Women in Mexican Subnational Legislatures

Book Description

This book aims to fill a gap in research on women's political representation by developing a multidimensional assessment of female participation in subnational legislatures in a federal political system like Mexico. The Mexican experience in terms of women's political representation at the federal and subnational levels has been very successful, as the reforms created a more robust "gender electoral regime" that promoted an increase in the number of elected female legislators (1987-2021). Still, little is known about the impact of the rise in women's presence in Congresses on other dimensions of political representation, such as symbolic or substantive. Although previous studies on women's political representation in Mexico have yielded exciting conclusions based on empirical evidence and strengthened a theory focused on the analysis of presence, it is still insufficient to explain the other dimensions of representation and the relationship between them. Therefore, this book contributes to the comparative scholarship from the perspective of feminist neo-institutionalism, expanding the understanding of the relationship between women's formal and descriptive representation, the content of legislative work in terms of preferences and interests (substantive representation), and its symbolic effects on women and politics in general (symbolic representation). Women in Mexican Subnational Legislatures: From Descriptive to Substantive Representation will be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, and jurists interested in gender and politics. The book fills a theoretical and empirical gap on the effects of gender parity in the programmatic and symbolic scope of power building. The findings on good practices and challenges are discussed within a broader body of comparative research, providing knowledge to academia, policymakers, and international cooperation agencies about the remaining obstacles to strengthening Latin American democracies and the need to continue exploring the links between subnational politics and democratization of federal political systems.

Dominio Político: Permanencias Y Cambios

Book Description

Este libro es resultado de un trabajo colectivo llevado adelante por un grupo de investigadores de distintos perfiles, orígenes institucionales y hasta de diferentes edades. La idea que los convocó fue la posibilidad de desarrollar, a partir de la construcción de la noción dominio político, algunos de los ya clásicos problemas tratados por la Ciencia Política. Las cuestiones de orden metodológico, las correspondientes al Estado, la democracia, la representación, la ciudadanía y los movimientos sociales se tomaron como casos testigos del desafío teórico asumido. Estos fenómenos debían ser construidos en sus propias singularidades para ser enmarcados en el cuadro ofrecido por el dominio político como noción devenida en categoría-instrumento.

Book Description

Political Representation and Gender Equality in Mexico

Book Description

The field of gender and politics has continuously grown, becoming more interdisciplinary and engaging with issues, context and people from all around the world. Because of this, new emerging approaches and studies challenge embedded notions, ideas and preconceptions of how the world is meant to be studied and understood. It is particularly true for studies on women and their engagement in political affairs. How should institutions conceptualize women in order to advance rules and mechanisms that favor women? What roles do representatives have on the making of gender equality? When women are legislating, which are the consequences of the approved legislation?

Amerindian Paths

Book Description

A volume in Advances in Cultural Psychology Series Editor: Jaan Valsiner, Aalborg University This book comes as part of a broader project the editor is developing aiming critically to articulate some theoretical and methodological issues of cultural psychology with the research and practical work of psychologists with Amerindian peoples. As such, the project - of which the present book is part - concerns to a meta-theoretical reflection aiming to bring in new theoretical-methodological and ethical reflections to Cultural Psychology. From this meta-theoretical reflection we have been developing the notion of dialogical multiplication as it implies the diversification (differentiation and dedifferentiation) of semiotic trajectories in interethnic boundaries.

Claiming and Contesting Representation in Mexico

Book Description

Mexico is a country whose global political and economic significance are rapidly increasing. This book offers the first in-depth English-language analysis of the politics of representation in Mexico. Through innovative conceptual work and original case studies, the book explores important trends in Mexican politics and governance through the lens of representation, including who speaks and stands for whom, on what grounds and in what domains and the challenges they face. Revealing a significant portrait of major tensions in and challenges to democracy across Mexico emerges, this book will be of interest to those researching current trends in the theory and practice of political representation, and readers looking for new perspectives on Mexican politics and governance.

Diccionario de la Democracia

Book Description

El Diccionario de la Democracia contiene la teoría y la ideología de los regímenes democráticos: sus antecedentes; orígenes; principios; modalidades de deliberación y leyes; sus instituciones clave y variedades, acorde con la clase social que los dirija y el arreglo institucional correlativo. Asimismo compara sus principios, leyes e instituciones con otros regímenes, particularmente con sus opuestos, las oligarquías o gobiernos de pocos, pero también con la república, la tiranía y la realeza; las razones de Estado que permiten su conquista, conservación y estabilidad; las fuentes internas y externas que los amenazan; las maneras de corromperse y las revoluciones que los afectan. Trata también de los usos, costumbres y caracteres democráticos; inventaría los rasgos éticos de la vida democrática, por sí mismos y comprobados con los de los ricos, las clases medias y los tiranos, hasta detallar las relaciones que sostienen entre sí dirigentes y dirigidos, hombres y mujeres, viejos, jóvenes, maestros y alumnos, ciudadanos y animales..., por el impacto que la libertad e igualdad popular tienen en la vida pública y privada de sus pueblos. Parte medular del mismo es la exposición de las doctrinas, dogmas, leyes e instituciones del modelo liberal moderno de la democracia; un credo que se analiza en calidad de justificación del nouveau régime por parte de sus ideólogos modernos más destacados y lúcidos, quienes desvían el significado de las palabras ] democracia ] y ] liberal ] atribuidas sin más a los Estados modernos.

Malaise in Representation in Latin American Countries

Book Description

This edited volume examines malaise with democracy within three middle-income Latin American countries - Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. In particular, the book focuses on the gap within public opinion on democratic system within the context of crisis of representation and breakdowns of democracy. Based on a study using comparative and systematic survey data, the contributors of this volume provide a solid analysis on the state of democracy in three Latin American countries, whose lessons are useful for all types of democracy, in the north and the south.

Clientelism, Social Policy, and the Quality of Democracy

Book Description

Abente Brun and Diamond invited some of the best social scientists in the field to systematically explore how political clientelism works and evolves in the context of modern developing democracies, with particular reference to social policies aimed at reducing poverty. Clientelism, Social Policy, and the Quality of Democracy is balanced between a section devoted to understanding clientelism's infamous effects and history in Latin America and a section that draws out implications for other regions, specifically Africa, Southeast Asia, and Eastern and Central Europe.

The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America

Book Description

This handbook presents contemporary research on public administration in Latin America. The first section explores the range of administrative systems in existence across the region. The second portion of the book discusses important topics such as public personnel management, accountability and policy coordination in Latin America.