Terrorism: International Case Law Reporter 2008 Volume I

Book Description

Terrorism: International Case Law Reporter is an annual collection of the most important cases in security law from around the world. Handpicked and introduced by internationally renowned terrorism scholar Michael Newton and by a distinguished board of experts from around the world, the cases in this series cover topics as diverse as human rights, immigration, freedom of speech, and organizational status. For scholars, students, and practitioners seeking an authoritative and comprehensive resource for research into security law jurisprudence, this unique series serves that specialized purpose like none other on the market. With the 2008 edition of Terrorism: International Case Law Reporter, Oxford introduces detailed headnotes to the series. Professor Michael Newton and his team have provided, for each case, a robust summary and a concise statement of the case's central issues and holding. This edition also adds new topics to the series' purview, including the contentious issue of what legal status enemy combatants possess in U.S. courts and the equally volatile issue of whether agents of a state may be held criminally liable for terrorism when carrying out official duties. General Editor Newton has also added Israel and the Middle East as necessary new regional topics for a series that covers terrorism-related jurisprudence worldwide. Indeed, many of the prominent cases in this year's edition come from non-U.S. courts, including an Argetinian case on state terrorism and crimes against humanity. That case, Velasco, appears in this edition in the only English translation available anywhere.

The Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law

Book Description

The essays selected for the first part of this volume offer an insight into the development, as distinguished from the history, of international humanitarian law. The focus of the majority of the works reprinted here is on an analysis of the adequacy of the law as it stood at the time of the respective publication and in the light of existing contemporary armed conflicts and military operations. Thus, the reader is afforded an in-depth look at the early roots of international humanitarian law, the continuing relevance of that body of law despite advances in weapons technology and the efforts to progressively develop it. International humanitarian law's development cannot be considered in isolation from its principles. The essays selected for the second part of the volume deal with the two fundamental principles underlying all of international humanitarian law: humanity and military necessity. The articles on the principles of humanity include reflections on the famous Martens Clause, and the analyses of military necessity take no account of 'Kriegsraison'. Moreover, they offer proof of the customary character of the principle of distinction in land, air and naval warfare.

The War Has Yet to Begin / La guerra aún no ha comenzado

Book Description

Esta edición impresa de la revista No Country Magazine, publicada en ocasión de la documenta fifteen, intenta analizar los dispositivos necrocoloniales del Estado cubano desde perspectivas múltiples. Perspectivas que abarcan, además de la esfera política, la literatura, el cine, el arte y, lo que es mejor, la manera en que todas estas epistemes se entrecruzan con el dictum ideológico. Para esto, esta edición especial bilingüe no solo ha convocado a diez ensayistas del mundo cubano, sino que pone a circular también algunos de los testimonios que mejor explican lo que significó el 11-J en la Isla: su entramado de represión y vejación estatal. No Country Magazine es una revista gestionada en colaboración por los equipos editoriales de las publicaciones independientes Rialta y El Estornudo. Directores: Carlos Aníbal Alonso y Carlos Manuel Álvarez Editor invitado: Carlos A. Aguilera Editores: Ibrahim Hernández Oramas, Tomás E. Pérez, Nils Longueira Borrego y Jesús Adonis Martínez Peña Autores: Carlos A. Aguilera, Hilda Landrove, Celia González, Anaeli Ibarra Cáceres, Grethel Domenech Hernández, Dean Luis Reyes, Yoandy Cabrera, Mailyn Machado, Enrique del Risco, Marie Laure Geoffray, Armando Chaguaceda, Solveig Font, Daniel Triana, Iris Mariño, Abel Lescay y Katherine Bisquet Diseño: Pilar Fernández Melo (FERMELO) Ilustraciones: Camila Lobón Traductores: Fabricio González Neira, LeAnne Russell

Muerte en Hull

Book Description

1942. HULL, EAST YORKSHIRE, INGLATERRA- Es la ciudad más fuertemente bombardeada además de Londres, pero por el bien de la moral nacional, los bombardeos sobre Hull se mantienen en secreto. El inspector jefe recién asignado Atticus Dee no puede creer la devastación que encuentra. Pero para Dee y sus ayudantes, el sargento Edward 'Pequeño' Kelley y la auxiliar de la policía de mujeres Camila Parr, es el asesinato, no la guerra, lo que cobra gran importancia. Cuando se atribuye una serie de asesinatos sádicos a los soldados estadounidenses estacionados localmente, Dee pronto descubre que no todo es lo que parece. El hedor del racismo y la corrupción llega hasta lo más alto. Pero encontrar al verdadero asesino será tan peligroso como las bombas que caen. Porque las fuerzas del Estado no pueden permitir que el esfuerzo bélico sea socavado, ni siquiera por la verdad. . .

The Tehuantepec Railway

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The Tehuantepec Railway

Book Description

Reprint of the original, first published in 1869.