Return to the Source

Book Description

A classic collection of essays calling for decolonization through self-liberation “For us,” said Amilcar Cabral, “freedom is an act of culture”—and these were not just words. Guided by the concrete realities of his people, Cabral called for a process of “re-Africanization,” a Return to the Source. As a new imperialism has taken hold the world over, many have hearkened back to Return to the Source, but this time, our source of inspiration is Cabral himself. With a system of thought rooted in an African reading of Marx, Cabral was a deep-thinking revolutionary who applied the principles of decolonization as a dialectic task, and in so doing became one of the world’s most profoundly influential and effective theoreticians of anti–imperialist struggle. Cabral and his fellow Pan-African movement leaders catalyzed and fortified a militant wave of liberation struggles beginning in Angola, moving through Cabral’s homelands of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, and culminating in Mozambique and beyond. He translated abstract theories into agile praxis and in under just ten years steered the liberation of three–quarters of the countryside of Guinea Bissau from Portuguese colonial domination. In this new, expanded edition of Return to the Source: Selected Texts of Amilcar Cabral we have access to Cabral’s warm and humorous informal address to the Africa Information Service, and we revisit several of the principal speeches Cabral delivered during visits to the United States in the final years before his assassination in 1973, including his last written address to his people on New Year’s Eve. Return to the Source is essential reading for all who understand that the erasure of historical continuity between social movements has disrupted our ability to make the revolutionary transformation we all desperately require.

The Return to Source

Book Description

Your success is not by what you have and own or what you are involved with in your social life. Your success is by what you are doing here with the spiritual life through the physical presence. It's not about where you're at with what you have. It's about where you're at with who you are, then you will have everything that you need. Do not sell your life for some simple-minded success. Reality is an illusion that must be recognized and overcome in order to make it out. Humans must reach a deeper point on focusing past the beliefs of what they think and know as being true. We live in a reality where people believe that truth is found from the media of an Internet revolution, and that is far from accurate. Humans accept the world from the reality in which they are presented. The only way to see the truth in the right form is from within. The soul is what makes a person human, and the soul holds true that the physical mind can barely comprehend. You have to be spiritually developed outside of society for your mind to be evolved in processing and handling the path of light through your soul. It is through the soul that you discover and become conscious of understanding the deepest truths. People who strictly live in the world will never come to know their souls. The soul is the only way to true wisdom and eternal life. Do you want to become less of who you are, or do you want to become more than what you were led to believe that you are? Humans must always live in the light of who they are outside of this world. Otherwise, they're just living a baseless existence following under the guidance of wickedness to an impending eternal death.

Return to the Source

Book Description

Amilcar Cabral, who was the Secretary-General of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands (PAIGC), was assassinated by Portuguese agents on January 20, 1973. Under his leadership, the PAIGC liberated three-quarters of the countryside of Guinea in less than ten years of revolutionary struggle. Cabral distinguished himself among modern revolutionaries by the long and careful preparation, both theoretical and practical, which he undertook before launching the revolutionary struggle, and, in the course of the preparation, became one of the world's outstanding theoreticians of anti-imperialist struggle. This volume contains some of the principal speeches Cabral delivered in his last years during visits to the United States. The first is his speech to the fourth Commission of the United Nations General Assembly on October 16, 1972, on "Questions of Territories Under Portuguese Administration." His brilliant speeches on "National Liberation and Culture" (1970) and "Identity and Dignity in the Context of the National Liberation Struggle" (1972) follow.

Return to the Source

Book Description

Published in association with Africa Information Service.

Return to the Source

Book Description

What does the Bible say about food? Does the Bible say there are any food groups that should be avoided? Is there a difference between bread bought at the grocery store and bread fresh-milled at home? Milk from the grocery store versus milk fresh from a local farm? What does the Bible say about eating carbs? Fats? Red meat? Salt? Dairy? The author shares the sources of wisdom, testimonies, recipes, and easy steps that help families rediscover nutrition. She discusses simple instructions to apply the concepts into daily life, become a more informed consumer, and take the steps necessary to combat an ever-increasing supply of processed and dead foods that detriment the health and future of families.

Return to Source

Book Description

Return To Source invites Black people around the world to reconnect with their lost heritage and find healing, self-love and transformation. This book is an empowering call to journey home to a new way of looking after yourself. A new way that is, in fact, the old way. Globally, Africans and Diasporans are rediscovering that, even while navigating an oppressive and often unsafe world, we are called to make space for healing, not just for ourselves but also for loved ones, Ancestors and descendants. Our path to liberation includes a commitment to nurturing our personal and community growth by making wellness a priority. In this powerful book, Araba Ofori-Acquah will help you to: embark on a spiritual, emotional and – for some – physical journey back to the Motherland, back to your heritage, back to yourself, back to source unlock your potential with the power of an African-centred approach to wellness incorporate the three seeds of African wellness – music and movement, Mother Earth and magick – into your routine demystify and undo the demonisation of African beliefs, rituals and practices create a path to healing that feels most authentic to you Discover how to live well – in accordance with African traditions – and find power, healing and alignment through your Return to Source.

African Studies

Book Description

""This book examines the politics, culture, language, history, socio-economic development, methodologies, and contemporary experiences of African peoples from around the world"--Provided by publisher"

Return to Source

Book Description

Rites of Return

Book Description

The first decade of the twenty-first century witnessed a passionate engagement with the losses of the past. Rites of Return examines the effects of this legacy of historical injustice and documented suffering on the politics of the present. Twenty-four writers, historians, literary and cultural critics, anthropologists and sociologists, visual artists, legal scholars, and curators grapple with our contemporary ethical endeavor to redress enduring inequities and retrieve lost histories. Mapping bold and broad-based responses to past injury across Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, Australia, the Middle East, and the United States, Rites of Return examines new technologies of genetic and genealogical research, memoirs about lost family histories, the popularity of roots-seeking journeys, organized trauma tourism at sites of atrocity and new Museums of Conscience, and profound connections between social rites and political and legal rights of return. Contributors include: Lila Abu-Lughod, Columbia University; Nadia Abu El-Haj, Barnard College; Elazar Barkan, Columbia University; Svetlana Boym, Harvard University; Saidiya Hartman, Columbia University; Amira Hass, journalist; Jarrod Hayes, University of Michigan; Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University; Eva Hoffman, writer; Margaret Homans, Yale University; Rosanne Kennedy, Australian National University; Daniel Mendelsohn, writer; Susan Meiselas, photographer; Nancy K. Miller, CUNY Graduate Center; Alondra Nelson, Columbia University; Jay Prosser, University of Leeds; Liz Sevchenko, Coalition of Museums of Conscience; Leo Spitzer, Dartmouth College; Marita Sturken New York University; Diana Taylor, New York University; Patricia J. Williams, Columbia University