Revisiting the European Union as Empire

Book Description

The European Union’s stalled expansion, the Euro deficit and emerging crises of economic and political sovereignty in Greece, Italy and Spain have significantly altered the image of the EU as a model of progressive civilization. However, despite recent events the EU maintains its international image as the paragon of European politics and global governance. This book unites leading scholars on Europe and Empire to revisit the view of the European Union as an ‘imperial’ power. It offers a re-appraisal of the EU as empire in response to geopolitical and economic developments since 2007 and asks if the policies, practices, and priorities of the Union exhibit characteristics of a modern empire. This text will be of key interest to students and scholars of the EU, European studies, history, sociology, international relations, and economics.

Europe as Empire

Book Description

This book seeks to comprehend the evolving nature of the European Union following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the failure of the European Constitution. Its prime focus is the last wave of enlargement that has profoundly transformed the EU. Although there are many parallels between the European integration process and state building processes, the Union is nothing like a Westphalian super state. The new emerging polity resembles a kind of neo-medieval empire with a polycentric system of government, multiple and overlapping jurisdictions, striking cultural and economic heterogeneity, fuzzy borders, and divided sovereignty. The book tries to spell out the origin, the shape, and the implications of this empire. The aim of this book is to suggest a novel way of thinking about the European Union and the process of European integration. The book shows 'two Europes' coming together following the end of the cold war. It proposes a system of economic and democratic governance that meets the ever greater challenges of modernization, interdependence, and globalization. It identifies the most plausible scenario of promoting peaceful change in Europe and beyond. The author argues that mainstream thinking about European integration is based on mistaken statist assumptions and suggests more effective and legitimate ways of governing Europe than through adoption of a European Constitution, creation of a European army, or introduction of a European social model. The book covers many fields from politics, and economics to foreign affairs and security. It analyzes developments in both Eastern and Western Europe. It also gives ample room to both theoretical and empirical considerations.

The European Empire

Book Description

The European Union will remain united, but incomplete, asymmetrical and with undefined borders. The EU, which is much more than a common market, but less than a super-state or federation, can be conceived as an "empire." With this approach, Josep Colomer analyzes the current Europe's dilemmas: the vanishing of the states' sovereignty, the core role of Germany, the border conflicts with the neighboring Russian Empire, the differences between the euro-zone and the other member-states, and the malaise of the United Kingdom and the temptation of Brexit. 'This essay will be of clear and lasting value to a range of actors on the international stage. It is erudite and scholarly, yet accessible and elegantly written, using humor and colorful metaphors to simplify a complex subject that is often treated in a dry and abstract way. The argument is innovative, yet confident and convincing.' Helen Margetts, University of Oxford, UK 'Josep M. Colomer's 'The European Empire' offers an easily readable discussion of the ways in which the European Union has developed and deals with ongoing challenges, by underlying its achievements but also its shortcomings. Clearly written for a broader audience.' Simon Hug, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland"

Europe as Empire

Book Description

This book offers a strikingly new perspective on EU enlargement. Basing his findings on substantial empirical evidence, Zielonka presents a carefully argued account of the kind of political entity the European Union is becoming, with particular reference to recent enlargement.

The Soviet Union

Book Description

The Soviet Union is often characterised as nominally a federation, but really an empire, liable to break up when individual federal units, which were allegedly really subordinate colonial units, sought independence. This book questions this interpretation, revisiting the theory of federation, and discussing actual examples of federations such as the United States, arguing that many federal unions, including the United States, are really centralised polities. It also discusses the nature of empires, nations and how they relate to nation states and empires, and the right of secession, highlighting the importance of the fact that this was written in to the Soviet constitution. It examines the attitude of successive Soviet leaders towards nationalities, and the changing attitudes of nationalists towards the Soviet Union. Overall, it demonstrates that the Soviet attitude to nationalities and federal units was complicated, wrestling, in a similar way to many other states, with difficult questions of how ethno-cultural justice can best be delivered in a political unit which is bigger than the national state.

The Problem of Moral Rearmament

Book Description

This book looks at Poland at the time of the war in Ukraine with an emphasis on the pertinent political philosophical reflection of its public scholars regarding the problem of the country’s moral rearmament—a major axiological challenge for the West and its member states in dangerous times. After initially looking at the sociopolitical context of the question in Poland, that is, the country’s response to the early phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as presenting the aggressive Russian empire together with the European Union as a normative empire, the main question is examined in the context of the Polish national community. Thus Poland is studied from several aspects of cultural and political philosophy, augmented by political theology, which provide potentially relevant resources to confront the challenge. From this perspective reflection on existing historical memory in Poland is presented that explains the survival of a tragic sensibility and can act as a counter to the historical amnesia that has been determined as a deterrent of the axiological task of moral rearmament, and plays an important part in a deeper reflection of the present dangerous times.

Debating Turkey in Europe

Book Description

In contemporary history, a much-debated issue has been whether European nations have a common identity and what relevance the European Union has for a shared definition of Europeanness. The present book examines the link between historical conceptions of Europe and the contestations over Turkey’s compatibility with the European Union during the 2000s.

Discourses and Counter-discourses on Europe

Book Description

The European Union plays an increasingly central role in global relations from migration to trade to institutional financial solvency. The formation and continuation of these relations – their narratives and discourses - are rooted in social, political, and economic historical relations emerging at the founding of European states and then substantially augmented in the Post-WWII era. Any rethinking of our European narratives requires a contextualized analysis of the formation of hegemonic discourses. The book contributes to the ongoing process of "rethinking" the European project, identity, and institutions, brought about by the end of the Cold war and the current economic and political crisis. Starting from the principle that the present European crisis goes hand in hand with the crisis of its hegemonic discourse, the aim of the volume is to rescue the complexity, the richness, the ambiguity of the discourses on Europe as opposed to the present simplification. The multidisciplinary approach and the long-term perspective permits illuminating scope over multiple discourses, historical periods, and different "languages", including that of the European institutions. This text will be of key interest to scholars and students of European Union politics, European integration, European History, and more broadly international relations.

The Criminalisation of Communism in the European Political Space after the Cold War

Book Description

Memory has taken centre stage in European-level policies after the Cold War, as the Western historical narrative based on the uniqueness of the Holocaust was being challenged by calls for an equal condemnation of Communism and Nazism. This book retraces the anti-communist mobilisations carried out by Central European representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and in the European Parliament since the early 1990s. Based on archive consultation, interviews and ethnographic observation, it analyses the memory entrepreneurs’ requests for collective remembrance and legal accountability of Communist crimes in European institutions, Pan-European political parties and transnational advocacy networks. The book argues that these newcomers managed to strengthen their positions and impose a totalitarian interpretation of Communism in the European assemblies, which directly shaped the EU’s remembrance policy. However, the rules of the European political game and recurring ideological conflicts with left-wing opponents reduced the legal and judicial implications of this anti-communist grammar at the European level. This text will be of key interest to scholars and graduate students in memory studies, post-Communist politics and European studies, and more broadly in history, political science and sociology.