Everyday Practices and Trouble Cases

Book Description

Everyday Practices and Trouble Cases asks how law helps to constitute the worlds in which we live every day, and how law responds to disruptions and disputes that arise in various realms. Leading scholars explore the dichotomy between everyday practices and trouble cases, and the way various kinds of research have addressed that dichotomy, illuminating the pervasive role of law in social life as well as the capacity of law to respond to social conflict.

Profit Without Honor

Book Description

Profit Without Honor: White-Collar Crime and the Looting of America seeks to elucidate a very broad subject: white-collar crime. How broad? Its domain stretches from the small price-gouging merchant to the huge price-fixing cartel. It can breed in an antiseptic hospital or a toxic dump. It is at home on Main Street, Wall Street, Madison Avenue, and countless other addresses - including, at times, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Congressional Ethics Reform

Book Description