Powering the Future

Book Description

Dr. Daniel B. Botkin objectively assesses the true prospects, limitations, costs, risks, dangers, and tradeoffs associated with every leading and emerging source of energy, including oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, ocean power, and biofuels. Next, Botkin addresses the energy distribution system, outlining how it currently works, identifying its inefficiencies, and reviewing options for improving it. Finally, Botkin turns to solutions, offering a realistic, scientifically and economically viable path to a sustainable, energy-independent future: one that can improve the quality of life for Americans and for people around the world. The Future of Fossil Fuels What can we realistically expect from oil, gas, and coal? Will Alternative Energy Sources Really Matter? Running the numbers on solar, wind, biofuels, and other renewables Must We All Wear Sweaters and Live in Caves? The right role for efficiency--and why energy minimalism isn’t the solution Where We Can Start--and What Will Happen if We Don’t No magic bullet, but there are sensible, realistic solutions

Rethinking "energy Independence

Book Description

Neither the economic nor the security interests of the United States are likely to be well served by any national energy strategy that force-feeds, in effect, a buy-American approach when international trade can meet a sizable share of our energy requirements at a lower cost. Time and again, events have vindicated this conclusion. Does that mean there is no reason to rework the nation's energy policies? A serious effort to lower this country's level of carbon emissions--or just from the combustion of petroleum products but, also importantly, coal--is worthwhile, especially if it could encourage other big polluters (China, for example) to participate in a global assault on greenhouse gases. That's because climate change--unlike "foreign oil"--indisputably is a problem, one beckoning for every major economy to take action. The actions required to combat climate change, however, are rather different from the policy biases that have long dominated Congress's energy agenda. More support for ethanol production or reliance on flawed conservation programs, such as America's corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) regulations for motor vehicles, are not steps in the right direction. Instead, a serious energy initiative to slow global warming would include a genuine inducement to curb the burning of all fuels that warm the earth's atmosphere. That inducement is called a carbon tax -- p. 9-10

Game Changer

Book Description

Game Changer is the story of one man’s fifty-year journey doing battle with the conventional wisdom and in the process helping to restore America as an energy superpower. A day doesn’t go by without energy in the headlines. From banning gas stoves to prices at the pump to threats to the world’s energy supplies, energy is front and center. Most of what we are hearing is high emotion, low-fact misinformation offered by folks who have no clue what they are talking about. Game Changer is the story of Harold Hamm and his fifty-year journey battling conventional wisdom and, in the process, helping restore America as an energy superpower. How did he do it? With horizontal drilling. What Hamm did was game changing—for his country and the world. In Game Changer, Hamm explains: Why American Energy Independence is the most important policy to guarantee our long-term economic and national security. How the conversion to natural gas for electricity production in the US has led to the largest declines in emissions in the industrialized world. Why much of the energy narrative is distorted by money, politics, activism, and virtue-signaling. Why the so-called “energy crisis” in America is self-inflicted. We’ve been relentlessly told that oil and natural gas is the enemy, that humanity’s very existence depends on its extinction. Yet our whole world—your world—runs on it. Game Changer invites you to learn the real story, the story we all need to hear, told through the common-sense eyes of the man who has led what he calls the American Energy Renaissance. If you care about your future, and the future of your kids and grandkids, read this book.

Energy Independence

Book Description

Energy Independence is the essential guide to the most viable and affordable alternative energy solutions for the everyday consumer—including solar panels, wind generators, hydrogen fuel cells, wood, hydro-electric, geothermal heat pumps, and more. For all those seeking either to supplement their traditional fuel-burning furnace or to revamp their home, this book has what they need to get started. They’ll learn about the most progressive and advanced options as well as tried and true energy conservation techniques. They’ll learn how much each method costs, and how quickly they will recoup any investment. Also including a chapter on alternative-fuel cars, this book has been revised and updated with the most recent stats, technology, costs, and advice. It is a must for anyone—urbanite, suburbanite, or rural dweller—who relies on traditional oil-burning sources but has decided it’s high time to be proactive both about cutting fuel costs and achieving freedom from fossil fuel dependence.

The Energy Security Paradox

Book Description

The decisions we make about energy shape our present and our future. From geopolitical tension to environmental degradation and an increasingly unstable climate, these choices infiltrate the very air we breathe. Energy security politics has direct impact on the continued survival of human life as we know it, and the earth cannot survive if we continue consuming fossil energy at current rates. The low carbon transition is simply not happening fast enough, and change is unlikely without a radical change in how we approach energy security. But thinking on energy security has failed to keep up with these changing realities. Energy security is primarily considered to be about the availability of reliable and affordable energy supplies - having enough energy - and it remains closely linked to national security. The Energy Security Paradox looks at contemporary energy security politics in the United States and China: the top two energy consumers and producers. Based on in-depth empirical analysis, it demonstrates that current energy security practices actually lead to a security paradox: they produce insecurity. To illustrate this, it develops the 'energy security paradox' as a framework for understanding the interconnected insecurities produced by current practices. However, it also goes beyond this, examining resistance to current practices to highlight that we not only can do energy security differently: this is already happening. In the process, the volume demonstrates that the value of security depends on the context. Based on this, The Energy Security Paradox proposes a radical reconsideration of how we approach and practice energy security.

A Declaration of Energy Independence

Book Description

If you’ve wondered about how America can break links between oil consumption, terrorism, and the war in Iraq, A Declaration of Energy Independence: How Freedom from Foreign Oil Can Improve National Security, Our Economy, and the Environment will show you how our country can gain energy independence and solve its energy crisis. Written by a top energy expert, this book outlines seven economically and politically viable ways America can more efficiently use and produce energy. Find out how carbon fuels negatively impact our lives and understand the political framework of the energy crisis.

Energy-Independence for Cities

Book Description

If we're going to save the world--from the ravages of climate change?We have to save our cities; we have to make them sustainable, in every meaning of that word--starting, I would argue, with . . . Waste & Energy & Transport--an interwoven and interlocking tapestry of issues, a matter of "Getting Right with WET." That sounds like Hysterical Greenie Preaching? Well . . . stop reading right now; it only gets "worse."Many countries may be somewhat indifferent to, or paralyzed in the face of, climate change, perhaps because they feel (and they may be right) that they "can't afford to spend time and money" on the issue. I don't think there's any country other than the US where a sizable portion of the population and a sufficient-to-block-action percentage of (pretty much exclusively Republican) politicians are sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting "Nah, nah, nah, nah-nah! Can't hear you!" as . . . the waters rise--among other catastrophes. What will or will not happen? In the next century? The next year? Tomorrow? I'm not a climatologist; I don't know. But the accruing "facts on the ground" are something between disturbing and terrifying. When Texas has three straight years of 500-year climate "events"? That ought to not just garner attention but spark action. And here we wait. The role of Texas, however, is something of a double-edged sword. Think Texas: Think Oil. But then--surprise!--Texas is also the greatest producer of wind energy in the US, by far. Second place goes to Iowa and--Go Big or Go Home!--Texas produces more than twice the wind energy that Iowa does. We have the technology.The technology is cost-competitive--particularly if you drop federal subsidies for the hydrocarbon industries; a great deal of the work that needs to be done would be a phenomenal (naturally occurring and market-based) jobs program for many of the people who need it most. We need the will.And . . . we're running out of time.

Energy Independence

Book Description

The 20th century is known to the entire world as a century of American greatness. Innovations in energy drove that American superiority; innovations such as oil pipelines, petroleum-based fuel, the light bulb, electricity, and the power grid. However, our legacy energy economy leaves us wanting in the 21st century. Centralized vulnerability, wasted generation capacity, dependence on foreign fuel, and climate change are financed by every one of us at the pump and in our monthly utility bill. However, "Energy Independence" is not about what is wrong with our current energy economy; rather it describes a bright future that is waiting to be unlocked. It presents a plan where the average homeowner can not only achieve energy freedom for their household, but usher in the new energy economy.

Gusher of Lies

Book Description

For more than three decades, politicians have been promising to make America energy independent. According to Byrce, this rhetoric is neither doable nor desirable. This work shows why America must drop this idea of energy independence and, instead, embrace interdependence.

Re-energizing America

Book Description

The time has come for common sense answers to the energy crisis in America. A provocative new book, Re-Energizing America: A Common-Sense Approach to Achieving U.S. Energy Independence in Our Generation, provides those answers. Author Jay Marhoefer, a strategist, energy consultant, IT executive and lawyer, describes a step-by-step approach for creating sustainable energy independence in the United States. Marhoefer's approach, called Intelligent Generation, uses conventional, renewable, and information technologies to provide homeowners, communities, and small businesses a way to acquire energy when it is least expensive. Later, when energy is at its highest price, consumers can use what they have stored to power their appliances, heat their homes, and even fuel their automobiles. The result of Intelligent Generation's virtual network of individual power generators is cost-efficient, sustainable energy and millions of new American jobs. Re-Energizing America includes significant new insights about America's energy future. For example, it explains how combining wind and solar energy can be cost-effective for 60 percent of the U.S. population. It reveals that Mexico's energy situation poses as great a threat to the U.S. in 15 years as our reliance on the Persian Gulf if we fail to take appropriate action. It exposes the true, full measure of future U.S. reliance on OPEC that is hidden in government statistics. Re-Energizing America provides straightforward, common sense, and affordable answers to our twin problems of OPEC dependence and global warming. It is truly a book for our time.