Remember Mercy

Book Description

In the fall of 2010, the Turner kids ventured to follow Simmie Turner's trail through Alaska by sea, railroad, and highway. It was a great journey where the scenery remains unchanged since the days of the greatest generation who built the ALCAN highway. Simmie's story was added to the tales of adventure told along the goldrush trail. We hope everyone who reads the book can make the trip to Alaska. It is mythical country. Nothing like it anywhere else. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, the Sovereign Lord says. Coming of age through suffering in the Great Depression, a wild mountain boy meets a serious young widow. They start a new family only to be separated by World War II. Like a williwaw squall that sweeps the Aleutian islands, the war uproots young dreams, detours voyages, and hides enemy forces. Are Helens prayers a match for the call of the wild when Sim crosses paths with men who find adventure and fortune with international construction companies? Is psychology or theology a better explanatory frame for the question Robert Frost posed in The Road Not Taken?

Foreskin Dowry

Book Description

Many people never bother to find out what God's plan for their lives is. Rather they blindly and hastily pursue their personal ambition. But the truth is that God will not support you in a mission He has not sent you. As a result, many are building on a faulty foundation while others are busy erecting faulty foundations for their generations yet unborn. All these have consequences. Foreskin Dowry takes an incisive look at the effects of these actions on our foundation and teaches what we must do and the kind of prayers we must pray in order to overcome the ugly consequences.

Journey through Exodus

Book Description

In my years of studying the Bible, I have found several spiritual principles to be very appealing. I have read the promises about the possibility of being an overcomer. In the seven letters of Revelation 2 and 3, one reoccurring thing is the promises to the overcomers. If one thinks about it, you can either be an overcomer or be overcome. The choice is easy: I would rather be an overcomer. I have read the verses about the possibility of living life daily aided by heavenly wisdom. Listen to James 1:5: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not; and it shall be given him.” I have often asked the church, “On any given day, how often do we need the wisdom to make decisions and find needed direction?” To answer that question with “one hundred” would be conservative. To add to wisdom, we are told that we can tap into the heavenly supplies of strength, energy, power, and patience. According to James 1:5, God’s not going to fuss at you if you keep coming back again and again asking for more. The key to these and all the promises of the Bible are found in the discipline of a daily quiet time. When I was in college, with God’s help, I developed this discipline to attribute any spiritual success, any success, in my Christian life to the help I have found in this daily time with God and my Bible. To remove any excuses, I have written devotionals for my church. We have started in chapter 1, verse 1, of a book in the Bible and have worked our way through it. We have covered Genesis, Exodus, Philippians, and Leviticus, to mention a few; and as long as God gives me strength, we will continue. The pages in this book contain our thoughts and our understanding of our journey through Exodus.