Releasing Young Hardwood Crop Trees

Book Description

S2A crown-touching release of 12-year-old black cherry and yellow-poplar crop trees on a good site required removing an average of 14 trees for every crop tree. An average of 80 crop trees per acre was left free-to-grow with an average growing space of 4.7 feet on all sides of the crown. Basal spraying cost $0.80 per crop tree, stem injecting cost $0.61 per crop tree, and chain saw felling cost $0.42 per crop tree. Cost indicators for each release method and suggestions for cost savings are provided.S3.

Crop-tree Release Increases Growth of 12-year-old Yellow-poplar and Black Cherry

Book Description

S2Precommercial thinning was done in a 12-year-old Appalachian hardwood sapling stand in West Virginia. Two crop-tree release techniques were used-crown touching and crown touching plus 5 feet. Results indicated that both treatments significantly increased & year d.b.h. growth for released yellow-poplar and black cherry crop trees. Although there was a major increase in d.b.h. growth, caution is suggested when using the crown-touching plus 5 feet treatment as butt-log quality response was not conclusive. Releasing crop trees with the crown-touching approach seems appropriate in sapling stands when applied to desirable stems on better sites. S3.

At the Northeastern Station

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