Report of the Workshop to review orange roughy acoustic data

Book Description

A review of the performance of acoustics data, this report includes recommendations (regarding selection criteria, reporting and analysis) for surveys on key deep-sea species and the technologies used for their assessment.

Report of the Areas Beyond National jurisdiction Deep Seas Project

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An overview the ABNJ Seas Project - aimed at strengthening policy frameworks for sustainable fisheries and enhancing conservation - and a discussion of its implementation status, evaluation system and work plan for 2017.

Deep Sea 2003: Conference poster papers and workshop papers

Book Description

Includes the keynote addresses and papers presented on the conference themes that covered: environment, ecosystem biology, habitat, diversity and oceanography; population biology and resource assessment; harvesting and conservation strategies for resource management; technology requirements; monitoring, compliance and controls; a review of existing policies and instruments; and governance and management. It also provides the perspectives of participating experts and the conference Steering Committee. The general conclusions of the conference contain the elements that must be addressed and undertaken if deep-sea fish resources are to be sustained and their habitat protected to ensure productivity and safeguard deep-sea biodiversity. The second volume of the proceedings includes posters and corresponding papers presented at the conference as well as papers from workshops held prior to the main conference.

Global review of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), their fisheries, biology and management

Book Description

This report covers historical aspects of the regional development of orange roughy fisheries, biology, stock assessment, ecosystem interactions, and key management issues. In light of debate regarding the sustainability of orange roughy fisheries, as well as fisheries for other long-lived deepwater species, this review describes how, by making the right choices and employing the best science available, there are now some demonstrably sustainable orange roughy fisheries. However, there remain considerable challenges. These include improving understanding of deepwater benthic communities in general, their genetics and population distributions, their dispersal, and their ability to recover from fishery-related and other impacts. With regard to the direct management of the fisheries, the report emphasizes important opportunities and needs to improve ageing and acoustic biomass estimation, and to better understand the genetics and population structure of the stocks of orange roughy that are fished and managed.

FAO Fisheries Report

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Deep Sea 2003: Conference reports

Book Description

Includes the keynote addresses and papers presented on the conference themes that covered: environment, ecosystem biology, habitat, diversity and oceanography; population biology and resource assessment; harvesting and conservation strategies for resource management; technology requirements; monitoring, compliance and controls; a review of existing policies and instruments; and governance and management. It also provides the perspectives of participating experts and the conference Steering Committee. The general conclusions of the conference contain the elements that must be addressed and undertaken if deep-sea fish resources are to be sustained and their habitat protected to ensure productivity and safeguard deep-sea biodiversity. The second volume of the proceedings includes posters and corresponding papers presented at the conference as well as papers from workshops held prior to the main conference.

Australian fisheries

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Review of the State of World Marine Fishery Resources

Book Description

This publication updates the regular reviews of the state of the world's marine fishery resources, based mainly on official catch statistics throughout 2002 and relevant stock assessment and other complementary information available until 2004. It considers the global situation and major trends of world marine capture fish production, with detailed information for each FAO statistical area about catches and current state of exploitation, major trends and developments and stock assessment work undertaken in support of fisheries management. Other issues covered include: tunas and tuna-like species resources, world squid resources, deepwater fisheries, and long-term climate variability.