Systemic Remediation

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Energy Systems

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Considered as particularly difficult by generations of students and engineers, thermodynamics applied to energy systems can now be taught with an original instruction method. Energy Systems applies a completely different approach to the calculation, application and theory of multiple energy conversion technologies. It aims to create the reader’s foundation for understanding and applying the design principles to all kinds of energy cycles, including renewable energy. Proven to be simpler and more reflective than existing methods, it deals with energy system modeling, instead of the thermodynamic foundations, as the primary objective. Although its style is drastically different from other textbooks, no concession is done to coverage: with encouraging pace, the complete range from basic thermodynamics to the most advanced energy systems is addressed. The accompanying ThermoptimTM portal ( presents the software and manuals (in English and French) to solve over 200 examples, and programming and design tools for exercises of all levels of complexity. The reader is explained how to build appropriate models to bridge the technological reality with the theoretical basis of energy engineering. Offering quick overviews through e-learning modules moreover, the portal is user-friendly and enables to quickly become fully operational. Students can freely download the ThermoptimTM modeling software demo version (in seven languages) and extended options are available to lecturers. A professional edition is also available and has been adopted by many companies and research institutes worldwide - This volume is intended as for courses in applied thermodynamics, energy systems, energy conversion, thermal engineering to senior undergraduate and graduate-level students in mechanical, energy, chemical and petroleum engineering. Students should already have taken a first year course in thermodynamics. The refreshing approach and exceptionally rich coverage make it a great reference tool for researchers and professionals also. Contains International Units (SI).

Green skills and innovation for inclusive growth

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The second ‘green skills’ forum organised by Cedefop and the OECD-LEED in February 2014 provided an open space for discussion between researchers, policy-makers, social partners and international organisations on skills development and training needs for a greener economy. The focus of this ...

Domestic Energy Industry

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Sustainable energy supply in Asia

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Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry

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Presents one hundred and thirty job descriptions for careers within the energy industry, and includes positions dealing with coal, electric, nuclear energy, renewable energy, engineering, machine operation, science, and others.

Meeting the energy challenge

Book Description

The May 2007 White Paper "Meeting the energy challenge: a white paper on energy" (Cm. 7124, ISBN 9780101712422) set out the Government's international and domestic strategy to address the two main challenges: tackling climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions; and ensuring clean and affordable energy as the country becomes increasingly dependent on imported fuel. An online consultation on nuclear power and the role of the private sector: was produced at the same time. This White Paper sets out the Government's decision taken in response to the consultation. The Government believes it is in the public interest that new nuclear power stations should have a role to play in the country's future energy mix alongside other low-carbon sources; that energy companies should have the option of investing in them; and that the Government should take active steps to open up the way to the construction of new nuclear power stations. It will be for the energy companies to fund, develop and build the new stations, including meeting the full costs of decommissioning and their full share of waste management costs. Section 1 summarises the consultation process. Section 2 addresses the key issues that arose from the consultation and how they have been taken into account in shaping policy and reaching conclusions. Section 3 outlines the facilitative actions the Government will take to reduce the regulatory and planning risks associated with investing in new nuclear power stations. Finally there are three annexes: alternatives to nuclear power; justification and strategic siting assessment processes; regulatory and advisory structure for nuclear power.