Rethinking Christian Forgiveness

Book Description

Is there such a thing as “Christian Forgiveness”? Christians speak as though there is. But what would it be? How would it differ from forgiveness as a basic human enactment? And if there is a distinctive Christian forgiveness, what might it have to say to our world today? To answer these questions, the present work traverses three distinctive intellectual landscapes—continental philosophy, Anglo-American moral philosophy, and psychology—to establish a phenomenology of forgiving before turning to contemporary Christian literature. The multilayered dialogue that ensues challenges the assumptions of contemporary approaches—secular and Christian—and invites the reader to rethink the meaning of Christian forgiveness.

Rethinking Incarceration

Book Description

The United States has more people locked up in jails, prisons, and detention centers than any other country in the history of the world. Exploring the history and foundations of mass incarceration, Dominique Gilliard examines Christianity’s role in its evolution and expansion, assessing justice in light of Scripture, and showing how Christians can pursue justice that restores and reconciles.

ReThinking Forgiveness

Book Description

No matter who you are, you have at some time been wounded in your relationships. Often, the hurts from the past can carry forward into the present, robbing us of peace and joy. This book takes a closer, biblical look at the current approach to forgiveness and suggests something even more critical that needs to be addressed first for real healing to occur.

Forgiving Forward

Book Description

The Hebels present the opportunity to learn heaven's protocols of forgiveness and how to accurately apply them. The tools this book teaches will restore marriages, reunite families, and unify churches.

Rethinking Forgiveness for Christians

Book Description

Ever feel insulted and hurt by the careless (or intentional) behavior of another person? Many people want to follow the direction of Jesus to forgive 7 x 77 times but find it next to impossible because the hurt is so deep and they feel so wounded. Knowing that they are not forgiving can be disturbing to their peace of mind and make them feel unworthy. Ms. Hebert believes in the WWI slogan "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition." Her book incorporates both the mental tactics to understand the four types of people we all have to interact with and how to handle hurtful situations with them, as well as a faith-filled attitude of prayer and living with the mind of a Child of God. Tactics for healing past hurts and forgiving oneself for situations which lie heavily on one's heart are also discussed. This book is a must-have for anyone struggling with forgiveness and anger.

Executing God

Book Description

Why did God have to murder his only son to pay our debts? What kind of vengeful, violent God can only be satisfied by vicarious blood atonement? In Executing God, theologian Sharon Baker presents a biblically based and theologically sound critique of popular theories of the atonement. Concerned about the number of acts of violence performed in the name of God, Baker challenges cultural assumptions about the death of Jesus and its meaning to Christians. She ultimately offers a constructive alternate view of atonement based on God's forgiveness that opens up salvation to a wider group of people.

Rethink Your Self

Book Description

Follow your heart. You do you. You are enough. We take these slogans for granted, but what if this path to personal happiness leads to a dead-end? In Rethink Your Self, Trevin Wax encourages you to rethink some of our society’s most common assumptions about identity and the road to happiness. Most people define their identity and purpose by first looking in (to their desires), then looking around (to express their uniqueness), and finally—maybe—looking up (to add a spiritual dimension to life). Rethink Your Self proposes a counter-intuitive approach: looking up before looking in. It's only when we look up to learn who we were created to be that we discover our true purpose and become our truest selves.

Rethinking Forgiveness

Book Description

Authentic Forgiveness

Book Description

No one can avoid conflict, sin, and evil, or the hurt and brokenness they cause. The best way to transform conflict and hurt from being life-destructive to being life-constructive is to forgive and to be forgiven. Authentic, biblically based forgiveness is a gift that God offers to humanity so that hurt can be healed, the cycle of retaliation broken, a painful past soothed, and estranged relationships reconciled and restored. Dr John Tran explains how forgiveness in both Western and Chinese cultures differs from the practice outlined in God’s word. Authentic Forgiveness calls us to examine our own cultural traditions and points us towards the search for true reconciliation, where people risk to communicate, extend trust, and work through anger and pain. Combining biblical and theological understanding with practical strategies for local church ministry, Tran offers an inspiring paradigm of action for Christians in urban Asian contexts and beyond.

Surprised by Hope

Book Description

For years Christians have been asking, "If you died tonight, do you know where you would go?" It turns out that many believers have been giving the wrong answer. It is not heaven. Award-winning author N. T. Wright outlines the present confusion about a Christian's future hope and shows how it is deeply intertwined with how we live today. Wright, who is one of today's premier Bible scholars, asserts that Christianity's most distinctive idea is bodily resurrection. He provides a magisterial defense for a literal resurrection of Jesus and shows how this became the cornerstone for the Christian community's hope in the bodily resurrection of all people at the end of the age. Wright then explores our expectation of "new heavens and a new earth," revealing what happens to the dead until then and what will happen with the "second coming" of Jesus. For many, including many Christians, all this will come as a great surprise. Wright convincingly argues that what we believe about life after death directly affects what we believe about life before death. For if God intends to renew the whole creation—and if this has already begun in Jesus's resurrection—the church cannot stop at "saving souls" but must anticipate the eventual renewal by working for God's kingdom in the wider world, bringing healing and hope in the present life. Lively and accessible, this book will surprise and excite all who are interested in the meaning of life, not only after death but before it.