Normal Surface Singularities

Book Description

This monograph provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of complex normal surface singularities, with a special emphasis on connections to low-dimensional topology. In this way, it unites the analytic approach with the more recent topological one, combining their tools and methods. In the first chapters, the book sets out the foundations of the theory of normal surface singularities. This includes a comprehensive presentation of the properties of the link (as an oriented 3-manifold) and of the invariants associated with a resolution, combined with the structure and special properties of the line bundles defined on a resolution. A recurring theme is the comparison of analytic and topological invariants. For example, the Poincaré series of the divisorial filtration is compared to a topological zeta function associated with the resolution graph, and the sheaf cohomologies of the line bundles are compared to the Seiberg–Witten invariants of the link. Equivariant Ehrhart theory is introduced to establish surgery-additivity formulae of these invariants, as well as for the regularization procedures of multivariable series. In addition to recent research, the book also provides expositions of more classical subjects such as the classification of plane and cuspidal curves, Milnor fibrations and smoothing invariants, the local divisor class group, and the Hilbert–Samuel function. It contains a large number of examples of key families of germs: rational, elliptic, weighted homogeneous, superisolated and splice-quotient. It provides concrete computations of the topological invariants of their links (Casson(–Walker) and Seiberg–Witten invariants, Turaev torsion) and of the analytic invariants (geometric genus, Hilbert function of the divisorial filtration, and the analytic semigroup associated with the resolution). The book culminates in a discussion of the topological and analytic lattice cohomologies (as categorifications of the Seiberg–Witten invariant and of the geometric genus respectively) and of the graded roots. Several open problems and conjectures are also formulated. Normal Surface Singularities provides researchers in algebraic and differential geometry, singularity theory, complex analysis, and low-dimensional topology with an invaluable reference on this rich topic, offering a unified presentation of the major results and approaches.

Deformations of Surface Singularities

Book Description

The present publication contains a special collection of research and review articles on deformations of surface singularities, that put together serve as an introductory survey of results and methods of the theory, as well as open problems and examples. The aim is to collect material that will help mathematicians already working or wishing to work in this area to deepen their insight and eliminate the technical barriers in this learning process. Additionally, we introduce some material which emphasizes the newly found relationship with the theory of Stein fillings and symplectic geometry. This links two main theories of mathematics: low dimensional topology and algebraic geometry.​ The theory of normal surface singularities is a distinguished part of analytic or algebraic geometry with several important results, its own technical machinery, and several open problems. Recently several connections were established with low dimensional topology, symplectic geometry and theory of Stein fillings. This created an intense mathematical activity with spectacular bridges between the two areas. The theory of deformation of singularities is the key object in these connections.

Lectures on Resolution of Singularities (AM-166)

Book Description

Resolution of singularities is a powerful and frequently used tool in algebraic geometry. In this book, János Kollár provides a comprehensive treatment of the characteristic 0 case. He describes more than a dozen proofs for curves, many based on the original papers of Newton, Riemann, and Noether. Kollár goes back to the original sources and presents them in a modern context. He addresses three methods for surfaces, and gives a self-contained and entirely elementary proof of a strong and functorial resolution in all dimensions. Based on a series of lectures at Princeton University and written in an informal yet lucid style, this book is aimed at readers who are interested in both the historical roots of the modern methods and in a simple and transparent proof of this important theorem.

Milnor Fiber Boundary of a Non-isolated Surface Singularity

Book Description

In the study of algebraic/analytic varieties a key aspect is the description of the invariants of their singularities. This book targets the challenging non-isolated case. Let f be a complex analytic hypersurface germ in three variables whose zero set has a 1-dimensional singular locus. We develop an explicit procedure and algorithm that describe the boundary M of the Milnor fiber of f as an oriented plumbed 3-manifold. This method also provides the characteristic polynomial of the algebraic monodromy. We then determine the multiplicity system of the open book decomposition of M cut out by the argument of g for any complex analytic germ g such that the pair (f,g) is an ICIS. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical monodromies of the transversal type singularities associated with the singular locus of f and of the ICIS (f,g) are also described. The theory is supported by a substantial amount of examples, including homogeneous and composed singularities and suspensions. The properties peculiar to M are also emphasized.

Singularities in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of an AMS special session held at the 1999 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Antonio. The participants were an international group of researchers studying singularities from algebraic and analytic viewpoints. The contributed papers contain original results as well as some expository and historical material. This volume is dedicated to Oscar Zariski, on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. Topics include the role of valuation theory in algebraic geometry with recent applications to the structure of morphisms; algorithmic approaches to resolution of equisingular surface singularities and locally toric varieties; weak subintegral closures of ideals and Rees valuations; constructions of universal weakly subintegral extensions of rings; direct-sum decompositions of finitely generated modules; construction and examples of resolution graphs of surface singularities; Jacobians of meromorphic curves; investigation of spectral numbers of curve singularities using Puiseux pairs; Gröbner basis calculations of Hochschild homology for hypersurfaces with isolated singularities; and the theory of characteristic classes of singular spaces - a brief history with conjectures and open problems.

Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities III

Book Description

This is the third volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state of the art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. This volume consists of ten chapters which provide an in-depth and reader-friendly survey of various important aspects of singularity theory. Some of these complement topics previously explored in volumes I and II, such as, for instance, Zariski’s equisingularity, the interplay between isolated complex surface singularities and 3-manifold theory, stratified Morse theory, constructible sheaves, the topology of the non-critical levels of holomorphic functions, and intersection cohomology. Other chapters bring in new subjects, such as the Thom–Mather theory for maps, characteristic classes for singular varieties, mixed Hodge structures, residues in complex analytic varieties, nearby and vanishing cycles, and more. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general. Singularity theory interacts energetically with the rest of mathematics, acting as a crucible where different types of mathematical problems interact, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject, and in other subjects. Authored by world experts, the various contributions deal with both classical material and modern developments, covering a wide range of topics which are linked to each other in fundamental ways. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.