Resistances of Psychoanalysis

Book Description

In the three essays that make up this stimulating and often startling book, Jacques Derrida argues against the notion that the basic ideas of psychoanalysis have been thoroughly worked through, argued, and assimilated. The continuing interest in psychoanalysis is here examined in the various "resistances" to analysis—conceived not only as a phenomenon theorized at the heart of psychoanalysis, but as psychoanalysis's resistance to itself, an insusceptibility to analysis that has to do with the structure of analysis itself. Derrida not only shows how the interest of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic writing can be renewed today, but these essays afford him the opportunity to revisit and reassess a subject he first confronted (in an essay on Freud) in 1966. They also serve to clarify Derrida's thinking about the subjects of the essays—Freud, Lacan, and Foucault—a thinking that, especially with regard to the last two, has been greatly distorted and misunderstood. The first essay, on Freud, is a tour de force of close reading of Freud's texts as philosophical reflection. By means of the fine distinctions Derrida makes in this analytical reading, particularly of The Interpretation of Dreams, he opens up the realm of analysis into new and unpredictable forms—such as meeting with an interdiction (when taking an analysis further is "forbidden" by a structural limit). Following the essay that might be dubbed Derrida's "return to Freud," the next is devoted to Lacan, the figure for whom that phrase was something of a slogan. In this essay and the next, on Foucault, Derrida reencounters two thinkers to whom he had earlier devoted important essays, which precipitated stormy discussions and numerous divisions within the intellectual milieus influenced by their writings. In this essay, which skillfully integrates the concept of resistance into larger questions, Derrida asks in effect: What is the origin and nature of the text that constitutes Lacanian psychoanalysis, considering its existence as an archive, as teachings, as seminars, transcripts, quotations, etc.? Derrida's third essay may be called not simply a criticism but an appreciation of Foucault's work: an appreciation not only in the psychological and rhetorical sense, but also in the sense that it elevates Foucault's thought by giving back to it ranges and nuances lost through its reduction by his readers, his own texts, and its formulaic packaging.

Working with Resistance

Book Description

Working with Resistance is about heartache, grieving, letting go and moving on - as the patient's resistances are worked through and her defences are overcome. It is, therefore, a book about hope that arises in the context of discovering that it is possible to survive the experience of heartbreak, sadder perhaps but certainly wiser and more realistic.

Psychoanalysis Under Occupation

Book Description

Heavily influenced by Frantz Fanon and critically engaging the theories of decoloniality and liberatory psychoanalysis, Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi platform the lives, perspectives, and insights of psychoanalytically inflected Palestinian psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, centering the stories that non-clinical Palestinians have entrusted to them over four years of community engagement with clinicians throughout historic Palestine. Sheehi and Sheehi document the stories of Palestinian clinicians in relation to settler colonialism and violence but, even more so, in relation to their patients, communities, families, and one another (as a clinical community). In doing so, they track the appearance of settler colonialism as a psychologically extractive process, one that is often effaced by discourses of "normalization," "trauma," "resilience," and human rights, with the aid of clinicians, as well as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine unpacks the intersection of psychoanalysis as a psychological practice in Palestine, while also advancing a set of therapeutic theories in which to critically engage and "read" the politically complex array of conditions that define life for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.

Resistance and Psychoanalysis

Book Description

A collection of essays on Dylan Thomas, reading culture and his place in modernist studies


Book Description

RESISTANCE AND THE PROCESS OF THERAPEUTIC CHANGE Paul L. Wachtel Psychotherapy, whether practiced from a psychodynamic or a behavioral point of view,! is rarely as straightforward as textbooks and case reports usually seem to imply. More often the work proceeds in fits and starts (and often does not seem to be proceeding at all, but rather unraveling or moving backward). The "typical" case is in fact quite atypical. Almost all cases present substantial difficulties for which the therapist feels, at least some of the time, quite unprepared. Practicing psychotherapy is a difficult-if also rewarding-way to earn a living. It is no profession for the individual who likes certainty, predictability, or a fairly constant sense that one knows what one is doing. There are few professions in which feeling stupid or stymied is as likely to be a part of one's ordinary professional day, even for those at the pinnacle of the field. Indeed, I would be loath to refer a patient to any therapist who declared that he almost always felt effective and clear about what was going on. Such a feeling can be maintained, I believe, only by an inordinate amount of bravado and lack of critical self-reflection. But the therapist trying to get some ideas about how to work with 1 These are, of course, not the only two points of view in psychotherapy; nor do I believe they are the only two of value.

Dealing with Resistance in Psychotherapy

Book Description

Resistance is an unfortunate term for the manifestation of defense mechanisms in the treatment situation. Use of the word to a psychoanalytically unsophisticated patient may evoke undesired consequences because to a patient, it implies deliberate intent and thus, blame. From the patient's unconscious, or at time conscious, point of view, these defenses protect the individual from a variety of intrapsychic or interpersonal dangers. As long as these defenses are in play, the process of exploration and discovery comes to a halt. They must be understood and carefully analyzed for they are at the heart of the treatment impasse. This book is written for the professional psychotherapist who may be puzzled why work with a particular patient or client is going nowhere. It brings to the therapist's attention a wide variety of these defenses, these resistances, so that they can be addressed and resolved.


Book Description

RESISTANCE AND THE PROCESS OF THERAPEUTIC CHANGE Paul L. Wachtel Psychotherapy, whether practiced from a psychodynamic or a behavioral point of view,! is rarely as straightforward as textbooks and case reports usually seem to imply. More often the work proceeds in fits and starts (and often does not seem to be proceeding at all, but rather unraveling or moving backward). The "typical" case is in fact quite atypical. Almost all cases present substantial difficulties for which the therapist feels, at least some of the time, quite unprepared. Practicing psychotherapy is a difficult-if also rewarding-way to earn a living. It is no profession for the individual who likes certainty, predictability, or a fairly constant sense that one knows what one is doing. There are few professions in which feeling stupid or stymied is as likely to be a part of one's ordinary professional day, even for those at the pinnacle of the field. Indeed, I would be loath to refer a patient to any therapist who declared that he almost always felt effective and clear about what was going on. Such a feeling can be maintained, I believe, only by an inordinate amount of bravado and lack of critical self-reflection. But the therapist trying to get some ideas about how to work with 1 These are, of course, not the only two points of view in psychotherapy; nor do I believe they are the only two of value.

A Primer on Working with Resistance

Book Description

"Martha Stark's primer on resistance is a unique book. It takes as the heart of the clinical problem the patient's reluctance to change, that ubiquitous and paradoxical phenomenon of our work in which people come to us asking for help in changing, and then do their level best to keep change from happening... This is a work which is at once a practical guide and a theoretical tour de force. Readers who journey in this slim volume with Dr. Stark will return from their travels to their practice much educated, having encountered new ideas and old ones in new forms, better able to face the everyday travails of psychotherapy." -David E. Scharff, M.D. "Every so often a book emerges from the vast sea of analytic writings that startles in its creativity and usefulness. A Primer on Working with Resistance is just such a book. Dr. Stark is as clear as a bell. She manages complex theoretical concepts with sophistication and great sensitivity for the material. For example, the distinctions she makes between convergent and divergent conflict, or between illusion and distortion, are elegant. The question and answer format of the book is reassuring for the beginner, and a delight for the more experienced reader as well." -Anne Alonso, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School A Jason Aronson Book

Freud's Foes

Book Description

Freud's Foes, the latest title in the Polemics series, addresses Freud's fiercest contemporary critics. The book defends psychoanalysis (while accepting that it has inherent flaws) and argues that although today's "foes" pose as daring savants, they are only the latest wave of critiques that psychoanalysis has encountered since its controversial birth and their arguments are easily debunked.

Race, Rage, and Resistance

Book Description

This timely collection asks the reader to consider how society’s modern notion of humans as rational, isolated individuals has contributed to psychological and social problems and oppressive power structures. Experts from a range of disciplines offer a complex understanding of how humans are shaped by history, tradition, and institutions. Drawing upon the work of Lacan, Fanon, and Foucault, this text examines cultural memory, modern ideas of race and gender, the roles of symbolism and mythology, and neoliberalism’s impact on psychology. Through clinical vignettes and suggested applications, it demonstrates significant alternatives to the isolated individualism of Western philosophy and psychology. This interdisciplinary volume is essential reading for clinicians and anyone looking to augment their understanding of how human beings are shaped by the societies they inhabit.