Remedial Investigation/Baseline Risk Assessment for the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, Volume 2 - RI Appendices J-Q.

Book Description

Fort Sheridan performed validation of analytical data that were collected during the Phase I Remedial investigation (RI) in 1990 to 1991. As required by the Final Overall Quality Assurance Project Plan Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study, Fort Sheridan, Illinois (OQAPP), Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc. (ESE), 1995, the validation was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Contract Laboratory National Functional Guidelines. The results of the validation can be found in detail in the Final Data Validation Report (ECG, April 1996). The data validation process resulted in some of the data being assigned qualifiers "R" (meaning rejected) and "J" (meaning estimated). The significance of these two qualifiers on data usability for the RI was discussed between representatives of Fort Sheridan, USEPA, Illinois EPA, the U.S. Army Environmental Center (USAEC), and ESE. It was determined from this discussion and regulatory comments that resampling of most of the rejected (R-flagged) data would be conducted to replace the Phase I data. Also, at least 10 percent of the J-flagged samples would be resampled/ reanalyzed and compared with the Phase I results to provide an indication of overall data quality.

Final Remedial Investigation/Baseline Risk Assessment for the Ravines and Beach Area Study of the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Volume 1: RI Text and RI Appendices A-I.

Book Description

This document is comprised of two separate parts: the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus Operable Unit (OU) Remedial Investigation (RI) Report and the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus OU Baseline Risk Assessment (BRA). The RI presents the history of the Surplus OU; its geographic, hydrogeologic, and demographic setting; and a brief discussion of the methodologies used to collect the data evaluated in the report. The report also presents the collected data, establishes their validity and usability, and then evaluates the data to establish the nature and extent of the various affected environmental media (i.e., sediment, surface water, and groundwater) in the ravines and Beach Area study areas. The BRA evaluates the detected constituents to establish a list of constituents of potential concern (COPCs). The BRA identifies complete exposure pathways and those receptors potentially exposed to COPCs through these pathways. The BRA also evaluates whether the COPCs detected in the various environmental media in the ravines and Beach Area study areas pose a potential unacceptable risk to human health and the environment. The BRA concluded that the concentrations of COPCs in the various environmental media do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.

Remedial Investigation/Baseline Risk Assessment for the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, Volume 3 - BRA Text and BRA Appendices A-L.

Book Description

The purpose of the BRA is twofold. First, the BRA provides an evaluation of the potential threat to human health and the environment associated with the release or potential release of constituents of concern from the ravines and Beach Area study areas of the Surplus OU at Fort Sheridan. The primary objective of this evaluation is to identify constituents of potential concern (COPCs) and exposure pathways, conduct a toxicity assessment for each COPC, conduct an exposure assessment, and characterize potential risks to human and environmental receptors. The BRA summarizes and interprets data collected during the RI to characterize the COPCs, describe constituent migration pathways, identify potential human and environmental exposure pathways, and assess current and future adverse effects on human health and the environment under the no action alternative. The second purpose of the BRA is to evaluate the need for a feasibility study (FS). This evaluation focuses on an evaluation of those potential risks greater than the acceptable range. This analysis will identify those constituents of concern and the affected media that drive the need for an FS.

Final Proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan, Illinois

Book Description

The Proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Ravines and Beach Area study areas of the Surplus Operable Unit (OU) (Proposed Plan) identifies the Preferred Alternative. After completing a comprehensive environmental investigation of Janes and Hutchinson Ravines and the Beach Area study areas, the Army is recommending that no action is necessary at these study areas. This Proposed Plan describes the rationale used to determine that no action is needed. This document is being issued by the Army, the lead agency for remedial activities, in consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), which are the support agencies for this site. Following review and consideration of the information submitted during the public comment period (June 11, 1998 to July 10, 1998), the Army, in consultation with the USEPA and IEPA, will select the final remedy for the ravines and Beach Area study areas in a Decision Document.

Final Remedial Action Plan for the LF2/SARN/38-Acre Parcel Fill Area, Fort Sheridan, Illinois

Book Description

This document presents a summary of the Remedial Investigation findings and Baseline Risk Assessment conclusions for the LF2/SARN/38-Acre Parcel Fill Area, Fort Sheridan, Illinois. The Proposed Plan also presents the selected remedial alternative for the LF2/SARN/38-Acre Parcel Fill Area. The selected remedy is No Action. The absence of risk outside the target risk range (i.e., 1E-06 - 1E-04) is the basis for selection of the No Action remedy.

Fort Sheridan, Phase II Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Department of Defense Operable Unit, Technical Plan. Addendum

Book Description

The additional study areas to be investigated under the Fort Sheridan DOD OU RI/Feasibility Study (FS) are described in the following sections. The locations of the study areas are shown in Figure 2-1. The study area descriptions summarize the known history and principal findings at each study area from previous investigations. The primary sources of historical information include the Final Archives Search Report (ACE 1996), aerial photographs, discussions with project personnel, and review of historical maps and data obtained from Fort Sheridan.

Offpost Operable Unit Remedial Investigation/Endangerment Assessment/Feasibility Study, Draft Final Work Plan

Book Description

This document presents the scope of work for additional data collection activities and interpretive reports to be performed in the off-post operable unit (OU) for preparation of: (1) Addendum to the final remedial investigation report; (2)' Revision of the draft final endangerment assessment/feasibility study. The plan is divided into the following sections: (1) Requirements for the RI addendum - technical approach and data collection program for the RI addendum - technical approach and data collection program for ground water, soil, sediment, biota, air; (2) Revision of the endagerment assessment - items that need to be reevaluated; (3) Revision of the feasibility study - evaluation of different media and ARAR's development of remedial alternatives; (4) Schedule and description of deliverables. Appendix a contains a detailed approach for the 96th avenue risk assessment.-BKA.

Addendum to the Remedial Investigation Report on Bear Creek Valley Operable Unit 2 (Rust Spoil Area, Spoil Area 1, and SY-200 Yard) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Volume 1: Main Text

Book Description

This addendum to the Remedial Investigation (RI) Report on Bear Creek Valley Operable Unit (OU) 2 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant was prepared in accordance with requirements under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) for reporting the results of a site characterization for public review. This addendum is a supplement to a document that was previously issued in January 1995 and that provided the Environmental Restoration Program with information about the results of the 1993 investigation performed at OU 2. The January 1995 D2 version of the RI Report on Bear Creek Valley OU 2 included information on risk assessments that have evaluated impacts to human health and the environment. Information provided in the document formed the basis for the development of the Feasibility Study Report. This addendum includes revisions to four chapters of information that were a part of the document issued in January 1995. Specifically, it includes revisions to Chaps. 2, 3, 4, and 9. Volume 1 of this document is not being reissued in its entirety as a D3 version because only the four chapters just mentioned have been affected by requested changes. Note also that Volume 2 of this RI Report on Bear Creek Valley OU 2 is not being reissued in conjunction with Volume 1 of this document because there have been no changes requested or made to the previously issued version of Volume 2 of this document.


Book Description