Removal of 14C from Irradiated Graphite for Wast Volume Reduction and Bulk Graphite Recycle

Book Description

Presently, there are 250,000 metric tons of irradiated graphite waste worldwide and with the development of the High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor this volume is expected to drastically increase indicating the need for a graphite waste management strategy. The most probable management strategy is long-term storage in a deep geological repository; however, the disposal of large irradiated graphite components is unnecessary and uneconomical. Previous characterization of irradiated graphite has indicated the most significant long-term isotope of concern is carbon-14. Most radionuclides can be removed using established purification methods; however, the carbon-14 in irradiated graphite is chemically indistinguishable from carbon-12. Thus purification methods are not applicable. Fachinger et al. (2006) have demonstrated removal of carbon-14 from irradiated graphite using pyrolysis and oxidation. This thesis presents the further refinement of thermal treatment method in order to offer an optimal graphite waste management solution.

Removal of 14C from Irradiated Graphite for Graphite Recycle and Waste Volume Reduction

Book Description

The aim of the research presented here was to identify the chemical form of 14C in irradiated graphite. A greater understanding of the chemical form of this longest-lived isotope in irradiated graphite will inform not only management of legacy waste, but also development of next generation gas-cooled reactors. Approximately 250,000 metric tons of irradiated graphite waste exists worldwide, with the largest single quantity originating in the Magnox and AGR reactors of UK. The waste quantity is expected to increase with decommissioning of Generation II reactors and deployment of Generation I gas-cooled, graphite moderated reactors. Of greatest concern for long-term disposal of irradiated graphite is carbon-14 14C, with a half-life of 5730 years.

Processing of Irradiated Graphite to Meet Acceptance Criteria for Waste Disposal

Book Description

Graphite is widely used in the nuclear industry and in research facilities and this has led to increasing amounts of irradiated graphite residing in temporary storage facilities pending disposal. This publication arises from a coordinated research project (CRP) on the processing of irradiated graphite to meet acceptance criteria for waste disposal.

Characterisation and Chemical Treatment of Irradiated UK Graphite Waste

Book Description

Once current nuclear reactor operation ceases in the U.K. there will be an estimated 99,000 tonnes of irradiated nuclear graphite waste which may account for up to 30% of any future UK geological ILW disposal facility [1]. In order to make informed decisions of how best to dispose of such large volumes of irradiated graphite (I-graphite) within the UK nuclear programme, it is necessary to understand the nature and migration of isotopes present within the graphite structure. I-graphite has a combination of short and long term isotopes such as 14C, 3H and 36Cl, how these behave prior to and during disposal is of great concern to scientific and regulatory bodies when evaluating present decommissioning options. Various proposed decontamination and immobilisation treatments within the EU Euroatom FP7 CARBOWASTE program have been explored [2, 3]. Experiments have been carried out on UK irradiated British Experimental Pile Zero and Magnox Wylfa graphite in order to remove isotopic content prior to long term storage and to assess the long term leachability of isotopes. Several leaching conditions have been developed to remove 3H and 14C from the irradiated graphite using oxidising and various acidic environments and show mobility of 3H and 14C. Leaching analysis obtained from this research and differences observed under varying leaching conditions will be discussed. Thermal analysis of the samples pre and post leaching has been performed to quantify and validate the 14C and 3H inventory. Finally the research objectives address differences in leachability in the graphite to that of structural and operational variation of the material. Techniques including X-ray Tomography, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Autoradiography and Raman spectroscopy have been examined and show a significant differences in microstructure, isotope distribution and location depending of irradiation history, temperature and graphite source. Ultimately the suitability of the developed chemical treatments will be discussed as whether chemical treatment is a viable option prior to irradiated graphite long term disposal.