The Demographic, Economic and Financial Determinants of International Remittances in developing countries

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Abstract: What causes developing countries to receive different levels of international remittances? This paper addresses this question by using new data on such variables as the skill composition of migrants, poverty, and interest and exchange rates to examine the determinants of remittances. The paper finds that the skill composition of migrants does matter in remittance determination. Countries which export a larger share of high-skilled (educated) migrants receive less per capita remittances than countries which export a larger proportion of low-skilled migrants. It also finds that the level of poverty in a labor-sending country does not have a positive impact on the level of remittances received.

The Development Dimension Migration, Remittances and Development

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This publication presents the current situation with regard to the magnitude and economic impact of migrants’ remittances to their countries of origin.

Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond

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During the 2008 financial crisis, the possible changes in remittance-sending behavior and potential avenues to alleviate a probable decline in remittance flows became concerns. This book brings together a wide array of studies from around the world focusing on the recent trends in remittance flows. The authors have gathered a select group of researchers from academic, practitioner and policy making bodies. Thus the book can be seen as a conversation between the different stakeholders involved in or affected by remittance flows globally. The book is a first-of-its-kind attempt to analyze the effects of an ongoing crisis on remittance flows globally. Data analyzed by the book reveals three trends. First, The more diversified the destinations and the labour markets for migrants the more resilient are the remittances sent by migrants. Second, the lower the barriers to labor mobility, the stronger the link between remittances and economic cycles in that corridor. And third, as remittances proved to be relatively resilient in comparison to private capital flows, many remittance-dependent countries became even more dependent on remittance inflows for meeting external financing needs. There are several reasons for migration and remittances to be relatively resilient to the crisis. First, remittances are sent by the stock (cumulative flows) of migrants, not only by the recent arrivals (in fact, recent arrivals often do not remit as regularly as they must establish themselves in their new homes). Second, contrary to expectations, return migration did not take place as expected even as the financial crisis reduced employment opportunities in the US and Europe. Third, in addition to the persistence of migrant stocks that lent persistence to remittance flows, existing migrants often absorbed income shocks and continued to send money home. Fourth, if some migrants did return or had the intention to return, they tended to take their savings back to their country of origin. Finally, exchange rate movements during the crisis caused unexpected changes in remittance behavior: as local currencies of many remittance recipient countries depreciated sharply against the US dollar, they produced a sale effect on remittance behavior of migrants in the US and other destination countries.

Migration from Zambia

Book Description

"The paper analyzes migration from Zambia in order to understand how migration policy can support development in the least developed countries. Overall emigration from Zambia is not high by regional standards, but the pattern of migration is skewed toward the skilled and away from the unskilled. A development-friendly approach to migration for Zambia would strive to ensure the temporariness of both types of movement. First, industrial countries may be willing to accept a higher level of unskilled immigration if they could be certain that it is temporary. Second, any adverse effects of brain drain would be greatly alleviated if skilled emigration is temporary. The problem is that host countries cannot unilaterally ensure temporariness of unskilled migration because repatriation cannot be accomplished without the help of source countries like Zambia, and source countries today have little incentive to facilitate the return of the unskilled. At the same time, source countries like Zambia cannot unilaterally ensure temporariness of the skilled because repatriation cannot be accomplished without the help of the host countries, and host countries currently have little incentive to send back the skilled. So, there is a strong case and considerable scope for cooperation between source countries like Zambia and destination countries in the design and implementation of migration policy so that unskilled migration becomes feasible and skilled migration takes a more desirable form." -- Cover verso.

European Migration

Book Description

"Preliminary versions of many of these papers were presented at the CEPR conference "European migration: what do we know?" held in Munich on November 14-15th 1997"--Acknowledgements.

International Remittance Payments and the Global Economy

Book Description

International Remittance Payments are described mainly as money sent by immigrants to their families and friends in their home countries. These payments provide an important source of income that is mostly used to provide for a variety of basic needs of the non-migrating members of immigrant families and thus remittance payments can be considered as a tool to reduce the poverty level of the labor sending countries. However, remittances are also used for asset accumulation by some families and for some countries they constitute a good part of foreign funds coming into the country. In-spite of their increasing volume over the last few decades, a lot of things about remittances are not known and studies estimate that about half of these money transfers are not even recorded. Since these payments are shown to reduce poverty and help economic progress in the remittance receiving countries, a better knowledge about remittances would help the debates surrounding immigration, remittances and their relation to the global economy. This book provides an overview of remittances in different parts of the world over the last thirty years. It looks at the labor sending and labor receiving countries separately. The text examines the trends, uses, motivations behind sending remittances, cost of sending them and how they are affected by the nature and the development level of different institutional factors. The remittance flows are growing over time and they are used mostly for reducing the uncertainty of life in the less developed parts of the world. However, motivation for sending remittances could be improved and thus remittances could be more conducive to economic development if 1) the relation between the remittance decision and the migration decision is better understood and 2) the costs of international money transfers are reduced. More studies about those issues would benefit the international community. Efforts should be made in all fronts to encourage such international flow of funds not only to have a redistribution of income all over the world, but also to synchronize the efforts towards global economic development and a better integration of the world economy. This book is aimed researchers, policy practitioners and post graduates studying International Economics or International Economic Relations or Political Science or Economic Development.

Richard H. Adams, Jr.

Book Description

Migrant Remittances in South Asia

Book Description

This volume provides theoretical treatments of remittance on how its development potential is translated into reality. The authors meticulously delve into diverse mechanisms through which migrant communities remit, investigating how recipients engage in the development process in South Asia.