Report of the 1998 Defense Science Board (DSB) Task Force on DoD Warfighting Transformation

Book Description

The Defense Science Board (DSB) Warfighting Transformation Task Force was charged with reviewing the transformation activities underway in the Department of Defense (DoD) to: * provide an independent, comprehensive picture of transformation efforts that encompasses processes, organizational responsibilities, and anticipated products; * identify opportunities to enhance, as well as the obstacles to, transformation progress; and * recommend Criteria to gauge progress over the next several years. Transformation efforts within DoD today involve an inevitable tension between dealing with today's problems and preparing for tomorrow's. But an even more formidable tension exists between alternative views of tomorrow's challenges and between competing approaches to address them. Transformation is about defining and implementing a vision of the future different from the one embedded, if only implicitly, in DoD's current plans and programs. Such a transformation requires powerful, high-level support to survive in today's resource-competitive environment.

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on DoD Warfighting Transformation

Book Description

The Defense Science Board (DSB) Warfighting Transformation Task Force was charged with reviewing the transformation activities underway in the Department of Defense (DoD) to: provide an independent, comprehensive picture of transformation efforts that encompasses processes, organizational responsibilities, and anticipated products; identify opportunities to enhance, as well as the obstacles to, transformation progress; and recommend Criteria to gauge progress over the next several years. Transformation efforts within DoD today involve an inevitable tension between dealing with today's problems and preparing for tomorrow's. But an even more formidable tension exists between alternative views of tomorrow's challenges and between competing approaches to address them. Transformation is about defining and implementing a vision of the future different from the one embedded, if only implicitly, in DoD's current plans and programs. Such a transformation requires powerful, high-level support to survive in today's resource-competitive environment.

The Defense Science Board 1998 Summer Study Task Force on DoD Logistics Transformation. Volume 1: Final Report

Book Description

This report summarizes the work of the Defense Science Board Summer Study Task Force on Department of Defense (DoD) Logistics Transformation. The Summer Study was tasked to recommend actions to be taken that achieve a true transformation, not marginal improvements to the U.S. military logistics system. The Study emphasized several points: (1) The principal operational challenge facing the U.S. military in the 21st Century is strengthening and preserving its capability for early, then continuous, application of dominant control effects across the full spectrum of conflict; (2) The military logistics system is a critical enabler of deployment, then sustainment, of dominant full-spectrum engagement effects; (3) Today's U.S. military suffers from a separation of logistics from operations and a reliance on mass, rather than efficiency and certainty, to be effective - the logistics system frequently constrains operations and drains scarce resources needed for force modernization; (4) Failure to seamlessly blend military logistics with operations will be a showstopper for DoD's planned Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA); (5) DoD must recognize that logistics transformation is a BIG DEAL; and (6) A transformed logistics system can be responsive to CINC needs, support rapid closure of combat power, permit a smaller footprint, be more agile and responsive than today's system, fully integrate business processes and information systems, be well integrated with industry, and be significantly less expensive. The study consists of two volumes. Volume 1 is a summary of the findings and recommendations of the task Force. This volume contains a brief Executive Summary, the Task Force briefing charts with facing page text, and four appendices. Volume 2 contains the sub-panel reports of the Task Force, These reports examined Requirements, Deployment, Sustainment, and New Capabilities. The majority of the report (Volume 1) consists of briefing charts.

The Defense Science Board 1998 Summer Study Task Force on DoD Logistics Transformation. Volume 2: Panel Reports

Book Description

This report summarizes the work of the Defense Science Board Summer Study Task Force on Department of Defense (DoD) Logistics Transformation. The Summer Study was tasked to recommend actions to be taken that achieve a true transformation, not marginal improvements to the U.S. military logistics system. The Study emphasized several points: (1) The principal operational challenge facing the U.S. military in the 21st Century is strengthening and preserving its capability for early, then continuous, application of dominant control effects across the full spectrum of conflict; (2) The military logistics system is a critical enabler of deployment, then sustainment, of dominant full-spectrum engagement effects; (3) Today's U.S. military suffers from a separation of logistics from operations and a reliance on mass, rather than efficiency and certainty, to be effective - the logistics system frequently constrains operations and drains scarce resources needed for force modernization; (4) Failure to seamlessly blend military logistics with operations will be a showstopper for DoD's planned Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA); (5) DoD must recognize that logistics transformation is a BIG DEAL; and (6) A transformed logistics system can be responsive to CINC needs, support rapid closure of combat power, permit a smaller footprint, be more agile and responsive than today's system, fully integrate business processes and information systems, be well integrated with industry, and be significantly less expensive. The study consists of two volumes. Volume 1 is a summary of the findings and recommendations of the task Force. This volume contains a brief Executive Summary, the Task Force briefing charts with facing page text, and four appendices. Volume 2 contains the sub-panel reports of the Task Force, These reports examined Requirements, Deployment, Sustainment, and New Capabilities. The report contains briefing charts.

The Defense Science Board 1998 Summer Study Task Force on DoD Logistics Transformation

Book Description

This report summarizes the work of the Defense Science Board Summer Study Task Force on DOD Logistics Transformation. The study is comprised of two volumes. Volume I contains a brief Executive Summary, the Task Force briefing charts with facing page text, followed by several appendices. Appendix A contains the Summer Study Terms of Reference. Appendix B lists the members and government advisors to the study. Appendix C is a Glossary of acronyms. Appendix D is a list of the briefings presented to the Task Force and the sub-panels. Volume I is the summary of the findings and recommendations of the task Force.

Defense Science Board Task Force on Logistics Transformation - Phase II.

Book Description

Attached is the final report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Logistics Transformation - Phase II. Phase II of the Task Force effort was to review and evaluate DoD's progress to date on the transformation of the DoD Logistics System using the "1998 DSB report on DoD Logistics Transformation" as a baseline. In addition we were requested to review future plans and programs to determine their compliance with the recommendations related to the 1998 DSB report on DoD Logistics Transformation, determine the nature of barriers inhibiting the rapid Transformation of the DoD Logistics System and determine if any further implementation actions are required.

The Defense Science Board Letter Report on DoD Science and Technology Program

Book Description

This Summary is in response to the Congressional Language in Section 212 of the FY2OOO Defense Appropriation Report. That Section requests the views of the Defense Science Board on the adequacy of the Department's FY2OO1 Science and Technology Program budget requests. Since a Defense Science Board Task Force studied the Department's Science and Technology Program in 1998 under the Chairmanship of Walter Morrow, it was decided by the OSD and DSB leadership that a summary should be prepared based on the report of the 1998 Study of the Department's Science and Technology Program.

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Preventing and Defending Against Clandestine Nuclear Attack

Book Description

The DSB addressed this threat in previous studies conducted in 1997 (also chaired by Richard Wagner) and 1999/2000 (chaired by Roger Hagengruber). Much has changed since then. The 11 Sept. 2001 attacks demonstrated the intent of terrorists to inflict massive damage. Nuclear proliferation has proceeded apace, with North Korea and Iran achieving nuclear weapon capability or coming closer to it, and it could spread further. The United States is engaged in a war against terrorism, and DoD is beginning to devote significant effort to combating WMD. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been established. Thinking about the threat of clandestine nuclear attack has changed, and some efforts to explore defenses have begun. However, one thing has not changed: little has actually been done against the threat of clandestine nuclear attack. The DSB Summer Study on Transnational Threats (1997) first developed the ambitious idea of a very large, multi-element, global, layered civil/military system of systems of scope sufficient to have some prospect of effectively thwarting this threat. There was little resonance with this vision (outside of the Task Forces in 1997 and 2000), but since then, and especially since the attacks of 11 Sept. 2001, it has begun to be discussed more widely. This report will revisit such a national/global system, largely as context for the main focus of the Task Force: DoD's roles and capabilities. Following briefings from many government agencies and subject matter experts, the Task Force arrived at its basic findings and recommendations in early 2003. Since then, those results have been discussed in over 40 meetings within DoD and elsewhere, leading to certain refinements. This report reflects the outcomes of that process and weaves together viewgraphs used in the discussions with elaborating text.

Institutionalizing Stability Operations Within DoD: Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force

Book Description

Enclosed is the final report of the Defense Science Board task force on Institutionalizing Stability Operations within the Department of Defense (DoD). This task force was asked to consider the institutional hurdles to effectively constitute and use the capabilities for stability operations called for in the 2004 Defense Science Board Report on Transition to and from Hostilities and the subsequent draft Directive to implement the recommendations of the report. In the last year there has been noticeable progress within the Department toward explicit embrace of stability operations as a core activity of DoD on par with combat operations, although there is still a long way to go. In that light, our recommendations should be viewed as accelerants of the process. Unfortunately, during the last year the progress of other elements of the Government has been less fulsome. Thus, we urge that the Department act with dispatch to accelerate the transformation of its own capabilities, while concurrently continuing to give full support to the evolution of capabilities elsewhere within the Government. Even though stability operations are as pervasive as combat operations across the Department, high level leadership and management is currently needed to accelerate transformation. The most important agent of change is the Secretary of Defense. Ideally the Secretary, with the Deputy Secretary, should, in effect, act as Executive Agent for change of the magnitude envisioned. If the Secretary and Deputy Secretary seek additional support beyond that to be provided by the OSD Staff and the Joint Staff, appointing an Executive Agent will accelerate change, and the Secretary of the Army is a possible choice in light of the Army's dominant albeit not exclusive role in stability operations.