Research on the Volatility of Oil Futures and European Stock Markets

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The volatility has been one of the cores of the financial theory research, in addition to the futures market is an important part of modern financial markets, the futures market volatility is an important part of the theory of financial markets research.

Forecasting the Volatility of Stock Market and Oil Futures Market

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The volatility has been one of the cores of the financial theory research, in addition to the stock markets and the futures market are an important part of modern financial markets. Forecast volatility of the stock market and oil futures market is an important part of the theory of financial markets research.

Volatility of Oil Prices

Book Description

This paper examines the behavior of crude oil prices since 1980, and in particular the volatility of these prices. The empirical analysis covers “spot” prices for one of the key internationally traded crudes, namely Dated Brent Blend. A GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) model, which allows the conditional variance to be time-variant, is estimated for the period which includes the oil price slump of 1986 and the surge in prices in 1990 as a result of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The paper also discusses the growth of futures and derivative markets and the dynamic links between spot and futures markets.

Oil Prices, Stock Markets and Firm Performance

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This paper extends the understanding of the relationship between oil prices, stock markets and financial performance of oil and gas firms over the past decade. Firstly it studies the impact of oil price fluctuations on stock markets in Europe. Secondly, it examines the volatility spillovers between oil and European stock markets. As oil price changes do not equally affect all industries, the study conducts both market-level and sector-level analysis. Thirdly, it examines the impact of crude oil price changes on the financial performance measure of oil and gas firms, both listed and unlisted, from the Western European region.The findings show existence of the one-way directional relationship between oil and most of the European sector stock markets. Furthermore, the results indicate volatility spillovers between returns in oil price and stock markets. It was found that crude oil prices significantly and positively impact the performance of listed oil and gas firms in Western Europe. In the case with unlisted firms, the results suggest existence of other factors that have an impact on their performance. The geopolitical crisis (2014) negatively affected the financial performance of both listed and unlisted firms. On the other hand, financial performance of only listed oil and gas firms was negatively influenced by the global financial crisis (2008-2009).

Volatility Transmission between the Oil and Stock Markets

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2010 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: 1,3, University of Potsdam (Makroökonomische Theorie und Politik), language: English, abstract: Besonders in jüngster Zeit kommt der Analyse von Ölpreisvolatilität aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht eine bedeutende Rolle zu. Gegenwärtig werden bestimmte Rohstoffe wie Rohöl als relevante Anlageinstrumenten von Investoren benutzt, um sich gegen Risiken an den Finanzmärkten abzusichern. Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Berechnung von Ölpreisvolatilität in der Zeitperiode von Januar 2002 bis Juli 2009. Dabei werden Berechnungen von Ölpreisvolatilität während der Finanzkrise im Jahre 2008 untersucht. Diese Finanzkrise hat sich tiefgreifend auf die Entwicklung der Preise von Kapital- und Finanzgütern ausgewirkt. Dabei weisen die exzessiven gemessenen Werte von Preisvolatilität während der Finanzkrise auf eine strukturelle Veränderung der Preisbildung von Kapital- und Finanzgütern an den Kapital- und Finanzmärkten hin. Interessanterweise lassen sich bei der Analyse von Ölpreisvolatilität bedeutende Fakten feststellen, deren Existenz die gegenwärtig verwendeten statistischen Modelle, die sich mit der Messung von Preisvolatilität befassen, in künftigen Arbeiten komplementieren könnten. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden fünf wichtige statistische Modelle analysiert: ARCH, GARCH, BEKK-GARCH und Markov-switching Modell. Dazu wird aus den Ölpreisdaten der letzten 8 Jahre die tägliche Preisvolatilität berechnet, um mögliche Relationen zwischen der Volatilität am Ölmarkt und der Volatilität am Finanzmarkt zu untersuchen. Dabei werden diese implementierten Verfahren auf ihre Gültigkeit in Berechnung und Vorhersage von plötzlichen Preisveränderungen untersucht. Insbesondere wird darauf eingegangen unter welchen Bedingungen die Verfahrensergebnisse als zuverlässig gelten. Diese Diplomarbeit wurde im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums bei der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (OPEC) in Wien, Österreich unter Betreuung des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftstheorie der Universität Potsdam, fertiggestellt

Dynamic Linkages and Volatility Spillover

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This book examines the dynamic relationship and volatility spillovers between crude oil prices, exchange rates and stock markets of emerging economies. Unfortunately very little research has been conducted to analyze the volatility spillovers and dynamic relationship between crude oil prices, exchange rates and stock markets of India.

Fundamentals, Speculation, and the Pricing of Crude Oil Futures

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Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: 8,0, Maastricht University (School of Business and Economics), language: English, abstract: This study finds that while a large part of the variation in crude oil futures prices is driven by fundamental factors, financial investment and speculation has the potential to aggravate reactions to changing fundamental variables and furthermore move prices on its own. The evidence is gathered by performing linear regressions and Granger Causality tests on futures returns, position data of different categories of futures traders on the New York Mercantile Exchange and proxies for relevant fundamental factors such as equity and exchange rate returns gathered from August 2006 to December 2010. While higher prices for crude oil naturally come along with increasing physical demand and finite world supply, future regulation might temper market volatility and guarantee that prices reflect a sustainable physical market equilibrium. The study also gives an overview of commodity market regulation and position limits on futures markets.

Oil Price Volatility and the Role of Speculation

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How much does speculation contribute to oil price volatility? We revisit this contentious question by estimating a sign-restricted structural vector autoregression (SVAR). First, using a simple storage model, we show that revisions to expectations regarding oil market fundamentals and the effect of mispricing in oil derivative markets can be observationally equivalent in a SVAR model of the world oil market à la Kilian and Murphy (2013), since both imply a positive co-movement of oil prices and inventories. Second, we impose additional restrictions on the set of admissible models embodying the assumption that the impact from noise trading shocks in oil derivative markets is temporary. Our additional restrictions effectively put a bound on the contribution of speculation to short-term oil price volatility (lying between 3 and 22 percent). This estimated short-run impact is smaller than that of flow demand shocks but possibly larger than that of flow supply shocks.

The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets

Book Description

In the last decade, energy markets have developed substantially due to the growing activity of financial investors. One consequence of this massive presence of investors is a stronger link between the hitherto segmented energy and financial markets. This book addresses some of the recent developments in the interrelationship between financial and energy markets. It aims to further the understanding of the rich interplay between financial and energy markets by presenting several empirical studies that illustrate and discuss some of the main issues on this agenda.

Stock Market Returns and Volatility

Book Description

This study examines how stock market returns and volatility responses to macroeconomic news announcements in US and Europe, and oil prices. Moreover, the market risk associated with these stock markets based on selected countries and regions is also analyzed here. In all chapters, the data is in a weekly time horizon and it covers 21 countries from different contents. In particular, Data covers three different time periods, i.e. full sample from 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2015, before the financial crisis, i.e. from 1/1/2000 to 9/27/2008 and after the financial crisis, i.e. from 10/11/2008 to 12/31/2015. Chapter 2 studies the impact of macroeconomic news announcements on stock markets in 21 countries using US and European countries macroeconomic news announcements. The first part investigates the impact of macroeconomic news announcements surprises in US and European Countries on stock markets returns in these countries. The second part analyzes the impact of macroeconomic news announcements in US and European Countries on stock markets volatility in these countries. Our results show that stock markets in selected countries react differently to macroeconomic news announcement in US and Europe. Chapter 3 study the interaction and volatility spillover between oil prices and stock markets returns and volatility in selected countries and regions. Oil prices are based on West Texas Intermediate (WTI). The analysis use VAR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model to capture the interdependence between stocks market and oil prices. The findings show that there is interdependence between stock markets and oil price changes in most selected countries and regions. Chapter 4 study the market risk in stock markets returns in selected countries and regions using IGARCH(1,1) and GARCH(1,1) to obtain the value at risk (VaR) and the expected shortfall (ES). The findings of chapter 4 show that market risk was high for most selected countries before the financial crisis and low after the financial crisis.