Book Description
Thank you ... Muchas gracias ... Tusen tak ... Merci beaucoup. No matter what language you speak you can own and operate a Rent-A-Maid business. The boundaries of how large or how many areas in which you operate are only in your dreams. WHAT YOU THINK YOU BECOME! Always think positive thoughts; your thoughts control you right down to your next step. Never give up. Take a vacation yes, but remember you need to get back up some day. The sooner the better: get started and get back to work. It may sound like I am writing this to myself, and I am. I closed my Rent-A-Maid office in Oklahoma City in the fall of 1997. I enjoyed running Rent-A-Maid; it was fun, exciting, challenging and sometimes it was a heartbreaking job, but it was easy. So, ten years later, I’m starting again. I’m a strong believer in God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. I believe that those who believe in him succeed in ways that the secular world would not believe. If you are a believer, that was the biggest step that you have ever made. No one is perfect, but we can strive in that direction. Your next big step is to make up your mind that you’re going to do this. As Napoleon Hill once said, “Do it now”. Please understand my friend, that where you find yourself tomorrow is a function of the positive decisions and actions you take today. Opportunities are like sunrises - if you wait too long, you miss them. Progress always involves risks. You can ́t steal second base and keep your foot on first. To solve any problem, here are three questions to keep in mind. First, what could I do? Second, what could I READ? And third, who could I ask? Don ́t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Take advantage of every opportunity. The wonderful thing about the game of life is that winning and losing are only temporary...unless you quit. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. This book is written in faith 2. Acknowledgments 3. Picture of Ray, Happiness, Freedom and Peace of mind 4. Certificate of filing Rent-A-Maid Int’l LLC 5. Table of contents 6. Table of contents pg 2 7. Rent-A-Maid, an important step 8. Truths 9. How Rent-A-Maid began 10. Picture, Faith comes by hearing 11. Rent-A-Maid Int’l: A. Thank you, B. What you think you become 12. Before opening your office. A. Registering your name. B. Opening business checking 13. Sharing an office. A. Business phone. B. Daily responsibilities. C. Advertise 14. Pricing. A. Using your supplies or theirs. B. What we do for you 15. Interviews and training. A. Breakage. B. Help wanted ads 16. First and second days training. A. Selecting areas. B. Maids kits. C. People move 17. Essentials for a healthy life style 18. Scheduling board and cards 19. Scheduling is as easy as 1 2 3 20. Character in running your office. 21. Things go wrong and they do 22. Truths 23. Cavemen need Rent-A-Maid 24. Picture, kitchen sink, leave a business card 25. Eight ways to increase your faith. 25A. Be determined 26. Picture, Faith, Hope and Love. 26A. Lack of money 27. Answering the phone. 27A. To improve your circumstances 28. When you work for Rent-A-Maid. 28A. A Christmas Carol . 29. When you work for Rent-A-Maid page 2. 29A. Love is like playing the piano 30. Vacant House/Apartment Checklist. 30A. An Angel says 31. Rent-A-Maid General Cleaning Checklist. 31A. Having problems 32. Picture, kitchen corner. Be sure to get the check. 32A. Knock, knock 33. Advertising. 33A. Forgive them 34. Truths. 34A. Money 35. Maid contracts. 35A. Background and circumstances TABLE OF CONTENTS page 2 36. Personal Information. 36A. Regina Brett 37. Pay sheets (2 parts). 37A. Anger 38. Field Management Certificate. 38A.What you love 39. Area Manager Training pamphlet. 39A. Don’t audit life 40. Area Manager Training pamphlet page 2. 40A. Actions 41. Addition