Reskilling the Workforce in the Labor Market: The Country Cases

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In the dynamic model of today's workforce, marked by technological upheavals, changing consumer preferences, and global economic shifts, a pressing challenge looms large – the imperative for continuous adaptation through reskilling. As the demand for specialized skills intensifies with technological advancements and the nature of work undergoes profound transformations, individuals, employers, and societies grapple with the need to stay competitive. The book Reskilling the Workforce in the Labor Market: The Country Cases emerges as a beacon of solutions in this complex terrain, addressing the critical facets of reskilling that are pivotal for thriving in the future job market. The workforce is confronted with multifaceted challenges, ranging from the disruptive impact of automation to the complexity of evolving job roles in a service-oriented economy. Individuals face the risk of being left behind if they do not acquire the necessary skills and education, while employers contend with productivity gaps and high turnover due to a mismatch between job demands and employee capabilities. Moreover, societal issues such as skill gaps and rising unemployment call for a concerted effort to establish a culture of lifelong learning. The high cost and limited availability of training programs, along with time constraints and resistance to change, further compound the challenges individuals and organizations face in navigating this reskilling imperative.

Reskilling America

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From Katherine Newman, award-winning author of No Shame in My Game, and sociologist Hella Winston, a sharp and irrefutable call to reenergize this nation's long-neglected system of vocational training After decades of off-shoring and downsizing that have left blue collar workers obsolete and stranded, the United States is now on the verge of an industrial renaissance. But we don't have a skilled enough labor pool to fill the positions that will be created, which are in many cases technically demanding and require specialized skills. A decades-long series of idealistic educational policies with the expressed goal of getting every student to go to college has left a generation of potential workers out of the system. Touted as a progressive, egalitarian institution providing opportunity even to those with the greatest need, the American secondary school system has in fact deepened existing inequalities. We can do better, argue acclaimed sociologists Katherine Newman and Hella Winston. Taking a page from the successful experience of countries like Germany and Austria, where youth unemployment is a mere 7%, they call for a radical reevaluation of the idea of vocational training, long discredited as an instrument of tracking. The United States can prepare a new, high-performance labor force if we revamp our school system to value industry apprenticeship and rigorous technical education. By doing so, we will not only be able to meet the growing demand for skilled employees in dozens of sectors where employers decry the absence of well trained workers -- we will make the American Dream accessible to all.

Organizational Paradigms of Global Business: Fusion of Technology and Cultural Diversity

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Businesses today face unprecedented challenges as they navigate the fusion of technology, cultural diversity, and organizational paradigms. Extending strategic marketing and financial policies globally is imperative, as is creating innovative and culturally tailored human resource management. However, organizations must embrace a truly global perspective to thrive. This book illuminates the intricate interplay between evolving global business landscapes and the need for organizations to adopt a holistic approach. Organizational Paradigms of Global Business: Fusion of Technology and Cultural Diversity chronicles and analyzes the accelerating transformations driven by technological innovations, organizational models, and production processes that have fundamentally altered societal and economic structures. From the impact of the Industrial Revolution to the emergence of post-modernity, this book assesses the societal transformations since the 1960s. Furthermore, it provides insights into contemporary global complexities, including corporate vulnerabilities, jobless growth sectors, outdated public policies, and shifting global power dynamics. This book meticulously examines the key dimensions of global companies, such as multiculturalism, geographic dispersion, and the knowledgeable workforce to provide strategies for navigating dynamic environments.

Entrepreneurship and Creativity in the Metaverse

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The Metaverse, an expanding digital space, is at the forefront of a technological revolution that will redefine how we interact with the digital world. Yet, as this fascinating landscape evolves, it presents an array of complex challenges, particularly in the realm of entrepreneurship. The current literature on Metaverse entrepreneurship is notably lacking, leaving a void in our understanding of the Metaverse's potential and the role of entrepreneurs within it. Critical questions about the emergence of entrepreneurial ecosystems, the evolution of entrepreneurship frontiers, and the impact of innovation and creativity within the Metaverse remain largely unanswered. Entrepreneurship and Creativity in the Metaverse serves as a guide to comprehending and harnessing the Metaverse's vast potential. As a space with fewer limitations than the physical world, creativity and entrepreneurship have immense potential to flourish within the Metaverse. It provides a much-needed roadmap for scholars, entrepreneurs, educators, industry experts, and policymakers to navigate this uncharted territory and thrive within it.

Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry

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As the world grapples with the pressing issue of natural resource depletion, the global beverage industry finds itself at a crossroads, thrust into the spotlight as a significant contributor to environmental challenges. The dire consequences of climate change and resource exhaustion necessitate a fundamental shift in the industry's practices. The alarming increase in plastic waste, water consumption, and carbon emissions associated with beverage production and distribution has prompted a profound reassessment of its impact on the planet. In this context of environmental urgency, Economics and Environmental Responsibility in the Global Beverage Industry dissects the challenges faced by the industry and offers viable solutions to steer it toward a more sustainable and responsible future. At its core, this book addresses the greatest challenges of the industry, navigating through the intersections of economic imperatives and environmental responsibility within the global beverage sector. Its primary objective is to provide an understanding of the issues confronting the industry, fueling critical study, reflection, and critique. By delving into the triple dimensions of economic, social, and environmental sustainability, the book aims to empower academics and industry practitioners alike with the knowledge needed to effect transformative change. Beyond being an academic exercise, it stands as a rallying call for a collective commitment to reshape the industry's trajectory.

Business Continuity Management and Resilience: Theories, Models, and Processes

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In an era characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), organizations are faced with an ever-changing array of crises that pose a threat to both their reputation and operational continuity. From unforeseen disruptions to intense market competition, the need for robust business continuity management and resilience has never been more pressing. Strategic success hinges on an organization's ability to weather the storm and swiftly recover from disasters. Those who fail to know the existing organizational models of continuity and appropriately plan for their business to encounter VUCA may not survive it. Business Continuity Management and Resilience: Theories, Models, and Processes provides an exhaustive overview of business continuity management but also offers innovative methodologies to enhance organizational and personal resilience. By delving into theories, models, and processes, it equips readers with the knowledge needed to navigate crises successfully. Covering crisis communication plans, the role of artificial intelligence, risk management, information technologies in crisis management, leadership skills in a crisis context, emergency response, competency models, virtual and augmented reality centers in training, and stress management, this reference book will help to prepare organizations for VUCA in the future. By fostering awareness, providing best practices, and drawing on lessons learned, this book presents a solution through a strategic imperative for those seeking to fortify organizations against the challenges of today's dynamic business environment.

Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement

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The modern workforce is continually evolving, presenting an ongoing challenge to business stakeholders, from workers to administration. Technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and the ever-changing global economic landscape have set the stage for a resounding conundrum. How can workers, employers, and society adapt to this rapidly transforming environment? Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement presents an answer in the concept of reskilling existing workforces. As highlighted in the book, reskilling offers a path to not only address the challenges faced by individuals but also to propel businesses and society forward. The first issue at hand is the need for workers to continually develop new skills and adapt to new roles in response to technological advancements. Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement presents a compelling solution by outlining how reskilling can open to new career opportunities, boost earning potential, and provide the necessary tools for individuals to remain competitive.

Digital Transformations of Traditional Work in the Nordic Countries

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Available online: This report aim to go behind narratives of digitalization as a uniform force of disruption, job destruction and revolutionary change at work, and convey a nuanced picture of digitalization played out at ordinary Nordic workplaces in traditional sectors of work. The report is explorative and the findings preliminary, but the picture emerging is nevertheless sobering. Findings show how digitalization in important sectors of Nordic labour markets are marked by gradual adaptation rather than paradigmatic, disruptive change. The connection between digital technologies and the organization of work emerges as a two-way relationship where institutions and politics still matter. Our empirical observations also suggest that the actors in the Nordic model of work are able to continue to influence this relationship in ways that appear to be compatible with the modus operandi of the model.

Open Borders

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Border control continues to be a highly contested and politically charged subject around the world. This collection of essays challenges reactionary nationalism by making the positive case for the benefits of free movement for countries on both ends of the exchange. Open Borders counters the knee-jerk reaction to build walls and close borders by arguing that there is not a moral, legal, philosophical, or economic case for limiting the movement of human beings at borders. The volume brings together essays by theorists in anthropology, geography, international relations, and other fields who argue for open borders with writings by activists who are working to make safe passage a reality on the ground. It puts forward a clear, concise, and convincing case for a world without movement restrictions at borders. The essays in the first part of the volume make a theoretical case for free movement by analyzing philosophical, legal, and moral arguments for opening borders. In doing so, they articulate a sustained critique of the dominant idea that states should favor the rights of their own citizens over the rights of all human beings. The second part sketches out the current situation in the European Union, in states that have erected border walls, in states that have adopted a policy of inclusion such as Germany and Uganda, and elsewhere in the world to demonstrate the consequences of the current regime of movement restrictions at borders. The third part creates a dialogue between theorists and activists, examining the work of Calais Migrant Solidarity, No Borders Morocco, activists in sanctuary cities, and others who contest border restrictions on the ground.

OECD Employment Outlook 2018

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The 2018 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook reviews labour market trends and prospects in OECD countries.