Retaining Your Employees

Book Description

This book will show you how to use respect, recognition, and rewards for positive results.

Keeping Your Valuable Employees

Book Description

Ein Buch für die Praxis! Es setzt sich mit den wichtigsten Problemen auseinander, mit denen HR Manager von heute konfrontiert sind: Wie behält man wertvolle Mitarbeiter angesichts des unerbittlichen Wettbewerbs um qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte. Arbeitnehmer sind sehr verschieden und ebenso verschieden ist ihre Abgrenzung von Berufs- und Privatleben. Deshalb müssen Unternehmen Bedingungen entwerfen, durchsetzen und gewährleisten, die flexibel genug sind, die Besten zu verpflichten und auch zu behalten. Dieser Leitfaden liefert Ihnen Methoden und Techniken zur Bindung von Mitarbeitern und sagt Ihnen genau, wie das funktioniert. Anhand eines systematischen Ansatzes lernen Sie, das neue Arbeitsverhältnis zu verstehen, richtig darauf zu reagieren und Hindernisse zu überwinden. (10/99)

Global Talent Retention

Book Description

Through extensive research Global Talent Retention: Understanding Employee Turnover Around the World addresses the need for turnover theory and research to give more careful consideration to global and cross-cultural perspectives on employee retention, and includes contributions from a global range of scholars.

Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad

Book Description

Keep the workers you want - in good times and bad. How do organizations keep the workers they want? Until now, employee retention strategies have been based on instincts rather than research. With no firm body of knowledge to use as a guide, employee turnover has been a problem for all organizations. Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad is the first book to offer a top-to-bottom, organization-wide retention action plan. Many organizations lose employees and profits because they don't know which processes to put into place to cut employee turnover. They speak of building retention cultures but don't know who should do what and when. This hands-on tactical guide gives those answers, providing specific strategies and tactics backed by the author's own research and on-site experience. Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad is essential reading for all types of organizations-large or small, public or private, with high concentrations of low-skilled or high-skilled workers and across multiple industries. If you are losing workers you want to keep - in good economic times and bad - this book will tell you how to put retention solutions in place across your company.

Retaining Valued Employees

Book Description

Retaining Valued Employees briefly summarizes the current research in the area of employee turnover, and provides practical guidelines to implement proven strategies for reducing unwanted turnover.

Retention Strategies

Book Description

In the current economic environment, retention is one of the foremost concerns of all organisations. Leading organisations are citing retention as a key challenge and central objective; and no organisation can expect to survive if its retention game is not on point. A sound retention strategy results in lower staff turnover rates, which means: Reduced costs to the company, higher revenues and profitability, more productive staff and increased work morale. Retention is, in fact, a win-win deal for both parties - the employer and the employee. Retention Strategies is a complete how-to book to help you implement a sound retention strategy for today's workplace. This book unpacks: The business case for retention strategies and the cost implications of high staff turnover. The role of rewards and remuneration: Remuneration only accounts for 25% of the stay decision, nevertheless it is a ticket to the retention game - it just has to be fair. Retention and engagement: Whilst engagement does not necessarily cause retention, there is some relationship. Remuneration options for retention and how each is typically used in organisations. This assumes that we have ticked all the other retention boxes like interesting work and great leadership. The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and its link to retention and remuneration. Retention strategies for different generations. Retention Strategies is essential reading for anyone who manages or leads people currently or will lead them in the future. It will give you the tools to ensure people will want to work for you, follow you and stay with you. Retention Strategies is also intended for HR and reward executives, who are often responsible for crafting policy involving employment. This book may provide you with some ideas on what to include and exclude in your policies.

Employee Retention and Turnover

Book Description

This exploration of what employee turnover is, why it happens, and what it means for companies and employees draws together contemporary and classic theories and research to present a well-rounded perspective on employee retention and turnover. The book uses models such as job embeddedness theory, proximal withdrawal states, and context-emergent turnover theory, as well as highlights cultural differences affecting global differences in turnover. Employee Retention and Turnover contextualises the issue of turnover, its causes and its consequences, before discussing underrepresented antecedents of turnover, key aspects of retention and methods for regulating turnover, and future research directions. Ideal for both academics and advanced students of industrial/organizational psychology, Employee Retention and Turnover is essential for understanding the past, present, and future of turnover and related research.

The ROI of Human Capital

Book Description

The lifeblood of any business enterprise is its people. Yet it wasn’t until the publication of the groundbreaking book The ROI of Human Capital that there was a reliable way to quantify the contributions of people to corporate profit. Completely updated with new metrics, the book shows executives and HR professionals how to gauge human costs and productivity at three critical levels: organizational (contributions to corporate goals) • functional (impact on process improvement) • human resources management (value added by five basic HR department activities) The second edition contains new material on topics including corporate outsourcing, developments in behavioral science, and advances in trending and forecasting that have dramatically changed the way organizations measure the bottom line effect of employee performance. Utterly up-to-date, this is the go-to resource for organizations performing the essential task of measuring the value of their people.

Keeping the People who Keep You in Business

Book Description

A war rages in today's workplace, pitting company against company in the fight to find and keep good employees. The losses are high, and battle-weary managers are desperate for talented reinforcements. This compelling new book gives readers a battle-plan for victory, offering 24 strategies for retaining valuable people.

Employee Retention

Book Description