Extension of Oceanographic Studies in Puget Sound and the Northeast Pacific Ocean

Book Description

;Contents: Research vessel operations; Biological oceanography; Chemical oceanography; Geological oceanography; Physical oceanography of the Arctic; Physical oceanography of inshore and coastal waters of Puget Sound and adjacent areas; Physical oceanographic studies of the North Pacific Ocean; Experimental investigations of internal waves; and Uses of statistical inference and experimental design in the collection and interpretation of oceanographic data.

North Pacific Ocean, Northeast Pacific Transition Zone

Book Description

During Nov and Dec 1969 scientists aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson studied the thermohaline and density structures in the transition zones between the California current, the tradewind circulation, the outflow from the Gulf of California, and the north equatorial current. Most of the investigations were concentrated off Baja California, the Revilla Gigedos Island region, and across the mouth of the Gulf of California. Of the 254 STD stations planned, 249 were completed; four were lost and one was omitted, because the water in lee of Isla Clarion, Mexico was too shallow. The primary objectives of the field study were: 1) to investigate the mesoscale thermohaline and density structures in the transition zones associated with the outer boundaries of the California current. 2) to study the frontal structures in the Revilla Gigedos islands region, where the California current, the outflow from the Gulf of California, and the north equatorial current intermingle. 3) to determine the mesoscale thermohaline and baroclinic flow structure across the mouth of the Gulf of California by very high resolution hydrographic sections. Keywords: Oceanographic data; Sea water; Ocean currents; Autumn; Ocean circulation; Salinity temperature depth; Oceanographic fronts.

Characteristics of the Surface Layer in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

Book Description

An analysis was made of over 50,000 bathythermographs, obtained up to the end of 1963, of the surface (mixed) layer of the Northeast Pacific. The data are displayed in the form of a series of monthly charts.