Report of the Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishement of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, Saint-Denis, Réunion, 6-9 February 2001

Book Description

This document is the final report of the Intergovernmental Consultation of the establishment of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, which was held in St Denis (Reunion), in February 2001. A draft agreement for the establishment of a regional fisheries body in the Southwest Indian Ocean was reviewed. The major items of discussion were the area of competence, membership, functions and finance of the regional body. Eight members of the former Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean as well as the European Community were present at the meeting.

Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean

Book Description

The Meeting reviewed the status of information available relating to these fisheries and the events in their recent development. The perspectives that were discussed tried to include those of governments whose vessels were fishing on the high seas in the study area and those of the industry with commercial operations in the area.

Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean

Book Description

The Meeting reviewed the status of information available relating to these fisheries and the events in their recent development. The perspectives that were discussed tried to include those of governments whose vessels were fishing on the high seas in the study area and those of the industry with commercial operations in the area.

HMSO Agency Catalogue

Book Description

Filling Regulatory Gaps in High Seas Fisheries

Book Description

In Filling Regulatory Gaps in High Seas Fisheries, author Yoshinobu Takei investigates the regime of high seas fisheries from the perspective of international law and considers whether there are regulatory gaps in high seas fisheries and, if so, how they should be filled. The book focuses on topical issues such as the management of deep-sea fisheries on the high seas and the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems. In view of the current state of marine fisheries resources, together with ecosystem concerns, swift and effective action is required to improve fisheries management, in particular for high seas fisheries. Takei thoroughly analyzes the current state of affairs and convincingly suggests steps to be taken in the future.

International Law and Sustainable Development

Book Description

'This masterly written collection, from many experts, focuses on the efforts of policy makers, as well as regional and national interest groups, to invoke International Law as the tool for realizing the objectives of sustainable development. The authors provide a rich vein of recent State and organizational practices that can be profitably mined by both academics and practitioners exploring contemporary perspectives.' ASIL Newsletter UN21 Interest Group, June 2005.

Non-Flag State Enforcement in High Seas Fisheries

Book Description

This book is the first comprehensive examination of state practice relating to enforcement by non-flag states of the high seas conservation and management measures adopted by Regional Fisheries Organisations. It demonstrates that an exception is emerging in customary international law to the rule of the primacy of flag state jurisdiction in the high seas fisheries context.