Report of the Seventh Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Book Description

The Committee reviewed work by its subcommittees during the intersessional period, appraised scientific activities, formulated advice on fishery management and identified complementary research needs. It agreed on its workplan for 2005. In particular, SAC emphasized the need to ensure the availability of more scientific contributions, data and analysis, as well as a greater coverage of GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas. - Le Comit� a pass� en revue les t�ches effectu�es par ses sous-comit�s pendant la p�riode intersession, a �valu� leurs activit�s scientifiques, formul� des avis sur l'am�nagement des p�cheries et identifi� les besoins de recherche aff�rente. Il a convenu d'un programme de travail pour l'ann�e 2005. Plus particuli�rement, le Comit� a soulign� le besoin de garantir la disponibilit� d'un nombre plus important de contributions scientifiques, de donn�es et analyses et de s'assurer une meilleure couverture scientifique de toutes les zones g�ographiques sous-r�gionales de la CGPM.

Report of the Seventh Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Book Description

The Committee reviewed work by its subcommittees during the intersessional period, appraised scientific activities, formulated advice on fishery management and identified complementary research needs. It agreed on its workplan for 2005. In particular, SAC emphasized the need to ensure the availability of more scientific contributions, data and analysis, as well as a greater coverage of GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas. - Le Comit� a pass� en revue les t�ches effectu�es par ses sous-comit�s pendant la p�riode intersession, a �valu� leurs activit�s scientifiques, formul� des avis sur l'am�nagement des p�cheries et identifi� les besoins de recherche aff�rente. Il a convenu d'un programme de travail pour l'ann�e 2005. Plus particuli�rement, le Comit� a soulign� le besoin de garantir la disponibilit� d'un nombre plus important de contributions scientifiques, de donn�es et analyses et de s'assurer une meilleure couverture scientifique de toutes les zones g�ographiques sous-r�gionales de la CGPM.

Rapport de la Huitième Session Du Comité Scientifique Consultatif

Book Description

This publication reports on the 8th session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, which was held in Tirana, Albania in October 2005. Issues discussed include: fishery management proposals emanating from the work of sub-committees; research priorities and its workplan for 2006; measures for the protection of certain marine ecosystem including gear selectivity issues and stock assessment methodologies.

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Book Description

The session was attended by delegates from all twenty-four Members of the Commission. The Commission decided that the new headquarters of GFCM will be in Palazzo Blumenstihl, Rome, Italy. The Commission agreed that Members would exceptionally participate in the ballots for the selection of the Executive Secretary, provided that they contribute their share to the GFCM autonomous budget prior to the end of 2005. Through interviews and secret ballots, the Commission selected its Executive Secretary. It also agreed on the mandate and on the procedure for the selection of the Deputy Executive Secretary. The Commission established formally the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub-Committees (CMSC) as a subsidiary body of Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), as well as a Permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodologies.

Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas in 2016

Book Description

The Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas in 2016 is an update to the first Worldwide review of bottom fisheries in the high seas, published in 2009 based on information from 2003 to 2006. It provides states and other interested parties with a summary of the current status of high seas bottom fisheries worldwide. The present, updated review begins with a description of the demersal finfish and shellfish resources, before offering a global perspective on fisheries and management; it then provides specific, regional information over eleven chapters covering the high seas of the world’s oceans, by region. Drawing on data up to and including 2016, it provides a survey of the current state of bottom fisheries since the original Worldwide review, considering these fisheries in the context of their historical evolution.

The Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries

Book Description

"A publication of the National Research Council of Canada Monograph Publishing Program."