides a thoroughly up-to-date assessment of every major aspect of New Testament textual criticism. The twenty-four essays in the volume, all written by internationally acknowledged experts in the field, cover every major aspect of the discipline, discussing the advances that have been made since the mid twentieth century. With full and informative bibliographies, these contributions will be essential reading for anyone interested in moving beyond the standard handbooks in order to see where the discipline now stands, a vade mecum for all students and text-critical scholars for a generation to come.