Review of Geochemical and Geo-Mechanical Impact of Clay-Fluid Interactions Relevant to Hydraulic Fracturing

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Shale rocks are an integral part of petroleum systems. Though, originally viewed primarily as source and seal rocks, introduction of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies have essentially redefined the role of shale rocks in unconventional reservoirs. In the geological setting, the deposition, formation and transformation of sedimentary rocks are characterised by interactions between their clay components and formation fluids at subsurface elevated temperatures and pressures. The main driving forces in evolution of any sedimentary rock formation are geochemistry (chemistry of solids and fluids) and geomechanics (earth stresses). During oil and gas production, clay minerals are exposed to engineered fluids, which initiate further reactions with significant implications. Application of hydraulic fracturing in shale formations also means exposure and reaction between shale clay minerals and hydraulic fracturing fluids. This chapter presents an overview of currently available published literature on interactions between formation clay minerals and fluids in the subsurface. The overview is particularly focused on the geochemical and geomechanical impacts of interactions between formation clays and hydraulic fracturing fluids, with the goal to identify knowledge gaps and new research questions on the subject.

Emerging Technologies in Hydraulic Fracturing and Gas Flow Modelling

Book Description

Emerging Technologies in Hydraulic Fracturing and Gas Flow Modelling features the latest strategies for exploiting depleted and unconventional petroleum rock formations as well as simulating associated gas flow mechanisms. The book covers a broad range of multivarious stimulation methods currently applied in practice. It introduces new stimulation techniques including a comprehensive description of interactions between formation/hydraulic fracturing fluids and the host rock material. It provides further insight into practices aimed at advancing the operation of hydrocarbon reservoirs and can be used either as a standalone resource or in combination with other related literature. The book can serve as a propaedeutic resource and is appropriate for those seeking rudimentary information on the exploitation of ultra-impermeable oil and gas reservoirs. Professionals and researchers in the field of petroleum, civil, oil and gas, geotechnical and geological engineering who are interested in the production of unconventional petroleum resources as well as students undertaking studies in similar subject areas will find this to be an instructional reference.

Geochemistry of Clay-Pore Fluid Interactions

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30% discount for members of The Mineralogical Society of Britain and Ireland This book contains review papers covering such issues as the geometrical characterization of porous solids and particle aggregates using synchroton radiation techniques. A review of the phenomenon of overpressuring primal global distribution of clay minerals, and the use of clays as barriers in waste disposal are also included.

Effect of Ionic Strength (salinity) and PH (acidity) on Geochemical Water-rock Interactions During Hydraulic Fracturing in the Frontier Formation of the Powder Basin, Wyoming

Book Description

The ability to reuse produced waters in hydraulic fracturing operations will not only conserve freshwater resources but potentially enhance production in some cases as well. This study assesses the effects of pH and ionic strength on fluid-rock interactions associated with using produced water for hydraulic fracturing. Frontier Formation core samples (consisting of interbedded shales and sandstones) used in experiments were collected from the Hornbuckle 1-11H well within the Powder River Basin of Wyoming. A simplified fracturing fluid was constructed based on information retrieved from the Hornbuckle 1-11H completion report and includes HCl, methanol, a clay stabilizer, and an iron chelating agent. Make up water for the fracturing fluid was geochemically modeled to represent formation waters that naturally exist in the Frontier Formation. Experiments react core samples and hydraulic fracturing fluids at ionic strengths of ~ 0.015, ~ 0.15, and ~ 1.5 molal as well as near-neutral and acidic pH at 115°C (~240°F) and 35 MPa (~5000 psi) for ~ 28 days to replicate in-situ reservoir conditions. Results show significant changes in the aqueous concentrations of calcium, strontium, potassium, magnesium, lithium, and silica. Acidic pH as well as high ionic strength begins to dissolve carbonates and feldspars. Aqueous potassium concentrations increase with higher ionic strengths and shows no effect from pH, potentially due to sodium substitution in illite clays. Magnesium trends are similar to potassium, however significant decreases in aqueous magnesium occur in near-neutral pH conditions. Relative increases in aqueous silica are fastest in acidic pH conditions and unaffected by initial ionic strength. Combining these findings to already existing research has the potential to optimize well production while simultaneously conserving freshwater resources in the future.

Secondary Interaction of Fracturing Fluid and Shale Plays

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During hydraulic fracturing in unconventional tight formations a high percentage of the injected fluid may remain in the formation and only a small portion of the fracturing fluid is typically recovered. Although spontaneous imbibition is mainly introduced as the main dominating mechanism, a clear understanding of the fundamental mechanisms through which the fracturing fluid would interact with the formation remains a challenge. The impact of these mechanisms on rock property changes is even more challenging but is important to account for post-fracturing reservoir characterization. In this study, an integrated analytical-experimental-numerical approach was adopted to study these issues using a case study within the Montney Formation in Farrell Creek field in northeast British Columbia. The results of experiments on Montney samples from different depths revealed that because of spontaneous water imbibition, the geomechanical properties of the samples were altered. Also, small scale heterogeneity in tight gas formations and shale results in these property changes occurring at various scales, such as beds. Property changes occurring along the beds and bedding planes, as a result of interaction with hydraulic fracturing fluid, can contribute to increased potential for shear failure along these planes. Therefore, a systematic micro-scale analysis (including micro-indentation and micro-scratch along the beds to capture micro-geomechanical responses) and macro-scale analysis (including ultrasonic measurements, uniaxial compressive loading in high and low capillary suctions and unloading-reloading cycles at varying capillary suction) have been developed and applied to capture the changes in rock behavior in different scales as a result of spontaneous water imbibition and how different behaviors in micro-scale would affect the responses in macro-scale. QEMSCAN analysis, nitrogen adsorption-desorption tests, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), capillary condensation experiments, pressure-decay and pulse-decay permeability measurements and direct shear tests were also completed for quantitative analysis of minerals, pore shapes and porosity, initial water saturation, capillary suction as a function of water saturation, permeability and strength parameters in both macro-scale and micro-scale (bed-scale). QEMSCAN analysis indicated that mineral components were not the same in different beds and they could be categorized into quartz-rich and clay-rich. The results of the experimental phase indicated that the geomechanical and flow properties of Montney specimens were altered due to fluid imbibition. As the water saturation and capillary suction were changing in quartz-rich and clay-rich beds, they responded differently which would trigger some geomechanical behaviors in macro scale. In addition, it was observed that capillary suction would add extra stiffness and strength to the media and as it was diminishing, the media became weaker. A nonlinear response with hysteresis during unloading-reloading cycles at varying capillary suction implied that as a result of the water softening effect, the reduction in capillary suction and changing the local effective stress there is a high possibility of activation and propagation of pre-existing micro fractures. In the numerical modeling phase of this research, fully coupled poro-elastoplastic partially saturated models were developed that included transversely isotropic matrix properties and bed-scale geometry. Inclusion of bed-scale features in the numerical approach provided better analysis options since different properties of the adjacent beds (including different capillary suction change) that can trigger the failure in the planes of weakness (such as the interface between the beds) can be directly included in the model while it is not possible to have that in transversely isotropic numerical modeling. This implies that conventional numerical analysis of geomechanical responses originated from spontaneous imbibition needs to be revisited. Beds-included numerical analyses indicated that since the changes in local effective stress and rock mechanical properties were not the same in adjacent quartz-rich and clay-rich beds, differential volumetric strain along the interfaces between quartz-rich and clay-rich beds would take place which in turn generated induced shear stress components on the interface planes. For the interfaces where total shear stress along them exceeded the shear strength, failure occurred. Comparing the result of micro-geomechanical (bed scale) and macro-geomechanical analysis with the results of numerical modeling at reservoir in-situ conditions would suggest that as a result of post-fracturing spontaneous water imbibition in the studied Montney Formation, the failures/micro fractures would be generated along the interfaces. Then because of the propagation of activated pre-existing micro fractures in the adjacent beds followed by coalescence with the failed interfaces, a complex micro fracture network can be formed. Accordingly, rock mass geomechanical responses and flow properties would be affected which means that any numerical modeling or analytical approach to account for the production, refracturing and any other reservoir-related analysis without considering this fact is under question mark.

Geochemical Evaluation of Fluid-rock Interactions Between Alkaline Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Niobrara Formation, Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado, USA

Book Description

Unconventional petroleum reservoirs have become important resources for energy production. Flowback fluid produced from hydraulically fractured reservoirs is typically analyzed after hydraulic fracturing fluid is injected into the reservoir and the well has been shut-in for weeks. However, geochemical reactions between reservoir rock and injected fluid are known to occur on the order of a few days, a timeframe less than the typical shut-in period of a hydraulically fractured reservoir. Two laboratory experiments were performed to analyze the potential for geochemical reactions between reservoir rock and injected fracturing fluid within this timescale. Core from the Niobrara Formation (chalk and marl), a productive unconventional reservoir in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado, USA, and alkaline hydraulic fracturing fluid (pH=10.7) were reacted at reservoir conditions 113 °C (235 °F), 27.5 MPa (3988 psi)) for ~35 days. Temporal evolution of aqueous geochemistry and thermodynamic analysis of both experiments indicates 1) rapid pH neutralization by carbonate mineral reactions; 2) non-stoichiometric dissolution of Mg-calcite and formation of secondary calcite; 3) aluminosilicate mineral dissolution in the first 100 hours; and 4) secondary clay mineralization after 100 hours. Dissolution of barite is also indicated for both experiments, however, termination of the marl experiment produced barite scaling. Secondary precipitation of carbonate and silicate minerals is inferred in fluid chemistry but not observed using standard scanning microscopy and x-ray diffraction. The absence of secondary mineralization indicates limited reaction between alkaline hydraulic fracturing fluid and Niobrara Formation chalk and marl and thus little impact of fluid-rock interactions to extraction of fluids from unconventional reservoirs.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Rock Mechanics

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This open access book is the first to consider the effect of non-uniform fluid pressure in hydraulic fractures. The book covers the key topics in the process of hydraulic fracture nucleation, growth, interaction and fracture network formation. Laboratory experiments and theoretical modeling are combined to elucidate the formation mechanism of complex fracture networks. This book is suitable for master’s/Ph.D. students, scientists and engineers majoring in rock mechanics and petroleum engineering who need to use a more reliable model to predict fracture behavior.

Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid on Shale and Soil

Book Description

Mitigation and prevention of shale-formation damage caused by hydraulic-fracturing fluid/rock interactions play an important role in well-production stability and subsequent refracturing design. This study presents three experimental investigations on the interaction of water/shale, fluid/clay, and fluid/shale. A series of experiments were designed to investigate fluid/shale interactions: hydrophilic to hydrophobic alteration through chemical-vapor deposition, nanoindentation testing on shale sample, geotechnical laboratory experiments on contaminated clay, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) on shale sample. A clay-matrix-based data-screening criterion is proposed for nanoindentation. The continuous-stiffness-measurment (CSM) method is proved to have better definition and characterization of softening of shale based on the proposed criterion. This study furthered the numerical model of clay deformation by Hattab and Chang (2015) by considering different pore fluid concentration. The fracturing fluid contaminated clay produced changes of geotechnical properties. Based on the proposed criterion and designed experiments, fracturing fluid contaminated shale was observed to gain 4 to 6% of NaCl. However, all other minerals contents are found to decrease after the shale powder-fluid interaction. A characteristic depth was proposed to consider reduction of hardness and mineral content at the same time. Moreover, an empirical equation was proposed to describe fracture toughness of shale by using a selection of indentation depth, its corresponding hardness and Young's modulus.

Geological Carbon Storage

Book Description

Geological Carbon Storage Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity Seals and caprocks are an essential component of subsurface hydrogeological systems, guiding the movement and entrapment of hydrocarbon and other fluids. Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity offers a survey of the wealth of recent scientific work on caprock integrity with a focus on the geological controls of permanent and safe carbon dioxide storage, and the commercial deployment of geological carbon storage. Volume highlights include: Low-permeability rock characterization from the pore scale to the core scale Flow and transport properties of low-permeability rocks Fundamentals of fracture generation, self-healing, and permeability Coupled geochemical, transport and geomechanical processes in caprock Analysis of caprock behavior from natural analogues Geochemical and geophysical monitoring techniques of caprock failure and integrity Potential environmental impacts of carbon dioxide migration on groundwater resources Carbon dioxide leakage mitigation and remediation techniques Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity is an invaluable resource for geoscientists from academic and research institutions with interests in energy and environment-related problems, as well as professionals in the field.

Surface Chemistry and Geochemistry of Hydraulic Fracturing

Book Description

Unique in focus, Surface Chemistry and Geochemistry of Hydraulic Fracturing examines the surface chemistry and phenomena in the hydrofracking process. Under great scrutiny as of late, the physico-chemical properties of hydrofracking are fully detailed and explained. Topics include the adsorption-desorption of gas on the shale reservoir surface and relevant waste-water treatment dependent on various surface chemistry principles. The aim of this book is to help engineers and research scientists recognize the basic surface chemistry principles related to this subject. Written by a long-time expert in the field, this book presents an unbiased account of the hard science and engineering involved in a resource that is gaining growing attention within the community.