Providing budget support to developing countries

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Budget support is aid provided directly to a partner government's central exchequer, and aims to reduce poverty through helping to fund the poverty reduction strategy of the beneficiary country. DFID's use of budget support has risen to £461 million, representing nearly twenty per cent of bilateral expenditure. This study examines the aims of budget support, what it is achieving, how DFID manages the risks of using it and how DFID takes individual funding decisions. The report finds that budget support has: often enabled partner governments to increase expenditure on priority areas; resulted in partner governments providing more services, particularly in health and education; helped increase the capacity of partner governments to plan and deliver services effectively and to develop better poverty-focused policies; helped partner governments to strengthen their financial management systems and encouraged other donors to support such reforms; facilitated donor alignment to, and support for, the developing nation's own strategies; and reinforced existing economic stability and good economic management. But evidence on whether budget support has yielded better value for money than other forms of aid is not conclusive. While budget support has some advantages compared to other forms of aid, it also carries significant risks which need to be better managed. Monitoring achievement is challenging, and DFID does not always set out what it expects to achieve or by when. Formal monitoring frameworks do not always track progress in remedying weaknesses in financial systems. And monitoring of human rights - one of the key criteria for giving budget support - is not yet systematic. Weaknesses in available statistics continue to limit the ability to monitor results. Developing country governments may not be capable of using UK funds efficiently and effectively or may misuse them for political reasons or through corruption.

Department for International Development annual report 2007

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This annual report details the work and expenditure of the Department for International Development (DFID) during the period April 2006 to March 2007, working as part of the wider international effort to tackle world poverty and promote the sustainable development of low-income countries. The report includes chapters on: reducing poverty in Africa and Asia and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals; making the multilateral system and bilateral aid more effective; fragile states, conflicts and crises; environment, climate change and natural resources; and working with others on policies beyond aid. The assessment of progress is structured around the DFID Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets.

HC 663 - The Future of UK Development Co-operation: Phase 2: Beyond Aid

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The number of low income countries is falling. At the same time, the importance of global issues - conflict, climate, migration, trade, tax, financial stability, youth unemployment, urbanisation economic development, and infectious disease - is rising. The Committee argues that aid remains vital for addressing poverty in poor countries, for encouraging economic development, for providing global goods such as tackling climate change, combating diseases such as Ebola and providing humanitarian assistance, but new forms of co-operation have to be developed in order to meet these challenges. This will include new financial mechanisms and facilitating links with UK institutions in a wide range of areas, including health, education, culture, law, culture and science. This will require the Department for International Development (DFID) to put more emphasis on working with small organisations and less on programme management.As the focus moves away from aid, policy coherence for development must be at the heart of a new approach. This means working across Government in the UK, and with global partners in the multilateral system, to maximise the impact on development of all the UK's actions. This approach and changes will require DFID staff to develop different skills.

Department for International Development annual report and resource accounts 2010-11 and business plan 2011-15

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While DFID's total budget is increasing, the Department will both restrict operating costs to 2% by 2014-15 and reduce its administrative costs by a third in real terms, from £128 million in 2010-11 to £94 million by 2014-15. This report warns that capping operational costs and staff numbers may not reduce overall costs or improve effective delivery of development assistance. The International Development Committee also raises concerns that cost pressures are driving DFID to use consultants to deliver its programmes, rather than in-house expertise. The Department spends £450 million on technical cooperation per year. Much of this is good work, yet it was unclear exactly what this money was spent on, or how effective it was and the extent to which external providers were used. DFID needs to improve its assessment of which projects and services it should use consultants for; and assess more carefully the use of consultants to manage the Department's own delivery programmes. In its efforts to reduce administrative spending DFID might be 'exporting' these costs to other organisations, including NGOs and multilateral aid organisations, with higher real administration costs. The Department should assess the best and most effective way to deliver development assistance as it may be able to do it more cheaply and effectively than external organisations. The report recommends that the Department improves its tracking of and reporting on the total cost of administering its aid programme with the aim of quantifying how much aid actually ends up reaching recipients.

Financial management report

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Sound financial management will be essential at the Department for International Development as its spending increases by a third over the next four years. The Department has put important building blocks in place; however its financial management is not yet mature. The Department cannot yet assess important aspects of the value for money of the aid it has delivered, at an aggregated level. The Department's programme budget will grow by £3.3 billion from 2010-11 to 2014-15 (34 per cent in real terms). At the same time, its administration budget is going to reduce by a third. The Department has increased the number of finance professionals it employs, but this expertise needs to be used more effectively across the business. In addition, new financial information systems do not yet provide the data needed to support well-founded decisions and forecasts are still an area of weakness. After a thorough review the Department now has a high level plan. Along with actions to strengthen measurement of aid projects, this has the potential to help strengthen the focus on aid results and value for money. But key risks need to be managed and a single strategy for doing so is needed. With greater spending in higher risk locations and more fragile states more must be done to assure that fraud and corruption risks are minimised. Although the level of reported fraud is low, it is likely to be under-reported. The NAO has found that the investigation of fraud is reactive and the Department does not attempt to quantify its estimated likely fraud losses

Department for International Development Departmental Report

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This report scrutinises the 2003 departmental report (Cm. 5914, ISBN 010159142X) (May 2003). The Committee is critical of the performance of the DFID in several policy areas. The Department must ensure that it reports on the full range of its activities and not just those related to Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets; financial reporting should be clearer and more consistent. DFID supports and rewards countries that show evidence of "good governance", by means of its Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs). However, "poor performers" should not be neglected and DFID must find ways of engaging with these countries. There is a need for better communication between donors and recipients, and donors should be more open about the conditions under which support would be withdrawn. A coherent strategy for agriculture is lacking, and additional data should be included regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health.

HC 750 - Department for International Development's Performance in 2013-2014: The Departmental Annual Report 2013-14

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Government response to HC 693, 2013-14 (ISBN 9780215071750). DFID's annual report for 2012-13 published as HC 12, session 2013-14 (ISBN 9780102983241)

Britain's International Development Policies

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History of Britain's official international development efforts, beginning with its colonial era and then following the establishment of a new Ministry created by Prime Minister, the Rt Honourable Harold Wilson.

Department for International Development

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The Departmental reports is the main annual publication in which the Department for International Development (DFID) explains its policies, expenditure patterns and performance to Parliament. It is important that they are clear and comprehensive and the Committee conducted inquiries on the reports produced in 1998 and 1999, making recommendations on the format and content, as well as considering various aspects of the Department's activity.