Retreat Or Resolution?

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Peter Scott examines the development of mass higher education and calls for robust action to secure fair access at all levels and changes in the governance and management at both system and institutional levels to ensure more democratic accountability.

Grave New World

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A controversial look at the end of globalization and what it means for prosperity, peace, and the global economic order Globalization, long considered the best route to economic prosperity, is not inevitable. An approach built on the principles of free trade and, since the 1980s, open capital markets, is beginning to fracture. With disappointing growth rates across the Western world, nations are no longer willing to sacrifice national interests for global growth; nor are their leaders able—or willing—to sell the idea of pursuing a global agenda of prosperity to their citizens. Combining historical analysis with current affairs, economist Stephen D. King provides a provocative and engaging account of why globalization is being rejected, what a world ruled by rival states with conflicting aims might look like, and how the pursuit of nationalist agendas could result in a race to the bottom. King argues that a rejection of globalization and a return to “autarky” will risk economic and political conflict, and he uses lessons from history to gauge how best to avoid the worst possible outcomes.

A Do-It-Yourself Retreat:

Book Description

The do-it-yourself appeal which is somewhat popular today is not just a fad. It meets the basic need in man to be creative. This DO-IT-YOURSELF RETREAT makes the same appeal to your highest creative instincts. However, in this case, you are shown not how to make some thing, but HOW TO BRING OUT THE REAL GOOD IN YOU and make yourself into the truly great person that God intended you to be. These pages will help you to discover who you really are, and the discovery will prove to be encouraging and consoling. Although you are doing-it-yourself, this retreat follows a time-tested and approved method. It is progressive. Step by step it helps you to bring out the potential for all the goodness and greatness which is present in you. You are also following a mystery story—these are God’s mysteries—so you do not peek at the chapters ahead. One step at a time is best, and God be with you on the way. This book is for... Those who have never made a retreat, and those to whom the word may sound strange or even forbidding. I think you will like it, and though you start it as an experiment, you may find it so interesting and worthwhile that you will want the fuller and richer experience at a retreat house. Those who would like to make a closed retreat but cannot, especially God’s beloved sick and suffering and those in the evening of life. Those who have made a retreat and who would like to retain the clarity of vision and the peace of soul it gave them. Husbands and wives who would like to make a retreat at home, either together or individually. It can help to oneness in outlook. Finally, but finally only for emphasis, this book is for students who are making an open retreat and want a companion book—collateral reading—to keep them in the spirit of the retreat.

James Skinner

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Retreat Addresses

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Never Call Retreat

Book Description

New York Times bestselling authors Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen conclude their inventive trilogy with Never Call Retreat, a remarkable answer to the great "what if" of the American Civil War: Could the South have indeed won? After his great victories at Gettysburg and Union Mills, General Robert E. Lee's attempt to bring the war to a final conclusion by attacking Washington, D.C., fails. However, in securing Washington, the remnants of the valiant Union Army of the Potomac, under the command of the impetuous General Dan Sickles, is trapped and destroyed. For Lincoln there is only one hope left: that General Ulysses S. Grant can save the Union cause. It is now August 22, 1863. Lincoln and Grant are facing a collapse of political will to continue the fight to preserve the Union. Lee, desperately short of manpower, must conserve his remaining strength while maneuvering for the killing blow that will take Grant's army out of the fight and, at last, bring a final and complete victory for the South. Pursuing the remnants of the defeated Army of the Potomac up to the banks of the Susquehanna, Lee is caught off balance when news arrives that General Ulysses S. Grant, in command of more than seventy thousand men, has crossed that same river, a hundred miles to the northwest at Harrisburg. As General Grant brings his Army of the Susquehanna into Maryland, Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia maneuvers for position. Grant first sends General George Armstrong Custer on a mad dash to block Lee's path toward Frederick and with it control of the crucial B&O railroad, which moves troops and supplies. The two armies finally collide in Central Maryland, and a bloody week-long battle ensues along the banks of Monocacy Creek. This must be the "final" battle for both sides. In Never Call Retreat, Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen bring all of their critically acclaimed talents to bear in what is destined to become an immediate classic.