De Oakland a la Oficina Oval: La Vida y los Tiempos de Kamala Harris

Book Description

De Oakland a la Oficina Oval: La Vida y los Tiempos de Kamala Harris - Valor, Resiliencia y la Creación de una Líder te lleva en un viaje inspirador a través de la vida de una de las figuras políticas más innovadoras de nuestro tiempo. Desde sus primeros años en Oakland, donde fue moldeada por la influencia de sus padres inmigrantes, hasta su ascenso histórico como la primera vicepresidenta mujer de los Estados Unidos, este libro captura la resiliencia, la determinación y la visión que definen a Kamala Harris. Descubre cómo la crianza de Kamala en un hogar culturalmente rico y políticamente activo formó su compromiso con la justicia social. Aprende sobre sus experiencias transformadoras en la Universidad de Howard, su trabajo pionero como fiscal y Fiscal General de California, y su incansable defensa de la reforma en el Senado de EE. UU. Esta biografía completa profundiza en la lucha implacable de Kamala por la igualdad, su papel en la reconfiguración del panorama político y las poderosas lecciones que lleva consigo de las luchas y sacrificios de sus padres. De Oakland a la Oficina Oval es más que una historia de triunfo personal: es un tributo a las muchas voces, historias y comunidades que impulsaron a Kamala Harris hacia el escenario nacional. Una historia de valor, liderazgo y esperanza, este libro dejará a los lectores inspirados por el viaje de Kamala para romper barreras y redefinir lo que es posible en la política estadounidense. Prepárate para ser conmovido por la historia de una verdadera pionera, cuya visión y resiliencia continúan moldeando una nueva era de liderazgo y oportunidad.

Criminal Justice Ethics

Book Description

Criminal Justice Ethics, Fourth Edition examines the criminal justice system through an ethical lens by identifying ethical issues in practice and theory, exploring ethical dilemmas, and offering suggestions for resolving ethical issues and dilemmas faced by criminal justice professionals. Bestselling author Cyndi Banks draws readers into a unique discussion of ethical issues by exploring moral dilemmas faced by professionals in the criminal justice system before examining the major theoretical foundations of ethics. This distinct organization allows readers to understand real life ethical issues before grappling with philosophical approaches to the resolution of those issues.

Research Handbook on Transitional Justice

Book Description

Providing detailed and comprehensive coverage of the transitional justice field, this Research Handbook brings together leading scholars and practitioners to explore how societies deal with mass atrocities after periods of dictatorship or conflict. Situating the development of transitional justice in its historical context, social and political context, it analyses the legal instruments that have emerged.

Applied Biomechatronics Using Mathematical Models

Book Description

Applied Biomechatronics Using Mathematical Models provides an appropriate methodology to detect and measure diseases and injuries relating to human kinematics and kinetics. It features mathematical models that, when applied to engineering principles and techniques in the medical field, can be used in assistive devices that work with bodily signals. The use of data in the kinematics and kinetics analysis of the human body, including musculoskeletal kinetics and joints and their relationship to the central nervous system (CNS) is covered, helping users understand how the complex network of symbiotic systems in the skeletal and muscular system work together to allow movement controlled by the CNS. With the use of appropriate electronic sensors at specific areas connected to bio-instruments, we can obtain enough information to create a mathematical model for assistive devices by analyzing the kinematics and kinetics of the human body. The mathematical models developed in this book can provide more effective devices for use in aiding and improving the function of the body in relation to a variety of injuries and diseases. - Focuses on the mathematical modeling of human kinematics and kinetics - Teaches users how to obtain faster results with these mathematical models - Includes a companion website with additional content that presents MATLAB examples

The Interior Circuit

Book Description

The Interior Circuit is Goldman's story of his emergence from grief five years after his wife's death, symbolized by his attempt to overcome his fear of driving in the city. Embracing the DF (Mexico City) as his home, Goldman explores and celebrates the city which stands defiantly apart from so many of the social ills and violence wracking Mexico. This is the chronicle of an awakening, both personal and political, 'interior' and 'exterior', to the meaning and responsibilities of home. Mexico's narcotics war rages on and, with the restoration of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (the PRI) to power in the 2012 elections, the DF's special apartness seems threatened. In the summer of 2013, when Mexican organized-crime violence and deaths erupt in the city in an unprecedented way, Goldman sets out to try to understand the menacing challenges the city now faces. By turns exuberant, poetic, reportorial, philosophic, and urgent, The Interior Circuit fuses a personal journey to an account of one of the world's most remarkable and often misunderstood cities.

Treatise on International Criminal Law

Book Description

Since the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 1998, international criminal law has rapidly grown in importance. This third volume offers a comprehensive analysis of the procedures and implementation of international law by international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court. Through analysis of the framework of international criminal procedure, the author considers each stage in the process of proceedings before the ICC, including the role of legal participants, the scope of jurisdiction, and the enforcement of sentences.

The Visionary Director

Book Description

This book "is an inspiring and practical guide to creating a larger vision in early child care. It offers a concrete framework for organizing an early childhood director's thoughts and work. Chapters cover cultivating a vision, developing 'system thinking' for management roles, implementing principles and strategies for mentoring, and building a learning community for adults and children." - back cover.

Applied Biomedical Engineering Using Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Models

Book Description

Applied Biomedical Engineering Using Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Models focuses on the relationship between three different multidisciplinary branches of engineering: Biomedical Engineering, Cognitive Science and Computer Science through Artificial Intelligence models. These models will be used to study how the nervous system and musculoskeletal system obey movement orders from the brain, as well as the mental processes of the information during cognition when injuries and neurologic diseases are present in the human body. The interaction between these three areas are studied in this book with the objective of obtaining AI models on injuries and neurologic diseases of the human body, studying diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them with the musculoskeletal system. There are more than 600 diseases of the nervous system, including brain tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, stroke, and many others. These diseases affect the human cognitive system that sends orders from the central nervous system (CNS) through the peripheral nervous systems (PNS) to do tasks using the musculoskeletal system. These actions can be detected by many Bioinstruments (Biomedical Instruments) and cognitive device data, allowing us to apply AI using Machine Learning-Deep Learning-Cognitive Computing models through algorithms to analyze, detect, classify, and forecast the process of various illnesses, diseases, and injuries of the human body. Applied Biomedical Engineering Using Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Models provides readers with the study of injuries, illness, and neurological diseases of the human body through Artificial Intelligence using Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) and Cognitive Computing (CC) models based on algorithms developed with MATLAB® and IBM Watson®. Provides an introduction to Cognitive science, cognitive computing and human cognitive relation to help in the solution of AI Biomedical engineering problems Explain different Artificial Intelligence (AI) including evolutionary algorithms to emulate natural evolution, reinforced learning, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) type and cognitive learning and to obtain many AI models for Biomedical Engineering problems Includes coverage of the evolution Artificial Intelligence through Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Cognitive Computing (CC) using MATLAB® as a programming language with many add-on MATLAB® toolboxes, and AI based commercial products cloud services as: IBM (Cognitive Computing, IBM Watson®, IBM Watson Studio®, IBM Watson Studio Visual Recognition®), and others Provides the necessary tools to accelerate obtaining results for the analysis of injuries, illness, and neurologic diseases that can be detected through the static, kinetics and kinematics, and natural body language data and medical imaging techniques applying AI using ML-DL-CC algorithms with the objective of obtaining appropriate conclusions to create solutions that improve the quality of life of patients

Time for God

Book Description

Many people today are thirsty for God and feel a desire for an intense, personal prayer life that is deep and ongoing. But they encounter obstacles that prevent them from following the path seriously, and especially from persevering on it. Time for God was written with these desires and difficulties in mind. In Time for God, author Jacques Philippe mainly concentrates on mental prayer: prayer that consists of facing God in solitude and silence for a time in order to enter into intimate, loving communion with him. Practicing this kind of prayer regularly is considered by all spiritual masters to be an indispensable path that gives access to genuine Christian life—a path to knowing and loving God that empowers us to respond to his call to holiness addressed to each individual. Philippe draws on years of experience as a spiritual guide to illuminate the fundamental principles of mental prayer and describes some common mistakes and misconceptions that can lead it astray. With simplicity and clarity he explains the foundational principles for a healthy prayer life and gives advice for overcoming the various obstacles that arise when one sets off on the path of interior prayer.