All Men and Both Sexes

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All Men and Both Sexes explores the use of such universal terms as &"people,&" &"man,&" or &"human&" in early modern England, from the civil war through the Enlightenment. Such language falsely implies inclusion of both men and women when actually it excludes women. Recent scholarship has focused on the Rights of Man doctrine from the Enlightenment and the French Revolution as explanation for women&’s exclusion from citizenship. According to Hilda Smith we need to go back further, to the English Revolution and the more grounded (but equally restricted) values tied to the &"free born Englishman.&" Citing educational treatises, advice literature to young people, guild records, popular periodicals, and parliamentary debates, she demonstrates how the &"male maturation process&" came to define the qualities attached to citizenship and responsible adulthood, which in turn became the basis for modern individualism and liberalism. By the eighteenth century a new discourse of sensibility was describing women as dependent beings outside the state, in a separate sphere and in need of protection. This excluded women from reform debates, forcing them to seek not an extension of a democratic franchise but a specific women&’s suffrage focused on gender difference.

Politicians in the Pulpit

Book Description

First published in 1999, the world of Christian radicalism in the first half of the nineteenth century is reconstructed here with thorough research by Eileen Groth Lyon. Christian radicals, during this period, sought to incite political action through the use of Scripture, using such themes as the rights of man as founded in God’s gift of creation, the deliverance of oppressed peoples, and the perceived favour towards the poor shown in the Gospels. The author tracks the origin and fate of the movement for the first time, from its beginnings in the eighteenth century, through its implementation in the major politic agitations of the early and mid-nineteenth century, to its fruition in the achievements of the campaigns for parliamentary, factory and poor law reform. By focusing on the Christian radical programme, Politicians in the Pulpit advances a new understanding of the most important political initiatives of early Victorian Britain.

Speeches that Changed Britain

Book Description

A fascinating and richly illustrated book exploring speeches made in Birmingham that changed history. Meet some of Britain’s most famous orators. The book reflects the importance of oratory in making a political argument. It may in a sound-bite era be a dying art but these speeches fulfil the first requirement of successful rhetoric, that it be a reasoned argument to persuade its audience. ———— It is striking how many nationally significant speeches have been made in Birmingham over the past two hundred years. This book looks at ten episodes when a speech in Birmingham challenged the rest of the country to embrace change and reform. More than any other city it represents Britain’s provincial voice across the period. The book reflects the importance of oratory in making a political argument. It may in a sound-bite era be a dying art but these speeches fulfil the first requirement of successful rhetoric, that it be a reasoned argument to persuade its audience. ———— On 27th October 1857, MP John Bright addressed a crowded Birmingham Town Hall. Already a famous politician and orator, expectations were high that he would deliver a newsworthy speech. So much so, The Times chartered a special night train to deliver his text in time for the morning editions. And Bright didn’t disappoint. The speech, a passionate call for universal suffrage, marked a fundamental turning point in 19th century electoral reform, and forms a powerful illustration of the impact a great speech- and speaker- can have on the history of a nation. Speeches that Changed Britain: Oratory in Birmingham takes a number of speeches, all made in Birmingham in the last two hundred years, and explores their impact on local and national stages. From the charismatic speakers themselves, to the words they used, the causes they fought for, and the mercurial relationship between orator and audience, author Andrew Reekes examines the factors that make a great speech. Many of the speakers considered were the most famous orators of their time, and their speeches illustrate contemporary concerns: from Thomas Attwood advocating Parliamentary reform in 1832 to crowds of 200,000; Feargus O’Connor addressing Chartist rallies; the Chamberlain dynasty, Joseph and Neville, opposing Home Rule and confronting Hitler; to controversial characters Oswald Mosley and Enoch Powell outlining their personal visions. The book closes with a very recent speech by David Cameron which continues the tradition of powerful speeches made in the city. Reekes paints a clear picture of Birmingham itself as a stronghold of radical politics and social reform, one that generated and attracted famous orators. Their presence has meant that Birmingham has played a profound role in setting the national political mood and agenda. Resonating with the text of these great speeches, Reekes’ fascinating and important book captures vividly a lost age of political oratory and passionate public advocacy, and provides an extraordinary insight into the progress of political and social reform in Britain across the last two hundred years.

The Philosophic Radicals

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A reluctant Aidan, recently returned home to Corenwald after three years in the Feechiefen Swamp, learns of a new party of Aidanites who believes he is the destined king to overthrow the tyrant King Darrow.

Sessional Papers

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