Report of the Workshop on Creating an Enabling Envrionment for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries

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The project “Creating an enabling environment for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries” (GCP/GLO/965/SWE), funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), supports the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). [Author] It does so by, inter alia, improving relevant legal frameworks applicable to small-scale fisheries and reducing marginalization of small-scale fisheries stakeholders in decision-making processes. [Author] The project works with a wide range of stakeholders, ranging from small-scale fishing communities and organizations, to governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and academia, in both marine and inland waters. [Author] The project, initiated in December 2018, was designed under the FAO Umbrella Programme for the Promotion and Application of the SSF Guidelines (PGM/MUL/2015-2020/SSF) – Enhancing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and sustainable livelihoods. [Author] Activities under the project first started in Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Myanmar, Namibia, Oman, Philippines, Senegal and United Republic of Tanzania. [Author] In subsequent phases of the project, support was further extended upon ad hoc requests to other countries, such as Mozambique, and to a number of small-scale fisheries organizations, civil society orgranizations (CSOs) and NGOs. [Author] The project fosters synergies with the project implementing the SSF Guidelines for gender-equitable and climate resilient food systems and livelihoods’ supported through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). [Author] A workshop on this project with project countries and partners brought together people to share experiences and lessons learned from the project. [Author] The workshop, which took place in Rome, Italy, from 14 to 16 November 2023, hosted discussions on the additional followup support that is required to further facilitate the implementation of the SSF Guidelines at national, regional and global level, hence contributing to a more sustainable small-scale fisheries sector. [Author]

Report of the workshop on “How to leverage the Illuminating Hidden Harvests approach for better small-scale fisheries data", Rome, 14–15 March 2023

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The workshop on How to leverage the Illuminating Hidden Harvests approach for better small-scale fisheries data explored how the results and methodology of the study Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development study (IHH) can be leveraged to support the improvement of small-scale fisheries data, with a view to inform management and policy. [Author] The IHH is a global initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Duke University and WorldFish carried out in support of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). [Author] The IHH report, published in March 2023, provides new evidence about the benefits, interactions and impacts of small-scale fisheries to inform policy and practice. [Author] This workshop focused on sub-Saharan Africa as a starting point; however, in the future, collaboration and support could extend to other regions. [Author] The workshop concluded that there is considerable value in both the IHH approach and the data already collected that can be capitalized on, at both national and regional levels, taking country priorities into account. [Author] Small-scale fisheries organizations should be further empowered for engagement in relevant policy processes by equipping them with IHH data and information, and partnerships should be sought also outside the fisheries sector. [Author] Tailored communication pathways and products for diverse audiences will be needed, including multiple language translations and simplified versions of the IHH report. [Author] Using the IHH results and approach wisely will help improve the knowledge on the subsector and contribute to sustainable development. [Author]

Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries: sharing good practices from around the world

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This document includes eight studies showcasing good practices in support of sustainable small-scale fisheries. FAO commissioned these studies aiming to share experiences and promote the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). The case studies were also intended to promote participatory approaches – in line with the SSF Guidelines principles – and to promote increased interaction between research and fishing communities, including the use of traditional knowledge and participatory research. It is hoped that the case studies will inform policy and policy processes and, in this way, promote sustainable small-scale fisheries according to the SSF Guidelines and the human rights-based approach to development (HRBA). The case studies constitute a rich selection of experiences and are diverse, not only with regard to their geographical setting but also in scope and approach. They span from looking at one specific tool for sharing experiences (the fisheries learning exchanges methodology in Madagascar and Mozambique) or examining the enabling environment in a specific thematic area (disaster risks in Bangladesh), to regional policy formulation on small-scale fisheries (the SSF Guidelines protocol for Caribbean policies) and reflection on how to use the SSF Guidelines in participatory processes (the Myanmar step-by-step approach to discussions with small-scale fisheries communities). A few of the papers look at co-management, in some cases combining fisheries management and social development (Senegal, Uruguay and Nepal), with one focusing on the role of small-scale fisheries and community organizations (India). Generally, the case studies refer to HRBA but, perhaps because many of the activities have taken place in the past, it seems that HRBA has rarely been consciously and explicitly implemented. Still, the case studies bear witness to a number of experiences and practices that are clearly steps in the right direction. Key good practices emerging from the studies refer to, among other things, holistic approaches to co-management and social responsibility; broad engagement, inclusiveness and partnerships; the power of communication; and gender equality and the role of women. As more experience is gained, our knowledge of how to go about implementing the SSF Guidelines will improve and nurture new and continued initiatives. For the present and the future, efforts should be made to apply HRBA, while continuing to share experiences and good practices showing how to do so when implementing the SSF Guidelines.

Report of the Inception Workshop for the Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) Project

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The Inception Workshop for the Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) project was convened at United Nations House, in Barbados, from 13 to 14 September 2018. In attendance, were representatives of the fisheries authorities (national executing partners) from the seven project countries, five regional executing partner organizations (CANARI, CERMES-UWI, CNFO, CRFM, WECAFC), fisherfolk leaders from national fisherfolk organizations/lead primary fisherfolk organizations in the project countries as well as representatives from other fisheries-related national and regional agencies. The overall objective of the workshop was to bring together key partners and stakeholders who would be involved in the delivery of the project to ensure that there was a common understanding of the project objectives, components, outcomes, outputs and planned activities as well as the roles and responsibilities of all partners. Achievements of the workshop included (i) review and agreement on the project institutional and implementation arrangements; (ii) review and agreement on the project components, outcomes, outputs and planned activities and the results matrix; (iii) review and adjustments to country work plans; (iv) mapping out of the LOAs; and (iv) review and agreement on the monitoring and evaluation mechanism.

Report of the Pacific Regional Workshop on Exploring Sustainable Development Goal Target 14.b and its Indicator 14.b.1, Nadi, Fiji, 9–11 April 2019

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FAO is custodian agency for several SDG indicators, including SDG target 14.b that aims to “Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets”. The related indicator is SDG Indicator 14.b.1, “Progress by countries in adopting and implementing a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries”. The 32nd Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) agreed that the data submitted as a result of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) survey could be applied by member states as a means to report on the SDG indicators. For SDG Indicator 14.b.1, specifically, variables were selected from three of the five CCRF survey questions relating to small-scale fisheries.

Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

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The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) represent the first ever international instrument dedicated to small-scale fisheries. They represent a global consensus on principles and guidance for small-scale fisheries governance and development. They were developed for small-scale fisheries in close collaboration with representatives of small-scale fisheries organizations in a participatory process between 2011-13, involving over 4000 stakeholders; facilitated by FAO, based on a mandate by COFI. They are directed at all those involved in the sector and intend to guide and encourage governments, fishing communities and other stakeholders to work together and ensure secure and sustainable small-scale fisheries for the benefit of small-scale fishers, fish workers and their communities as well as for society at large.

Report of the Asia Regional Workshop on SDG 14.b and its Associated Indicator 14.b.1

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The Asia Regional Workshop on SDG 14.b and Its Associated Indicator 14.b.1 was organized to: (i) Raise awareness about SDG 14.b and the proposed indicator 14.b.1; (ii) Explore the indicator methodology and related issues on data and information sources, analysis, reporting and validation; this included the use of the e-learning platform specifically created for this proposed indicator; (iii) Share experiences and lessons learned regarding the reporting and validation process and identify reasons for non-reporting and non-validation; and (iv) Identify capacity development needs in relation to reporting and validation on SDG 14.b. The workshop was attended by approximately 60 participants from countries in South and Southeast Asia, invited panellists and FAO officers from Bangkok and Rome. Participating countries constituted Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the), Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines (the), Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Report of the Inception Workshop of the FAO Extrabudgetary Programme on Fisheries and Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security

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This Workshop was held to generate inputs and guidance to the contents and process of developing an assistance programme for fisheries and aquaculture. The programme's overall goal is to ensure that responsible and sustainable use of fisheries and aquaculture resources make an appreciable contribution to human well-being, food security and poverty alleviation. The workshop stressed the need to include fisheries and aquaculture, especially the small-scale subsectors, into poverty alleviation, food security and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes. These should be informed by a human rights approach to development. The challenges to advance the poverty alleviation and food security agendas are considerable. Concerted efforts and partnerships at different levels and scales are needed and interventions should be firmly anchored in the regional, national and local context. It is vital to build up national and local ownership in accordance with the Paris Declaration and this should be a key requirement for the inception phase and beyond.

Report of the International Workshop on the Implementation of International Fisheries Instruments and Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries

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The workshop referred closely to the results of a first workshop held in Bangkok in 2002 (The International Workshop on Factors Contributing to Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries) but aimed more specifically at answering the following three major questions: What are the major obstacles to the implementation of major legal instruments? What are the main lessons learned and the possible paths to solutions for improved implementation? What are the possible gaps that may exist in these instruments to guide the international community in improving the management of marine fisheries? The workshop was based on a review of eleven case studies, each relating to one of the following categories of fishery: large volume small pelagics; tuna and tuna-like species; large volume demersals; and coastal fisheries. This publication contains the report of the Workshop, discussion papers containing case studies and notes submitted by participants. The document, and in particular the conclusions adopted by workshop participants, will serve as a basis for further analytical work aimed at improved fisheries management and a more effective implementation of major international fisheries instruments.

The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

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In June 2014, FAO member-states endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines). These Guidelines are one of the most significant landmarks for small-scale fisheries around the world. They are comprehensive in terms of topics covered, and progressive, with their foundations based on human rights and other key principles. It can be anticipated that implementing the SSF Guidelines, whether at local, national, or regional levels, will be challenging. This book contains in-depth case studies where authors discuss the extent to which the Guidelines can help improve the realities of small-scale fishing men and women globally and make their livelihoods and communities more secure. This will require policy intervention and innovation, along with contributions of civil society organizations and academia. However, most of all it will necessitate the empowerment of fishing people so that they can become active participants in decision making on matters where their well-being and human rights are at stake. By endorsing the SSF Guidelines, states have committed themselves to support and facilitate this development. This book asks whether states can successfully “walk the talk,” and provides advice as to how they can do so. The collection of case studies sets the platform for an interactive dialogue space for researchers, policy makers, civil society and small-scale fishing communities to start the conversation about the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines at local, national, regional and global levels. An added value is that it helps add focus to our work as civil society activists involved in ensuring the application of the SSF Guidelines. Naseegh Jaffer – General Secretary, World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP) This collection offers many ways in which institutions enabling small-scale fisheries can protect and promote sustainability, food security, customary tenure, self-management, and market access, while fostering such benefits as ecosystem-based management, protected areas, incorporation of local knowledge, and poverty alleviation. You will want to put this book in the hands of policy-makers and practitioners immediately -- and for years to come. Evelyn Pinkerton – Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada